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.. currentmodule:: asyncssh

Change Log

Release 1.14.0 (8 Sep 2018)

  • Changed license from EPL 1.0 to EPL 2.0 with GPL 2.0 or later as an available secondary license.
  • Added support for automatically parallelizing large reads and write made using the SFTPClientFile class, similar to what was already available in the get/put/copy methods of SFTPClient.
  • Added support for get_extra_info() in SSH process classes, returning information associated with the channel the process is tied to.
  • Added new set_extra_info() method on SSH connection and channel classes, allowing applications to store additional information on these objects.
  • Added handlers for OpenSSH keepalive global & channel requests to avoid messages about unknown requests in the debug log. These requests are still logged, but at debug level 2 instead of 1 and they are not labeled as unknown.
  • Fixed race condition when closing sockets associated with forwarded connections.
  • Improved error handling during connection close in SFTPClient.
  • Worked around issues with integer overflow on systems with a 32-bit time_t value when dates beyond 2038 are used in X.509 certificates.
  • Added guards around some imports and tests which were causing problems on Fedora 27.
  • Changed debug level for reporting PTY modes from 1 to 2 to reduce noise in the logs.
  • Improved SFTP debug log output when sending EOF responses.

Release 1.13.3 (23 Jul 2018)

  • Added support for setting the Unicode error handling strategy in conjunction with setting an encoding when creating new SSH sessions, streams, and processes. This strategy can also be set when specifying a session encoding in create_server(), and when providing an encoding in the get_comment() and set_comment() functions on private/public keys and certificates.
  • Changed handling of Unicode in channels to use incrmeental codec, similar to what was previously done in process redirection.
  • Added Python 3.7 to the list of classifiers in, now that it has been released.
  • Updated Travis CI configuration to add Python 3.7 builds, and moved Linux builds on never versions of Python up to xenial.
  • Added missing coroutine decorator in test_channel.

Release 1.13.2 (3 Jul 2018)

  • Added support for accessing client host keys via the OpenSSH ssh-keysign program when doing host-based authentication. If ssh-keysign is present and enabled on the system, an AsyncSSH based SSH client can use host-based authentication without access to the host private keys.
  • Added support for using pathlib path objects when reading and writing private and public keys and certificates.
  • Added support for auth_completed() callback in the SSHServer class which runs when authentication completes successfully on each new connection.
  • Fixed host-based authentication unit tests to mock out calls to getnameinfo() to avoid failures on systems with restricted network functionality.

Release 1.13.1 (16 Jun 2018)

  • Added client and server support for host-based SSH authentication. If enabled, this will allow all users from a given host to be authenticated by a shared host key, rather than each user needing their own key. This should only be used with hosts which are trusted to keep their host keys secure and provide accurate client usernames.
  • Added support for RSA key exchange algorithms (rsa2048-sha256 and rsa1024-sha1) available in PuTTY and some mobile SSH clients.
  • Added support for the SECP256K1 elliptic curve for ECDSA keys and ECDH key exchange. This curve is supported by the Bitvise SSH client and server.
  • Added debug logging of the algorithms listed in a received kexinit message.

Release 1.13.0 (20 May 2018)

  • Added support for dynamic port forwarding via SOCKS, where AsyncSSH will open a listener which understands SOCKS connect requests and for each request open a TCP/IP tunnel over SSH to the requested host and port.
  • Added support in SSHProcess for I/O redirection to file objects that implement read(), write(), and close() functions as coroutines, such as the "aiofiles" package. In such cases, AsyncSSH will automaically detect that it needs to make async calls to these methods when it performs I/O.
  • Added support for using pathlib objects in SSHProcess I/O redirection.
  • Added multiple improvements to pattern matching support in the SFTPClient glob(), mget(), mput(), and mcopy() methods. AsyncSSH now allows you to use '**' in a pattern to do a recursive directory search, allows character ranges in square brackets in a pattern, and allows a trailing slash in a pattern to be specified to request that only directories matching the pattern should be returned.
  • Fixed an issue with calling readline() and readuntil() with a timeout, where partial data received before the timeout was sometimes discarded. Any partial data which was received when a timeout occurs will now be left in the input buffer, so it is still available to future read() calls.
  • Fixed a race condition where trying to restart a read() after a timeout could sometimes raise an exception about multiple simultaneous reads.
  • Changed readuntil() in SSHReader to raise IncompleteReadError if the receive window fills up before a delimiter match is found. This also applies to readline(), which will return a partial line without a newline at the end when this occurs. To support longer lines, a caller can call readuntil() or readline() as many times as they'd like, appending the data returned to the previous partial data until a delimiter is found or some maximum size is exceeded. Since the default window size is 2 MBytes, though, it's very unlikely this will be needed in most applications.
  • Reworked the crypto support in AsyncSSH to separate packet encryption and decryption into its own module and simplified the directory structure of the asyncssh.crypto package, eliminating a pyca subdirectory that was created back when AsyncSSH used a mix of PyCA and PyCrypto.

