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Vue 2.5 Laravel 5.4

This repository contains a boilerplate/template with Vue 2.5 and Laravel 5.4 and other packages to have the start environment to code the client and server with CORS protection. Also includes the laravel passport package to start the implementing API security via Json Web Tokens.

Client Directory

This template was created based on the vue-cli and vue init webpack packages. (vuejs-templates/webpack)

Additional packages installed

  • vuex
  • vuerouter
  • axios
  • jquery
  • cripto-js

Server Directory

This template includes Laravel 5.4.

Additional package installed

  • laravel/passport
  • barryvdh/laravel-cors
  • maatwebsite/excel

Some directories were added to organize the code

  1. An App/MyCode directroy was created which includes Models, Repository, Routes, Service Directories to organize the code application. Each one has an examples files so the AppServiceProvider was modified with some bindings.

  2. The Laravel Routes directory was changed to be redirected to the MyCode/Routes. the api.php file now has some new code to generate the routes based on the App/MyCode/Routes directory.

  3. The App/MyCode was added to the Composer.Json file in the section autoload.


  1. Clone this repository to a local directory
  2. Copy the file .env.example to .env
  3. Create a Database in MySQL
  4. Set these variables in the file .env:
  1. Setup the cors.php in the app/config directory}
  2. Update the file content
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run composer update
  5. Run npm run dev in the server directory
  6. Run php artisan serve in the client directory
  7. Open the browser an type: http://localhost:8080/
  8. A Vue Welcome Page should be displayed
  9. Run php aristan migrate:refresh --seed
  10. Run php aristan passport:install
  11. Run php artisan key:generate
  12. Run php artisan config:clear

Now the laravel app has passport package is installed with its personal access client and password grand client in the databas. You should implement some http request to obtain the access token an store it your localStorage. Then you need to send the access token store in the header request with the prefix Bearer.