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This repository is the official implementation of Parallel Colorful ℎ-star Core Maintenance in Dynamic Graphs

The default graph coloring algorithm: Degree, i.e. following a non-increasing order of node degrees

Getting the code

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gcc: 11.2.0 or above
OpenMP: 4.5 or above

Repo Structure

  • Algorithms
    • The implementation of different algorithms
  • header
    • Header Files

Algorithm Description

We here consider 7 different algorithms for the colorful h-star core decomposition and maintenance.

Algorithm Shorthand Description
The Peeling method corePeel The basic method to compute the colorful h-star core decomposition following the peeling paradigm, that is to remove the node with minimum colorful h-star degree
The local algorithm Local Compute the colorful h-star core decomposition by iteratively computing the colorful h-star H-index for each node until all of them converge.
Optimization: Asynchronous computing OPT-1 To compute the colorful h-star H-index of node u, allways use the latest H-indexes of its neighbors.
Optimization: Processing ordering heuristic OPT-2 In each iteration, process nodes following an increasing order of their (𝑖 − 1)-order H-indexes instead of the random processing order.
Optimization: Pruning technique OPT-3 Detect redundant computation and skip nodes whose 𝑛-order H-indexes will not be changed in each iteration.
The edge deletion algorithm EdgeDel efficiently update colorful h-star core numbers of affected nodes after a deletion of an edge.
The edge insertion algorithm EdgeIns efficiently update colorful h-star core numbers of affected nodes after an insertion of an edge.


1. The Peeling method

To compile

$ cd ./Algorithms/
$ g++ -O3 -fopenmp -o corePeel corePeel.cpp

To Run

$ ./corePeel h FilePath colorAlgo [basic]
Argument Description
corePeel executable file
h the size of stars
FilePath input file path
colorAlgo graph coloring algorithm:
"0" for Degree;
"1" for Degen;
"2" for FF;
"3" for SD.
Find more details here.
[basic] Optional, indicate which algorithm will be performed.
"basic" for the basic version HStarDP, i.e. recomputing the colorful h-star degree when a neighbor is removed;
the default is the advanced version HStarCD, i.e. using the proposed updating technique to calculate the colorful h-star degree.

2. The local algorithm

To compile

$ cd ./Algorithms/
$ g++ -O3 -fopenmp -o Local Local.cpp

To Run

$ ./Local h FilePath N_threads
Argument Description
Local executable file
h the size of stars
FilePath input file path
N_threads the number of threads

3. Three optimizatons

To compile

$ cd ./Algorithms/
$ g++ -O3 -fopenmp -o LocalOPT LocalOPT.cpp

To Run

$ ./LocalOPT h FilePath N_threads OPTtype
Argument Description
LocalOPT executable file
h the size of stars
FilePath input file path
N_threads the number of threads
OPTtype indicate which optimization will be applied:
"1" for OPT-1;
"2" for OPT-1 + OPT-2;
"3" for OPT-1 + OPT-2 + OPT-3 (also stands for OPT*).

4. The edge deletion algorithm

To compile

$ cd ./Algorithms/
$ g++ -O3 -fopenmp -o EdgeDel EdgeDel.cpp

To Run

$ ./EdgeDel h FilePath N_Del RecompFlag N_threads
Argument Description
EdgeDel executable file
h the size of stars
FilePath input file path
N_Del the number of edges to be deleted
RecompFlag indicate whether to compare with ("1") the recomputing method, i.e., call Local compute for all nodes or not ("0")
N_threads the number of threads

5. The edge insertion algorithm

To compile

$ cd ./Algorithms/
$ g++ -O3 -fopenmp -o EdgeIns EdgeIns.cpp

To Run

$ ./EdgeIns h FilePath N_Ins RecompFlag N_threads
Argument Description
EdgeIns executable file
h the size of stars
FilePath input file path
N_Ins the number of edges to be inserted
RecompFlag indicate whether to compare with ("1") the recomputing method, i.e., call Local compute for all nodes or not ("0")
N_threads the number of threads


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  • C++ 100.0%