Release 1.12.2 (17 Apr 2018)

  • Added support for using pathlib objects as paths in calls to SFTP methods, in addition to Unicode and byte strings. This is mainly intended for use in constructing local paths, but it can also be used for remote paths as long as POSIX-style pathlib objects are used and an appropriate path encoding is set to handle the conversion from Unicode to bytes.
  • Changed server EXT_INFO message to only be sent after the first SSH key exchange, to match the specification recently published in RFC 8308.
  • Fixed edge case in TCP connection forwarding where data received on a forward TCP connection was not delivered if the connection was closed or half-closed before the corresponding SSH tunnel was fully established.
  • Made note about OpenSSH not properly handling send_signal more visible.

Release 1.12.1 (10 Mar 2018)

  • Implemented a fix for CVE-2018-7749, where a modified SSH client could request that an AsyncSSH server perform operations before authentication had completed. Thanks go to Matthijs Kooijman for discovering and reporting this issue and helping to review the fix.
  • Added a non-blocking collect_output() method to SSHClientProcess to allow applications to retrieve data received on an output stream without blocking. This call can be called multiple times and freely intermixed with regular read calls with a guarantee that output will always be returned in order and without duplication.
  • Updated debug logging implementation to make it more maintainable, and to fix an issue where unprocessed packets were not logged in some cases.
  • Extended the support below for non-ASCII characters in comments to apply to X.509 certificates, allowing an optional encoding to be passed in to get_comment() and set_comment() and a get_comment_bytes() function to get the raw comment bytes without performing Unicode decoding.
  • Fixed an issue where a UnicodeDecodeError could be reported in some cases instead of a KeyEncryptionError when a private key was imported using the wrong passphrase.
  • Fixed the reporting of the MAC algorithm selected during key exchange to properly report the cipher name for GCM and Chacha ciphers that don't use a separate MAC algorithm. The correct value was being returned in queries after the key exchange was complete, but the logging was being done before this adjustment was made.
  • Fixed the documentation of connection_made() in SSHSession subclasses to properly reflect the type of SSHChannel objects passed to them.

Release 1.12.0 (5 Feb 2018)

  • Enhanced AsyncSSH logging framework to provide detailed logging of events in the connection, channel, key exchange, authentication, sftp, and scp modules. Both high-level information logs and more detailed debug logs are available, and debug logging supports multiple debug levels with different amounts of verboseness. Logger objects are also available on various AsyncSSH classes to allow applications to report their own log events in a manner that can be tied back to a specific SSH connection or channel.
  • Added support for begin_auth() to be a coroutine, so asynchronous operations can be performed within it to load state needed to perform SSH authentication.
  • Adjusted key usage flags set on generated X.509 certificates to be more RFC compliant and work around an issue with OpenSSL validation of self-signed non-CA certificates.
  • Updated key and certificate comment handling to be less sensitive to the encoding of non-ASCII characters. The get_comment() and set_comment() functions now take an optional encoding paramter, defaulting to UTF-8 but allowing for others encodings. There's also a get_comment_bytes() function to get the comment data as bytes without performing Unicode decoding.
  • Updated AsyncSSH to be compatible with beta release of Python 3.7.
  • Updated code to address warnings reported by the latest version of pylint.
  • Cleaned up various formatting issues in Sphinx documentation.
  • Significantly reduced time it takes to run unit tests by decreasing the rounds of bcrypt encryption used when unit testing encrypted OpenSSH private keys.
  • Added support for testing against uvloop in Travis CI.

Release 1.11.1 (15 Nov 2017)

  • Switched to using PBKDF2 implementation provided by PyCA, replacing a much slower pure-Python implementation used in earlier releases.
  • Improved support for file-like objects in process I/O redirection, properly handling objects which don't support fileno() and allowing both text and binary file objects based on whether they have an 'encoding' member.
  • Changed PEM parser to be forgiving of trailing blank lines.
  • Updated documentation to note lack of support in OpenSSH for send_signal(), terminate(), and kill() channel requests.
  • Updated unit tests to work better with OpenSSH 7.6.
  • Updated Travis CI config to test with more recent Python versions.

