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File metadata and controls

597 lines (408 loc) · 23 KB

Formaline, an Upload Module for NodeJS

formaline is a low-level (nodeJS) module for handling form requests ( HTTP POSTs / PUTs ) and for fast parsing of file uploads, it is also ready to use with connect middleware.

Current Stable Version: 0.4.6


with npm:

 $ npm install formaline

with git:

 $ git clone git://

if you want to use nodeJS, only for testing purpose, together with Apache, a simple way to do this is to enable apache mod-proxy and add this lines to your apache virtualhost:

ProxyPass /test/ http://localhost:3000/test/
ProxyPassReverse /test/ http://localhost:3000/test/

change the path and the port with yours.

Please always update to latest release . This module is in active development .


  • Very Fast and Simple Parser ( see parser-benchmarks directory ) .
  • Real-time parsing of file uploads, also supports the "multiple" attribute, for HTML5 capable browsers .
  • It works with HTML5-powered AJAX multiple file uploads .
  • It is Possible to create module instances with a configuration object, with some useful parameters ( listeners, uploadThreshold, logging .. ) .
  • Session support. Multiple uploads ( POSTs ) from the same authenticated user, are put in the same directory, its name is picked from the Session Identifier value for the user .
  • Returns data in JSON format ( see listeners signatures ) .
  • Multiple exceptions types .
  • Tested against malicious / bad headers and not-HTTP-compliant multipart/form-data requests .
  • It supports duplicate names for fields .
  • It Handles filename collisions ( the filenames are translated to a 40 hex string builded with SHA1 ) .
  • It is also possible to return the SHA1 data checksum of received files .
  • It is possible to preserve or auto-remove uploaded files if they are not completed, due to exceeding of the upload total threshold .
  • It is possible to track the progress ratio ( also chunks and bytes ) of data received .
  • It easily integrates with connect middleware .
  • It Works !


formaline is succesfully tested ( for now ) against :

  • browsers like:
- **Firefox 3+**, **Chrome 9+**, **Safari 4+**, **Opera 10+** and **IE5.5+** ..
- **Links2**, **Lynx**
  • some different kinds of client-side POSTs:
- [curl]( ( command-line tool )
- [HTML form]( 
- [HTML form with iframe](
- [swfUploader 2+]( ( flash uploader )
- HTML5-powered AJAX POSTS ( [XHR2](  )

( multiple files selection is available only for HTML5 capable browsers )

the library is capable of handling the receiving of multiple files, that were uploaded with a single or multiple POSTs, indipendently of what kind of client code was used .

Simple Usage

var formaline = require('formaline'),
    form = new formaline( { } ); // <-- empty config object

add event listener:

  form.on( 'filereceived', function( json ){ .. }  )  
  /* or */ 
  var myListener = function( ){ console.log( arguments ); }
  form.on( 'filereceived', myListener ); // <-- myListener function gets a json data object as argument
  /* then parse request */
  form.parse( req, res, next ); // <-- next is your callback function( .. ){ .. }

see Event & Listeners section for a complete list of callbacks signatures!

Configuration Options

You could create a formaline instance also with some configuration options:

  • 'uploadRootDir' : ( string ) the default root directory for files uploads is '/tmp/' .
    • specify a path, with at least a trailing slash .
    • it is the root directory for file uploads, must already exist! ( if it doesn't exist, formaline will try to use '/tmp/', otherwise it throws a fatal exception )
    • without session support, a new sub-directory with a random name is created for every upload request .
    • with session support, the upload directory gets its name from the returned session identifier, and will remain the same across multiple posts ( see below ) .
  • 'getSessionID': ( function( req ){ .. } ) the default value is null .
    • here you can specify a function that is used for retrieving a session identifier from the current request; then, that ID will be used for creating a unique upload directory for every authenticated user .
    • the function have to return the request property that holds session id, the returned value must contain a String, not a function or an object.
    • the function takes req ( http request ) as a parameter at run-time .
  • 'uploadThreshold' : ( integer ) default value is 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes (1GB).
    • it indicates the upload threshold in bytes for the data written to disk ( multipart/form-data ) .
    • it also limits data received with serialized fields ( x-www-urlencoded ) .
  • 'holdFilesExtensions' : ( boolean ) default value is true .
    • it indicates to maintain or not, the extensions of uploaded files ( like .jpg, .txt, etc.. ) .
  • 'checkContentLength' : ( boolean ) default value is false .
    • formaline, for default, doesn't stop if it finds that the header Content-Length > uploadThreshold, it will try to receive all data for request, and will write to disk the bytes received, until they reaches the upload threshold .
    • if value is set to true, if the header Content-Length exceeds uploadThreshold, It stops before receiving data payload .
  • 'removeIncompleteFiles' : ( boolean ) the default value is true.
    • if true, formaline auto-removes files not completed because of exceeded upload threshold limit, then it emits a 'fileremoved' event,
    • if false, no fileremoved event is emitted, and the incomplete files list is passed to the 'end' listener in the form of an array of paths.
  • 'sha1sum' : ( boolean ) default value is false.
    • it is possible to check the file data integrity calculating the sha1 checksum ( 40 hex string )
    • it is calculated iteratively when file data is received
  • 'logging' : ( string ) the default value is 'debug:off,1:on,2:on,3:on' ( debug is off ).
    • it enables various logging levels, it is possible to switch on or off one or more level at the same time.
    • debug: 'off' turns off logging, to see parser stats you have to enable the 2nd level.
  • 'emitDataProgress' : ( boolean or integer > 1 ) the default value is false.
    • when it is true, it emits a 'dataprogress' event on every chunk. If you need to change the emitting factor ,( you could specify an integer > 1 ).
    • If you set it for example to an integer k, 'dataprogress' is emitted every k data chunks received, starting from the first. ( it emits events on indexes: 1 + ( 0 * k ), 1 + ( 1 * k ), 1 + ( 2 * k ), 1 + ( 3 * k ), etc..
  • 'listeners' : ( config object ) It is possible to specify here a configuration object for listeners or adding them in normal way, with 'addListener' / 'on' .
    • See below

