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Refine Alameda workflow and Rook integration
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Refine Alameda workflow and Rook integration

Signed-off-by: Matt Wu <>
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matt committed Oct 19, 2018
1 parent 8683a59 commit e89a21d
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Binary file modified design/Alameda/Alameda_work_with_Rook.png
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125 changes: 96 additions & 29 deletions design/Alameda/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## What is Alameda

Alameda is an intelligent resource orchestrator for Kubernetes, providing the features of autonomous balancing, scaling, and scheduling by using machine learning. Alameda learns the continuing changes of computing resources from K8S clusters, predicts the future computing resoruce demands for pods and nodes, and intelligently orchestrates the underlying computing resources without manual configuration.
Alameda is an intelligent resource orchestrator for Kubernetes, providing the features of autonomous balancing, scaling, and scheduling by using machine learning. Alameda learns the continuing changes of computing resources from K8S clusters, predicts the future computing resources demands for pods and nodes, and intelligently orchestrates the underlying computing resources without manual configuration.

For more details, please refer to

Expand All @@ -20,41 +20,108 @@ Our first take is to provide the following features, which we consider they are

## How Alameda works

1. Alameda data collector gets metrics from Prometheus (e.g., CPU, memory, Ceph metrics)
No Alameda Agent is needed.
2. Alameda AI engine generates resource prediction
3. Alameda resource operator monitors Rook cluster CRD
Alameda monitors rook CRDs with Alameda annotations. For example, Rook user can add `````` and `````` annotations in their *cluster.yaml* as:
1. Users specifying objects that need Alameda services
Proposal 1: by adding Alameda annotations to Rook CRD objects
Proposal 2: by creating Alameda CRD objects to specify users' K8S deployment objects.

2. Alameda watches creation, update, and deletion of the specified objects

3. Alameda utilizes Prometheus to scrape data, and these data is adapted into Alameda plane
Alameda does not have data collection agent.

4. Alameda's AI engine predicts computing resourece demands

5. Alameda exposes prediction raw data
With these predictions, Rook can (1) update CR spec, or (2) update CR spec with new definitions of planning.

6. Alameda generates operational plans based on the prediction for further automation

7. Third party projects such as Rook can automate resource orchestrations by either leveraging Alameda recommended operational plans or generating their own operational plans from the prediction raw data

8. Alameda has a feedback mechanism to evalute the operation results for further refinement.


## Request Alameda services by annotating Rook CRD objects (Proposal 1)

Rook users deploy a ceph cluster by creating a Rook CRD cluster object. Rook operator will create _Deployment_, _ReplicaSet_ and _Pod_ objects subsequently according to this cluster object. All these subsequent objects can be traced back to the Rook CRD cluster object by looking into the _ownerReferences_ metadata. To request Alameda services, Rook users can annotate a Rook CRD cluster object with Alameda annotations. For example, Rook users can add ``````, `````` and `````` annotations in their *cluster.yaml* as:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: rook
kind: Cluster
name: rook
namespace: rook
<b>annocations: true true true</b>
name: rook-ceph
namespace: rook-ceph
<b>annotations: true true true</b>
versionTag: v0.5.1
dataDirHostPath: /var/lib/rook
serviceAccount: rook-ceph-cluster
useAllNodes: true
useAllDevices: false
storeType: filestore
databaseSizeMB: 1024
journalSizeMB: 1024
useAllDevices: true

4. Alameda generates resource operation planning for Rook cluster
5. Alameda update cluster CRD
Alameda will (1) update CRD spec, or (2) update CRD spec with new definitions of planning. No matter they are (1) or (2), Rook needs to change the logic of watching CRD.
Then Rook operator will create a _Deployment_ object such as:
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
annotations: "1"
creationTimestamp: 2018-09-24T06:59:25Z
generation: 5
app: rook-ceph-osd
ceph-osd-id: "1"
rook_cluster: rook-ceph
name: rook-ceph-osd-id-1
namespace: rook-ceph
- apiVersion: v1beta1
blockOwnerDeletion: true
kind: Cluster
name: rook-ceph
uid: e1ec433a-96f4-11e8-b01a-0a168aa5aac2
resourceVersion: "11765632"
selfLink: /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/rook-ceph/deployments/rook-ceph-osd-id-1
uid: 5f21a46e-bfc7-11e8-8e77-0645df3fb718

By tracing back the _ownerReferences_ information, Alameda knows users request Alameda services.

## Request Alameda services by creating Alameda CRD objects (Proposal 2)

When Rook users create a Rook cluster CRD object, Rook operator may create an _Deployment_ object with the following yaml:
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: rook-ceph-osd-id-1
namespace: rook-ceph
app: rook-ceph-osd
ceph-osd-id: "1"
rook_cluster: rook-ceph
meanwhile, Rook operator needs to also create an Alameda CRD object as the following yaml to request Alameda for services:
kind: Deployment
<b>annotations: true true true</b>
app: rook-ceph-osd
ceph-osd-id: "1"
rook_cluster: rook-ceph</b>

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