Release 1.11.0 (9 Sep 2017)

  • Added support for X.509 certificate based client and server authentication, as defined in RFC 6187.
    • DSA, RSA, and ECDSA keys are supported.
    • New methods are available on SSHKey private keys to generate X.509 user, host, and CA certificates.
    • Authorized key and known host support has been enhanced to support matching on X.509 certificates and X.509 subject names.
    • New arguments have been added to create_connection() and create_server() to specify X.509 trusted root CAs, X.509 trusted root CA hash directories, and allowed X.509 certificate purposes.
    • A new load_certificates() function has been added to more easily pre-load a list of certificates from byte strings or files.
    • Support for including and validating OCSP responses is not yet available, but may be added in a future release.
    • This support adds a new optional dependency on pyOpenSSL in
  • Added command, subsystem, and environment properties to SSHProcess, SSHCompletedProcess, and ProcessError classes, as well as stdout and stderr properties in ProcessError which mirror what is already present in SSHCompletedProcess. Thanks go to iforapsy for suggesting this.
  • Worked around a datetime.max bug on Windows.
  • Increased the build timeout on TravisCI to avoid build failures.

Release 1.10.1 (19 May 2017)

  • Fixed SCP to properly call exit() on SFTPServer when the copy completes. Thanks go to Arthur Darcet for discovering this and providing a suggested fix.
  • Added support for passphrase to be specified when loading default client keys, and to ignore encrypted default keys if no passphrase is specified.
  • Added additional known hosts test cases. Thanks go to Rafael Viotti for providing these.
  • Increased the default number of rounds for OpenSSH-compatible bcrypt private key encryption to avoid a warning in the latest version of the bcrypt module, and added a note that the encryption strength scale linearly with the rounds value, not logarithmically.
  • Fixed SCP unit test errors on Windows.
  • Fixed some issues with Travis and Appveyor CI builds.

Release 1.10.0 (5 May 2017)

  • Added SCP client and server support, The new asyncssh.scp() function can get and put files on a remote SCP server and copy files between two or more remote SCP servers, with options similar to what was previously supported for SFTP. On the server side, an SFTPServer used to serve files over SFTP can also serve files over SCP by simply setting allow_scp to True in the call to create_server().
  • Added a new SSHServerProcess class which supports I/O redirection on inbound connections to an SSH server, mirroring the SSHClientProcess class added previously for outbound SSH client connections.
  • Enabled TCP keepalive on SSH client and server connections.
  • Enabled Python 3 highlighting in Sphinx documentation.
  • Fixed a bug where a previously loaded SSHKnownHosts object wasn't properly accepted as a known_hosts value in create_connection() and enhanced known_hosts to accept a callable to allow applications to provide their own function to return trusted host keys.
  • Fixed a bug where an exception was raised if the connection closed while waiting for an asynchronous authentication callback to complete.
  • Fixed a bug where empty passwords weren't being properly supported.

Release 1.9.0 (18 Feb 2017)

  • Added support for GSSAPI key exchange and authentication when the "gssapi" module is installed on UNIX or the "sspi" module from pypiwin32 is installed on Windows.
  • Added support for additional Diffie Hellman groups, and added the ability for Diffie Hellman and GSS group exchange to select larger group sizes.
  • Added overridable methods format_user() and format_group() to format user and group names in the SFTP server, defaulting to the previous behavior of using pwd.getpwuid() and grp.getgrgid() on platforms that support those.
  • Added an optional progress reporting callback on SFTP file transfers, and made the block size for these transfers configurable.
  • Added append_private_key(), append_public_key(), and append_certificate() methods on the corresponding key and certificate classes to simplify the creating of files containing a list of keys/certificates.
  • Updated readdir to break responses into chunks to avoid hitting maximum message size limits on large directories.
  • Updated SFTP to work better on Windows, properly handling drive letters and conversion between forward and back slashes in paths and handling setting of attributes on open files and proper support for POSIX rename. Also, file closes now block until the close completes, to avoid issues with file locking.
  • Updated the unit tests to run on Windows, and enabled continuous integration builds for Windows to automatically run on Appveyor.

Release 1.8.1 (29 Dec 2016)

  • Fix an issue in attempting to load the 'nettle' library on Windows.

Release 1.8.0 (29 Dec 2016)

