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240 lines (176 loc) · 9.85 KB

File metadata and controls

240 lines (176 loc) · 9.85 KB

Change Log


⚠️ Breaking Changes:

  • Dropped support for TypeScript@<2.7.0. The new backwards compatibility policy ensures support for the last 3 stable minor releases of TypeScript.
  • prefer-number-isnan -> prefer-number-methods which checks isFinite in addition


  • new rule: no-octal-escape
  • new rule: type-assertion
  • new rule: delete-only-optional-property
  • Added support for resolveJsonModule compilerOption
  • handle unknown type introduced in TypeScript@3.0.0
  • --fix no longer autofixes files with syntax errors to prevent further destroying your code


  • fixed crash in no-inferred-empty-object with TypeScript@3.0.0 and multiple JSDoc @template tags
  • no-useless-assertion: better handling of contextual types
  • no-useless-predicate: handle intersection types
  • prefer-for-of: ensure iterated object implements iteration protocol
  • prefer-for-of: ensure iterator yields the same type as index signature
  • no-unstable-api-use: check element access with well-known symbols


This release fixes a few bugs related to the release process:

  • packages are released in dependency order: a new version of a package will not be published before it's dependency
  • fixed SemVer version mismatch by publishing packages that depend on other published packages


  • no-nan-compare: also detects comparing with Number.NaN



  • new rule: parameter-properties (contributed by @aervin)
  • new rule: no-duplicate-spread-property
  • new rule: prefer-namespace-keyword
  • new rule: no-useless-declare
  • new rule: ban-dom-globals
  • bifrost added a function to wrap Fimbullinter rules for the use in TSLint
  • many rules now have a detailed documentation page
  • Node.js v10 is now officially supported


  • await-only-promise now allows for-await-of with Iterable<PromiseLike<any>>, previously it only allowed AsyncIterable<any>
  • no-duplicate-case added check for unions of literal types
  • no-inferred-empty-object handles generic functions declared in JSDoc
  • no-useless-assertion fixed detection if variable may be used before being assigned and thus the non-null assertion is actually necessary



  • new rule: no-invalid-assertion
  • no-inferred-empty-object checks JSX elements and tagged templates starting from typescript@2.9.0
  • no-useless-initializer checks destructuring defaults


  • no-inferred-empty-object correctly checks classes with constructor
  • no-inferred-empty-object correctly checks classes from JavaScript files that have type parameters in JSDoc
  • no-useless-assertion forbids definite assignment assertions on properties with computed name
  • no-return-await wraps object literals returned from shorthand arrow functions in parentheses to avoid syntax errors
  • no-useless-spread no longer autofixes object spread to avoid introducing duplicate key errors
  • --project flag no longer causes a crash when referencing non-existent files
  • valtyr correctly loads custom formatters

Thanks to @aervin for contributing.



  • new rule: no-unassigned-variable
  • new rule: no-useless-spread (contributed by @aervin)
  • new rule: return-never-call


  • no-inferred-empty-object: check generic JSX elements (starting from typescript@2.9)
  • no-useless-assertion: correctly handle conditional types
  • no-useless-predicate: checks comparing typeof with a variable that has a literal type: const str = 'string'; typeof 1 === str;



  • new rule: new-parens
  • new rule: no-case-declaration
  • new rule: no-duplicate-case
  • new rule: no-misused-generics
  • new rule: no-useless-jump-label
  • new rule: prefer-for-of
  • optimized some of the existing rules for performance
  • added decorators to ymir for commonly used rule predicates: @excludeDeclarationFiles and @typescriptOnly


  • Errors in tsconfig.json are now reported as warnings instead of errors. That allows the use of older versions of TypeScript while using compiler options introduced in a later version.
  • no-useless-predicate now also checks case clauses of switch statements



  • new rule prefer-const
  • new rule no-useless-predicate


  • fixed dependency versions of nightly releases for packages that were published in a previous nightly release
  • changes to tests and project setup no longer cause a package to be released


This release contains a lot of refactoring and structural changes:

  • renamed await-promise to await-only-promise
  • renamed deprecation to no-unstable-api-use

Two new packages were split from the wotan package:

