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Tensorflow Implementation of Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Relation Extraction


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Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Relation Extraction

Tensorflow Implementation of Deep Learning Approach for Relation Extraction Challenge(SemEval-2010 Task #8: Multi-Way Classification of Semantic Relations Between Pairs of Nominals) via Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks.


Implementation of Recurrent Structure


  • Bidirectional RNN (Bi-RNN) is used to implement the left and right context vectors.
  • Each context vector is created by shifting the output of Bi-RNN and concatenating a zero state indicating the start of the context.



  • train data is located in "SemEval2010_task8_all_data/SemEval2010_task8_training/TRAIN_FILE.TXT".

  • "GoogleNews-vectors-negative300" is used as pre-trained word2vec model.

  • Display help message:

     $ python --help
     optional arguments:
     	-h, --help            show this help message and exit
     	--train_dir TRAIN_DIR
     							Path of train data
     	--dev_sample_percentage DEV_SAMPLE_PERCENTAGE
     							Percentage of the training data to use for validation
     	--max_sentence_length MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH
     							Max sentence length in train(98)/test(70) data
     							(Default: 100)
     	--word2vec WORD2VEC   Word2vec file with pre-trained embeddings
     	--text_embedding_dim TEXT_EMBEDDING_DIM
     							Dimensionality of word embedding (Default: 300)
     	--position_embedding_dim POSITION_EMBEDDING_DIM
     							Dimensionality of position embedding (Default: 100)
     	--filter_sizes FILTER_SIZES
     							Comma-separated filter sizes (Default: 2,3,4,5)
     	--num_filters NUM_FILTERS
     							Number of filters per filter size (Default: 128)
     	--dropout_keep_prob DROPOUT_KEEP_PROB
     							Dropout keep probability (Default: 0.5)
     	--l2_reg_lambda L2_REG_LAMBDA
     							L2 regularization lambda (Default: 3.0)
     	--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
     							Batch Size (Default: 64)
     	--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
     							Number of training epochs (Default: 100)
     	--display_every DISPLAY_EVERY
     							Number of iterations to display training info.
     	--evaluate_every EVALUATE_EVERY
     							Evaluate model on dev set after this many steps
     	--checkpoint_every CHECKPOINT_EVERY
     							Save model after this many steps
     	--num_checkpoints NUM_CHECKPOINTS
     							Number of checkpoints to store
     	--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
     							Which learning rate to start with. (Default: 1e-3)
     	--allow_soft_placement [ALLOW_SOFT_PLACEMENT]
     							Allow device soft device placement
     	--log_device_placement [LOG_DEVICE_PLACEMENT]
     							Log placement of ops on devices
  • Train Example:

    $ python --word2vec "GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin"


  • test data is located in "SemEval2010_task8_all_data/SemEval2010_task8_testing_keys/TEST_FILE_FULL.TXT".

  • You must give "checkpoint_dir" argument, path of checkpoint(trained neural model) file, like below example.

  • Evaluation Example:

     $ python --checkpoint_dir "runs/1523902663/checkpoints"
  • Official Evaluation of SemEval 2010 Task #8

    1. After evaluation like the example, you can get the "prediction.txt" and "answer.txt" in "result" directory.
    2. Install perl.
    3. Move to SemEval2010_task8_all_data/SemEval2010_task8_scorer-v1.2.
      $ cd SemEval2010_task8_all_data/SemEval2010_task8_scorer-v1.2
    4. Check your prediction file format.
      $ perl ../../result/prediction.txt
    5. Scoring your prediction.
      $ perl ../../result/prediction.txt ../../result/answer.txt
    6. The scorer shows the 3 evaluation reuslts for prediction. The official evaluation result, (9+1)-WAY EVALUATION TAKING DIRECTIONALITY INTO ACCOUNT -- OFFICIAL, is the last one. See the README for more details.

SemEval-2010 Task #8

  • Given: a pair of nominals
  • Goal: recognize the semantic relation between these nominals.
  • Example:
    • "There were apples, pears and oranges in the bowl."
      CONTENT-CONTAINER(pears, bowl)
    • “The cup contained tea from dried ginseng.”
      ENTITY-ORIGIN(tea, ginseng)

The Inventory of Semantic Relations

  1. Cause-Effect(CE): An event or object leads to an effect(those cancers were caused by radiation exposures)
  2. Instrument-Agency(IA): An agent uses an instrument(phone operator)
  3. Product-Producer(PP): A producer causes a product to exist (a factory manufactures suits)
  4. Content-Container(CC): An object is physically stored in a delineated area of space (a bottle full of honey was weighed) Hendrickx, Kim, Kozareva, Nakov, O S´ eaghdha, Pad ´ o,´ Pennacchiotti, Romano, Szpakowicz Task Overview Data Creation Competition Results and Discussion The Inventory of Semantic Relations (III)
  5. Entity-Origin(EO): An entity is coming or is derived from an origin, e.g., position or material (letters from foreign countries)
  6. Entity-Destination(ED): An entity is moving towards a destination (the boy went to bed)
  7. Component-Whole(CW): An object is a component of a larger whole (my apartment has a large kitchen)
  8. Member-Collection(MC): A member forms a nonfunctional part of a collection (there are many trees in the forest)
  9. Message-Topic(CT): An act of communication, written or spoken, is about a topic (the lecture was about semantics)
  10. OTHER: If none of the above nine relations appears to be suitable.

Distribution for Dataset

  • SemEval-2010 Task #8 Dataset [Download]

    Relation Train Data Test Data Total Data
    Cause-Effect 1,003 (12.54%) 328 (12.07%) 1331 (12.42%)
    Instrument-Agency 504 (6.30%) 156 (5.74%) 660 (6.16%)
    Product-Producer 717 (8.96%) 231 (8.50%) 948 (8.85%)
    Content-Container 540 (6.75%) 192 (7.07%) 732 (6.83%)
    Entity-Origin 716 (8.95%) 258 (9.50%) 974 (9.09%)
    Entity-Destination 845 (10.56%) 292 (10.75%) 1137 (10.61%)
    Component-Whole 941 (11.76%) 312 (11.48%) 1253 (11.69%)
    Member-Collection 690 (8.63%) 233 (8.58%) 923 (8.61%)
    Message-Topic 634 (7.92%) 261 (9.61%) 895 (8.35%)
    Other 1,410 (17.63%) 454 (16.71%) 1864 (17.39%)
    Total 8,000 (100.00%) 2,717 (100.00%) 10,717 (100.00%)