  • Added support for forwarding X11 connections. When requested, AsyncSSH clients will allow remote X11 applications to tunnel data back to a local X server and AsyncSSH servers can request an X11 DISPLAY value to export to X11 applications they launch which will tunnel data back to an X server associated with the client.
  • Improved ssh-agent forwarding support on UNIX to allow AsyncSSH servers to request an SSH_AUTH_SOCK value to export to applications they launch in order to access the client's ssh-agent. Previously, there was support for agent forwarding on server connections within AsyncSSH itself, but they did not provide this forwarding to other applications.
  • Added support for PuTTY's Pageant agent on Windows systems, providing functionality similar to the OpenSSH agent on UNIX. AsyncSSH client connections from Windows can now access keys stored in the Pageant agent when they perform public key authentication.
  • Added support for the umac-64 and umac-128 MAC algorithms, compatible with the implementation in OpenSSH. These algorithms are preferred over the HMAC algorithms when both are available and the cipher chosen doesn't already include a MAC.
  • Added curve25519-sha256 as a supported key exchange algorithm. This algorithm is identical to the previously supported algorithm named '', matching what was done in OpenSSH 7.3. Either name may now be used to request this type of key exchange.
  • Changed the default order of key exchange algorithms to prefer the curve25519-sha256 algorithm over the ecdh-sha2-nistp algorithms.
  • Added support for a readuntil() function in SSHReader, modeled after the readuntil() function in asyncio.StreamReader added in Python 3.5.2. Thanks go to wwjiang for suggesting this and providing an example implementation.
  • Fixed issues where the explicitly provided event loop value was not being passed through to all of the places which needed it. Thanks go to Vladimir Rutsky for pointing out this problem and providing some initial fixes.
  • Improved error handling when port forwarding is requested for a port number outside of the range 0-65535.
  • Disabled use of IPv6 in unit tests when opening local loopback sockets to avoid issues with incomplete IPv6 support in TravisCI.
  • Changed the unit tests to always start with a known set of environment variables rather than inheriting the environment from the shell running the tests. This was leading to test breakage in some cases.

Release 1.7.3 (22 Nov 2016)

  • Updated unit tests to run properly in environments where OpenSSH and OpenSSL are not installed.
  • Updated a process unit test to not depend on the system's default file encoding being UTF-8.
  • Updated Mac TravisCI builds to use Xcode 8.1.
  • Cleaned up some wording in the documentation.

Release 1.7.2 (28 Oct 2016)

  • Fixed an issue with preserving file access times in SFTP, and update the unit tests to more accurate detect this kind of failure.
  • Fixed some markup errors in the documentation.
  • Fixed a small error in the change log for release 1.7.0 regarding the newly added Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithms.

Release 1.7.1 (7 Oct 2016)

  • Fix an error that prevented the docs from building.

Release 1.7.0 (7 Oct 2016)

  • Added support for group 14, 16, and 18 Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithms which use SHA-256 and SHA-512.
  • Added support for using SHA-256 and SHA-512 based signature algorithms for RSA keys and support for OpenSSH extension negotiation to advertise these signature algorithms.
  • Added new load_keypairs and load_public_keys API functions which support expicitly loading keys using the same syntax that was previously available for specifying client_keys, authorized_client_keys, and server_host_keys arguments when creating SSH clients and servers.
  • Enhanced the SSH agent client to support adding and removing keys and certificates (including support for constraints) and locking and unlocking the agent. Support has also been added for adding and removing smart card keys in the agent.
  • Added support for getting and setting a comment value when generating keys and certificates, and decoding and encoding this comment when importing and exporting keys that support it. Currently, this is available for OpenSSH format private keys and OpenSSH and RFC 4716 format public keys. These comment values are also passed on to the SSH agent when keys are added to it.
  • Fixed a bug in the generation of ECDSA certificates that showed up when trying to use the nistp384 or nistp521 curves.
  • Updated unit tests to use the new key and certificate generation functions, eliminating the dependency on the ssh-keygen program.
  • Updated unit tests to use the new SSH agent support when adding keys to the SSH agent, eliminating the dependency on the ssh-add program.
  • Incorporated a fix from Vincent Bernat for an issue with launching ssh-agent on some systems during unit testing.
  • Fixed some typos in the documentation found by Jakub Wilk.

Release 1.6.2 (4 Sep 2016)

  • Added generate_user_certificate() and generate_host_certificate() methods to SSHKey class to generate SSH certificates, and export_certificate() and write_certificate() methods on SSHCertificate class to export certificates for use in other tools.
  • Improved editor unit tests to eliminate timing dependency.
  • Cleaned up a few minor documentation issues.

Release 1.6.1 (27 Aug 2016)

  • Added generate_private_key() function to create new DSA, RSA, ECDSA, or Ed25519 private keys which can be used as SSH user and host keys.
  • Removed an unintended dependency in the SSHLineEditor on session objects keep a private member which referenced the corresponding channel.
  • Fixed a race condition in SFTP unit tests.
  • Updated dependencies to require version 1.5 of the cryptography module and started to take advantage of the new one-shot sign and verify APIs it now supports.
  • Clarified the documentation of the default return value of eof_received().
  • Added new multi-user client and server examples, showing a single process opening multiple SSH connections in parallel.
  • Updated development status and Python versions listed in

Release 1.6.0 (13 Aug 2016)

  • Added new create_process() and run() APIs modeled after the "subprocess" module to simplify redirection of stdin, stdout, and stderr and collection of output from remote SSH processes.
  • Added input line editing and echoing capabilities to better support interactive SSH server applications. AsyncSSH server sessions will now automatically perform input echoing and provide basic line editing capabilities to clients which request a pseudo-terminal, avoiding the need for applications to provide this functionality.
  • Added the ability to use SSHReader objects as async iterators in Python 3.5, returning input a line at a time.
  • Added support for the IUTF8 terminal mode now recognized by OpenSSH 7.3.
  • Fixed a bug where an SSHReader read() call could return an empty string when it followed a call to readline() instead of blocking until more input was available.
  • Updated AsyncSSH to use the bcrypt package from PyCA, now that it has support for the kdf function.
  • Updated the documentation and examples to show how to take advantage of the new features listed here.