  • ymir contains all base types and classes. This package can be used by extension and rule authors to not depend on the full wotan runtime.
  • mimir contains all rules, formatters and configuration presets. Together with ymir this package allows rules to be executed in a different runtime without depending on the whole wotan package


  • Added recipes to Readme
  • new rule await-async-result
  • new rule generator-require-yield
  • new rule no-nan-compare
  • new rule no-unreachable-code
  • new rule prefer-dot-notation
  • new rule prefer-number-isnan
  • new rule prefer-object-spread
  • no-unstable-api-use (previously deprecation) also checks @experimental tag


no-unused-label no longer forbids labels on statements other than loops and switch



valtyr added support for processors via .fimbullinter.yaml



  • Added some documentation on how to use the API
  • wotan:
    • new rule no-useless-initializer
    • Renamed --format CLI argument to --formatter
    • Added support for a configuration file with CLI defaults called .fimbullinter.yaml
    • Added wotan save subcommand to write or update .fimbullinter.yaml
    • Some internal refactoring and breaking API changes for plugin modules
    • wotan show subcommand added optional -c option
    • Refactored failure filtering to allow custom services to filter by different criteria than line base comments with rule names.
  • valtyr:
    • Added new package @fimbul/valtyr to enable TSLint-like behavior
    • Uses tslint.json files for configuration
    • Uses TSLint rules and formatters
    • Filters by //tslint:disable comments
    • Cannot be used together with .wotanrc.yaml or Wotan rules and formatters
    • The next release will include support for processors by using the new .fimbullinter.yaml file
  • bifrost:
    • Enforce that rules add failures for the current SourceFile only
    • wrapTslintRule: name parameter is now optional


  • wotan:
    • Really "Include missing declarations in bundled declaration files" which was documented as part of v0.1.0
    • Fixed logic to find and report unmatched files in processed projects
    • Fixed crash during directory scanning when using --project if a directory contains an invalid .wotanrc.yaml file



  • Enabled nightly builds for all packages. These can be installed with yarn add @fimbul/wotan@next @fimbul/ve@next ... (or npm install if you prefer).
  • ve: use SAX parser for performance and avoid false positive matches of <script> tags
  • wotan:
    • New rule typecheck: type errors as lint rule failures (similar to tslint --type-check, but is correctly formatted and can be ignored like any other rule)
    • New rule syntaxcheck: syntax errors as lint rule failures
    • New rule no-inferred-empty-object: warns about uninferred type parameters that might cause unintended behavior
    • Introduced LineSwitchParser to allow overriding the default line switch handling
    • Introduced ConfigurationProvider to allow overriding the default config lookup and parsing
    • Removed implicit configuration lookup in home directory
    • Improved error reporting for errors in configuration files
    • Fail early for circular aliases or missing rulesDirectories in configuration files
    • Allow alias shorthands:
        name: some-rule-name # same as `name: { rule: some-rule-name }`
  • Added documentation for rule and package authors


  • Include missing declarations in bundled declaration files
  • wotan:
    • Rule no-useless-type-assertion now correctly handles class expressions and qualified type names
    • Detect MPEG TS files and show a warning. Such files are treated as if they were empty.
    • stylish formatter correctly displays line:col information for files with BOM

v0.0.1 - Initial Release


  • @fimbul/wotan: The main linter runtime with a set of core rules and formatters
    • Available formatters: json and stylish (default)
    • Available rules:
      • await-promise warns about unnecessary await on non-Promise values
      • deprecation detects the use of deprecated APIs
      • no-debugger bans debugger; statements
      • no-fallthrough warns about unintentional fallthrough in switch cases
      • no-return-await warns about unnecessary return await foo; where you can just return foo;
      • no-unsafe-finally warns about control flow statements within the finally block
      • no-unused-expression warns about expressions without side-effects whose result is not used
      • no-unused-label does what the name suggests, really
      • no-useless-assertion detects assertions that don't change the type of the expression
      • trailing-newline enforces a line break on the last line of a file
      • try-catch-return-await enforces the use of return await foo; inside try-catch blocks
  • @fimbul/ve: The official processor plugin for Vue Single File Components
  • @fimbul/heimdall: Plugin to enable the use of TSLint rules and formatters within Wotan
  • @fimbul/bifrost: Allows authors of TSLint rules and formatters to make them available for Wotan without refactoring.