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Flow Webring

This is a webring working as a bookmark to collect people's flows. It can be about how you manage your knowledge (this is actually the inital purpose), brew coffee, write codes, spend an ordinary Sunday afternoon, research, create, and many more. It is about you and your way of life.

It's good to have a flow. Flow, in this context, refers to your understanding and command of the rhythm in your life. Whether your flow is as unpredictable as flowing water or follows a more structured pattern, it represents your unique thoughts and choices. Flow serves as a methodology for approaching various aspects of life.

Creating a webpage to document your flow, complete with a changelog for easy reflection and adjustments, can be an outward declaration – I can do this.

It can also be an inward exploration – I hope to achieve this.

This sharing is laid-back – I want to show you and the world that life can be experienced in diverse ways.

If you have a webpage about your flow, join this webring.