Release 1.5.6 (18 Jun 2016)

  • Added support for Python 3.5 asynchronous context managers in SSHConnection, SFTPClient, and SFTPFile, while still maintaining backward compatibility with older Python 3.4 syntax.
  • Updated bcrypt check in test code to only test features that depend on it when the right version is available.
  • Switched testing over to using tox to better support testing on multiple versions of Python.
  • Added tests of new Python 3.5 async syntax.
  • Expanded Travis CI coverage to test both Python 3.4 and 3.5 on MacOS.
  • Updated documentation and examples to use Python 3.5 syntax.

Release 1.5.5 (11 Jun 2016)

  • Updated public_key module to make sure the right version of bcrypt is installed before attempting to use it.
  • Updated forward and sftp module unit tests to work better on Linux.
  • Changed README links to point at new domain.

Release 1.5.4 (6 Jun 2016)

  • Added support for setting custom SSH client and server version strings.
  • Added unit tests for the sftp module, bringing AsyncSSH up to 100% code coverage under test on all modules.
  • Added new wait_closed() method in SFTPClient class to wait for an SFTP client session to be fully closed.
  • Fixed an issue with error handling in new parallel SFTP file copy code.
  • Fixed some other minor issues in SFTP found during unit tests.
  • Fixed some minor documentation issues.

Release 1.5.3 (2 Apr 2016)

  • Added support for opening tunneled SSH connections, where an SSH connection is opened over another SSH connection's direct TCP/IP channel.
  • Improve performance of SFTP over high latency connections by having the internal copy method issue multiple read requests in parallel.
  • Reworked SFTP to mark all coroutine functions explicitly, to provide better compatibility with the new Python 3.5 "await" syntax.
  • Reworked create_connection() and create_server() functions to do argument checking immediately rather than in the SSHConnection constructors, improving error reporting and avoiding a bug in asyncio which can leak socket objects.
  • Fixed a hang which could occur when attempting to close an SSH connection with a listener still active.
  • Fixed an error related to passing keys in via public_key_auth_requested().
  • Fixed a potential leak of an SSHAgentClient object when an error occurs while opening a client connection.
  • Fixed some race conditions related to channel and connection closes.
  • Fixed some minor documentation issues.
  • Continued to expand unit test coverage, completing coverage of the connection module.

Release 1.5.2 (25 Feb 2016)

  • Fixed a bug in UNIX domain socket forwarding introduced in 1.5.1 by the TCP_NODELAY change.
  • Fixed channel code to report when a channel is closed with incomplete Unicode data in the receive buffer. This was previously reported correctly when EOF was received on a channel, but not when it was closed without sending EOF.
  • Added unit tests for channel, forward, and stream modules, partial unit tests for the connection module, and a placeholder for unit tests for the sftp module.

Release 1.5.1 (23 Feb 2016)

  • Added basic support for running AsyncSSH on Windows. Some functionality such as UNIX domain sockets will not work there, and the test suite will not run there yet, but basic functionality has been tested and seems to work. This includes features like bcrypt and support for newer ciphers provided by libnacl when these optional packages are installed.
  • Greatly improved the performance of known_hosts matching on exact hostnames and addresses. Full wildcard pattern matching is still supported, but entries involving exact hostnames or addresses are now matched thousands of times faster.
  • Split known_hosts parsing and matching into separate calls so that a known_hosts file can be parsed once and used to make connections to several different hosts. Thanks go to Josh Yudaken for suggesting this and providing a sample implementation.
  • Updated AsyncSSH to allow SSH agent forwarding when it is requested even when local client keys are used to perform SSH authentication.
  • Updaded channel state machine to better handle close being received while the channel is paused for reading. Previously, some data would not be delivered in this case.
  • Set TCP_NODELAY on sockets to avoid latency problems caused by TCP delayed ACK.
  • Fixed a bug where exceptions were not always returned properly when attempting to drain writes on a stream.
  • Fixed a bug which could leak a socket object after an error opening a local TCP listening socket.
  • Fixed a number of race conditions uncovered during unit testing.

Release 1.5.0 (27 Jan 2016)

  • Added support for OpenSSH-compatible direct and forwarded UNIX domain socket channels and local and remote UNIX domain socket forwarding.
  • Added support for client and server side ssh-agent forwarding.
  • Fixed the open_connection() method on SSHServerConnection to not include a handler_factory argument. This should only have been present on the start_server() method.
  • Fixed wait_closed() on SSHForwardListener to work properly when a close is in progress at the time of the call.

Release 1.4.1 (23 Jan 2016)

  • Fixed a bug in SFTP introduced in 1.4.0 related to handling of responses to non-blocking file closes.
  • Updated code to avoid calling asyncio.async(), deprecated in Python 3.4.4.
  • Updated unit tests to avoid errors on systems with an older version of OpenSSL installed.

Release 1.4.0 (17 Jan 2016)

  • Added ssh-agent client support, automatically using it when SSH_AUTH_SOCK is set and client private keys aren't explicitly provided.
  • Added new wait_closed() API on SSHConnection to allow applications to wait for a connection to be fully closed and updated examples to use it.
  • Added a new login_timeout argument when create an SSH server.
  • Added a missing acknowledgement response when canceling port forwarding and fixed a few other issues related to cleaning up port forwarding listeners.
  • Added handlers to improve the catching and reporting of exceptions that are raised in asynchronous tasks.
  • Reworked channel state machine to perform clean up on a channel only after a close is both sent and received.
  • Fixed SSHChannel to run the connection_lost() handler on the SSHSession before unblocking callers of wait_closed().
  • Fixed wait_closed() on SSHListener to wait for the acknowledgement from the SSH server before returning.
  • Fixed a race condition in port forwarding code.
  • Fixed a bug related to sending a close on a channel which got a failure when being opened.
  • Fixed a bug related to handling term_type being set without term_size.
  • Fixed some issues related to the automatic conversion of client keyboard-interactive auth to password auth. With this change, automatic conversion will only occur if the application doesn't override the kbdint_challenge_received() method and it will only attempt to authenticate once with the password provided.

Release 1.3.2 (26 Nov 2015)

  • Added server-side support for handling password changes during password authentication, and fixed a few other auth-related bugs.
  • Added the ability to override the automatic support for keyboard-interactive authentication when password authentication is supported.
  • Fixed a race condition in unblocking streams.
  • Removed support for OpenSSH v00 certificates now that OpenSSH no longer supports them.
  • Added unit tests for auth module.

Release 1.3.1 (6 Nov 2015)

  • Updated AsyncSSH to depend on version 1.1 or later of PyCA and added support for using its new Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman (ECDH) implementation, replacing the previous AsyncSSH native Python version.
  • Added support for specifying a passphrase in the create_connection, create_server, connect, and listen functions to allow file names or byte strings containing encrypted client and server host keys to be specified in those calls.
  • Fixed handling of cancellation in a few AsyncSSH calls, so it is now possible to make calls to things like stream read or drain which time out.
  • Fixed a bug in keyboard-interactive fallback to password auth which was introduced when support was added for auth functions optionally being coroutines.
  • Move bcrypt check in encrypted key handling until it is needed so better errors can be returned if a passphrase is not specified or the key derivation function used in a key is unknown.
  • Added unit tests for the auth_keys module.
  • Updated unit tests to better handle bcrypt or libnacl not being installed.

Release 1.3.0 (10 Oct 2015)

  • Updated AsyncSSH dependencies to make PyCA version 1.0.0 or later mandatory and remove the older PyCrypto support. This change also adds support for the PyCA implementation of ECDSA and removes support for RC2-based private key encryption that was only supported by PyCrypto.

  • Refactored ECDH and Curve25519 key exchange code so they can share an implementation, and prepared the code for adding a PyCA shim for this as soon as support for that is released.

  • Hardened the DSA and RSA implementations to do stricter checking of the key exchange response, and sped up the RSA implementation by taking advantage of optional RSA private key parameters when they are present.

  • Added support for asynchronous client and server authentication, allowing auth-related callbacks in SSHClient and SSHServer to optionally be defined as coroutines.

  • Added support for asynchronous SFTP server processing, allowing callbacks in SFTPServer to optionally be defined as coroutines.

  • Added support for a broader set of open mode flags in the SFTP server. Note that this change is not completely backward compatible with previous releases. If you have application code which expects a Python mode string as an argument to SFTPServer open method, it will need to be changed to expect a pflags value instead.

  • Fixed handling of eof_received() when it returns false to close the half-open connection but still allow sending or receiving of exit status and exit signals.

  • Added unit tests for the asn1, cipher, compression, ec, kex, known_hosts, mac, and saslprep modules and expended the set of pbe and public_key unit tests.

  • Fixed a set of issues uncovered by ASN.1 unit tests:

    • Removed extra 0xff byte when encoding integers of the form -128*256^n
    • Fixed decoding error for OIDs beginning with 2.n where n >= 40
    • Fixed range check for second component of ObjectIdentifier
    • Added check for extraneous 0x80 bytes in ObjectIdentifier components
    • Added check for negative component values in ObjectIdentifier
    • Added error handling for ObjectIdentifier components being non-integer
    • Added handling for missing length byte after extended tag
    • Raised ASN1EncodeError instead of TypeError on unsupported types
  • Added validation on asn1_class argument, and equality and hash methods to BitString, RawDERObject, and TaggedDERObject. Also, reordered RawDERObject arguments to be consistent with TaggedDERObject and added str method to ObjectIdentifier.

  • Fixed a set of issues uncovered by additional pbe unit tests:

    • Encoding and decoding of PBES2-encrypted keys with a PRF other than SHA1 is now handled correctly.
    • Some exception messages were made more specific.
    • Additional checks were put in for empty salt or zero iteration count in encryption parameters.
  • Fixed a set of issues uncovered by additional public key unit tests:

    • Properly handle PKCS#8 keys with invalid ASN.1 data
    • Properly handle PKCS#8 DSA & RSA keys with non-sequence for arg_params
    • Properly handle attempts to import empty string as a public key
    • Properly handle encrypted PEM keys with missing DEK-Info header
    • Report check byte mismatches for encrypted OpenSSH keys as bad passphrase
    • Return KeyImportError instead of KeyEncryptionError when passphrase is needed but not provided
  • Added information about branches to CONTRIBUTING guide.

  • Performed a bunch of code cleanup suggested by pylint.

Release 1.2.1 (26 Aug 2015)

  • Fixed a problem with passing in client_keys=None to disable public key authentication in the SSH client.
  • Updated Unicode handling to allow multi-byte Unicode characters to be split across successive SSH data messages.
  • Added a note to the documentation for AsyncSSH create_connection() explaining how to perform the equivalent of a connect with a timeout.

Release 1.2.0 (6 Jun 2015)

  • Fixed a problem with the SSHConnection context manager on Python versions older than 3.4.2.
  • Updated the documentation for get_extra_info() in the SSHConnection, SSHChannel, SSHReader, and SSHWriter classes to contain pointers to get_extra_info() in their parent transports to make it easier to see all of the attributes which can be queried.
  • Clarified the legal return values for the session_requested(), connection_requested(), and server_requested() methods in SSHServer.
  • Eliminated calls to the deprecated importlib.find_loader() method.
  • Made improvements to README suggested by Nicholas Chammas.
  • Fixed a number of issues identified by pylint.

Release 1.1.1 (25 May 2015)

  • Added new start_sftp_server method on SSHChannel to allow applications using the non-streams API to start an SFTP server.
  • Enhanced the default format_longname() method in SFTPServer to properly handle the case where not all of the file attributes are returned by stat().
  • Fixed a bug related to the new allow_pty parameter in create_server.
  • Fixed a bug in the hashed known_hosts support introduced in some recent refactoring of the host pattern matching code.

Release 1.1.0 (22 May 2015)

  • SFTP is now supported!
    • Both client and server support is available.
    • SFTP version 3 is supported, with OpenSSH extensions.
    • Recursive transfers and glob matching are supported in the client.
    • File I/O APIs allow files to be accessed without downloading them.
  • New simplified connect and listen APIs have been added.
  • SSHConnection can now be used as a context manager.
  • New arguments to create_server now allow the specification of a session_factory and encoding or sftp_factory as well as controls over whether a pty is allowed and the window and max packet size, avoiding the need to create custom SSHServer subclasses or custom SSHServerChannel instances.
  • New examples have been added for SFTP and to show the use of the new connect and listen APIs.
  • Copyrights in changed files have all been updated to 2015.

Release 1.0.1 (13 Apr 2015)

  • Fixed a bug in OpenSSH private key encryption introduced in some recent cipher refactoring.
  • Added bcrypt and libnacl as optional dependencies in
  • Changed test_keys test to work properly when bcrypt or libnacl aren't installed.

Release 1.0.0 (11 Apr 2015)

  • This release finishes adding a number of major features, finally making it worthy of being called a "1.0" release.
  • Host and user certificates are now supported!
    • Enforcement is done on principals in certificates.
    • Enforcement is done on force-command and source-address critical options.
    • Enforcement is done on permit-pty and permit-port-forwarding extensions.
  • OpenSSH-style known hosts files are now supported!
    • Positive and negative wildcard and CIDR-style patterns are supported.
    • HMAC-SHA1 hashed host entries are supported.
    • The @cert-authority and @revoked markers are supported.
  • OpenSSH-style authorized keys files are now supported!
    • Both client keys and certificate authorities are supported.
    • Enforcement is done on from and principals options during key matching.
    • Enforcement is done on no-pty, no-port-forwarding, and permitopen.
    • The command and environment options are supported.
    • Applications can query for their own non-standard options.
  • Support has been added for OpenSSH format private keys.
    • DSA, RSA, and ECDSA keys in this format are now supported.
    • Ed25519 keys are supported when libnacl and libsodium are installed.
    • OpenSSH private key encryption is supported when bcrypt is installed.
  • Curve25519 Diffie-Hellman key exchange is now available via either the curve25519-donna or libnacl and libsodium packages.
  • ECDSA key support has been enhanced.
    • Support is now available for PKCS#8 ECDSA v2 keys.
    • Support is now available for both NamedCurve and explicit ECParameter versions of keys, as long as the parameters match one of the supported curves (nistp256, nistp384, or nistp521).
  • Support is now available for the OpenSSH chacha20-poly1305 cipher when libnacl and libsodium are installed.
  • Cipher names specified in private key encryption have been changed to be consistent with OpenSSH cipher naming, and all SSH ciphers can now be used for encryption of keys in OpenSSH private key format.
  • A couple of race conditions in SSHChannel have been fixed and channel cleanup is now delayed to allow outstanding message handling to finish.
  • Channel exceptions are now properly delivered in the streams API.
  • A bug in SSHStream read() where it could sometimes return more data than requested has been fixed. Also, read() has been changed to properly block and return all data until EOF or a signal is received when it is called with no length.
  • A bug in the default implementation of keyboard-interactive authentication has been fixed, and the matching of a password prompt has been loosened to allow it to be used for password authentication on more devices.
  • Missing code to resume reading after a stream is paused has been added.
  • Improvements have been made in the handling of canceled requests.
  • The test code has been updated to test Ed25519 and OpenSSH format private keys.
  • Examples have been updated to reflect some of the new capabilities.

Release 0.9.2 (26 Jan 2015)

  • Fixed a bug in PyCrypto CipherFactory introduced during PyCA refactoring.

Release 0.9.1 (3 Dec 2014)

  • Added some missing items in and
  • Fixed the install to work even when cryptographic dependencies aren't yet installed.
  • Fixed an issue where get_extra_info calls could fail if called when a connection or session was shutting down.

Release 0.9.0 (14 Nov 2014)

  • Added support to use PyCA (0.6.1 or later) for cryptography. AsyncSSH will automatically detect and use either PyCA, PyCrypto, or both depending on which is installed and which algorithms are requested.
  • Added support for AES-GCM ciphers when PyCA is installed.

Release 0.8.4 (12 Sep 2014)

  • Fixed an error in the encode/decode functions for PKCS#1 DSA public keys.
  • Fixed a bug in the unit test code for import/export of RFC4716 public keys.

Release 0.8.3 (16 Aug 2014)

  • Added a missing import in the curve25519 implementation.

Release 0.8.2 (16 Aug 2014)

  • Provided a better long description for PyPI.
  • Added link to PyPI in documentation sidebar.

Release 0.8.1 (15 Aug 2014)

  • Added a note in the :meth:`validate_public_key() <SSHServer.validate_public_key>` documentation clarifying that AsyncSSH will verify that the client possesses the corresponding private key before authentication is allowed to succeed.
  • Switched from setuptools to distutils and added an initial set of unit tests.
  • Prepared the package to be uploaded to PyPI.

Release 0.8.0 (15 Jul 2014)

  • Added support for Curve25519 Diffie Hellman key exchange on systems with the curve25519-donna Python package installed.
  • Updated the examples to more clearly show what values are returned even when not all of the return values are used.

Release 0.7.0 (7 Jun 2014)

Release 0.6.0 (11 May 2014)

  • This release is a major revamp of the code to migrate from the asyncore framework to the new asyncio framework in Python 3.4. All the APIs have been adapted to fit the new asyncio paradigm, using coroutines wherever possible to avoid the need for callbacks when performing asynchronous operations.

    So far, this release only supports the "low-level" asyncio API.

  • The :ref:`API`, :ref:`ClientExamples`, and :ref:`ServerExamples` have all been updated to reflect these changes.

Release 0.5.0 (11 Oct 2013)

Release 0.4.0 (28 Sep 2013)

Release 0.3.0 (26 Sep 2013)

  • Added support in :class:`SSHClient` and :class:`SSHServer` for setting the key exchange, encryption, MAC, and compression algorithms allowed in the SSH handshake.

  • Refactored the algorithm selection code to pull a common matching function back into _SSHConnection and simplify other modules.

  • Extended the listener class to open multiple listening sockets when necessary, fixing a bug where sockets opened to listen on localhost were not properly accepting both IPv4 and IPv6 connections.

    Now, any listen request which resolves to multiple addresses will open listening sockets for each address.

  • Fixed a bug related to tracking of listeners opened on dynamic ports.

Release 0.2.0 (21 Sep 2013)

Release 0.1.0 (14 Sep 2013)

  • Initial release