Events & Listeners

Exception Events:

There is only one event to listen for the exceptions: 'exception',

but there are different kinds of exceptions, types are:

  • fatal exceptions: ( the data transmission is interrupted, and the 'end' event is thrown ).
    • 'headersexception' -> bad headers
    • 'pathexception' -> bad dir path
    • 'bufferexception' -> error copying buffer
    • 'streamexception' -> error writing to file stream
    • 'direxception' -> error creating directory
  • exceptions that not need special attention:
    • 'warning'

Informational Events :

  • related to file:
    • 'filereceived'
    • 'fileremoved'
  • related to field:
    • 'field'
  • related to the request's flow:
    • 'dataprogress'
    • 'end'

###Listeners Signatures

All Listeners functions are called at run-time with a response object argument in JSON format:

  • 'exception': function ( json ) { .. },
    json = { 
         type: 'headerexception',  // <-- EXCEPTION EVENT TYPE
         isupload: true,           // <-- IS IT AN UPLOAD ?
         msg: 'blah, blah..',      // <-- DEBUG MESSAGE
  • 'field': function ( json ) { .. },
     json = { 
          name:  'field1',  // <-- FIELD NAME
          value: 'value1'   // <-- FIELD VALUE
  • 'filereceived': function ( json ) { .. },
     json = { 
          sha1name: '..',   // <-- 40 HEX SHA1 STRING
          origname: '..',   // <-- FILE ORIGINAL NAME  
          path: '..',       // <-- FILE PATH       
          type: '..',       // <-- MIME TYPE
          size: 217,        // <-- BYTES 
          fieldname: '..',  // <-- FILE FIELD NAME 
          datasha1sum: '..' // <-- 40 HEX SHA1 STRING
  • 'fileremoved': function ( json ) { .. },
     json = { 
          sha1name:  '..', 
          origname: '..', 
          path: '..', 
          type: '..', 
          size: 217, 
          fieldname: '..',
          datasha1sum: 'not calculated'   // <-- THE HASH NAME IS NOT CALCULATED IF FILE IS INCOMPLETE
  • 'dataprogress': function ( json ) { .. },
     json = { 
          bytes: 8900,   // <-- BYTES RECEIVED
          chunks: 2,     // <-- CHUNKS RECEIVED
          ratio: 0.3     // <-- RATIO COMPLETION
  • 'end': function ( json, res, next ) { .. }
     json = {   
          /* some numbers */        
          stats: {  
             bytesReceived: 754,
             bytesWrittenToDisk: 217,
             chunksReceived: 1 ,
             overallSecs: 0.048,
             filesCompleted: 1,
             filesRemoved: 0 
          an array containing the list of files, 
          that did not were totally written to disk 
          due to exceeding upload threshold
          incomplete: [ 'path1', 'path2', .. ],        
          an hash containing all completed files
          the keys are the files hash values ( sha1name property value ) 
          completed: {
             'file1 hash name (sha1name)' : { // <-- PROPERTIES ARE THE SAME OF 'FILERECEIVED' AND 'FILEREMOVED' JSON OBJECTS 
                 sha1name:  '..',   
                 origname: '..',     
                 path: '..',              
                 type: '..',       
                 size: 217,         
                 fieldname: '..',   
                 datasha1sum: '..' 
             'file2 hash name': { .. } 
          an array containing the list of received fields
             { name: '..', value: '..' }, 
             { name: '..', value: '..' }, 

Advanced Usage

require the module:

 var formaline = require('formaline');

build a config object:

 var config = { 
     logging: 'debug:on,1:on,2:on,3:off'
     uploadRootDir: '/var/www/upload/',
     getSessionID: function( req ){ // for example -->
         return ( ( req.sessionID ) || ( req.sid ) || ( ( req.session && ) ? : null ) );
     checkContentLength: false,
     uploadThreshold: 3949000,  
     removeIncompleteFiles: true,
     emitDataProgress: false, 
     sha1sum: true,
     listeners: {
         'exception': function ( json ) {
         'field': function ( json ) { 
         'filereceived': function ( json ) { 
         'fileremoved': function ( json ) { 
         'dataprogress': function ( json ) {
         'end': function ( json, res, next ) {
            res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'text/plain' } );
     }//end listener config

create an instance with config, then parse the request:

 var form = new formaline( config ); 
 form.parse( req, res, next );

or directly

new formaline( config ).parse( req, res, next );

See Also :

File Uploads

  • When a file is found in the data stream:
  • default behaviour :

    • for every different POST was created a subdirectory:

      • under the upload root directory, default is /tmp/ .
      • with a random number name ( for example: /tmp/123456789098/ ) .
    • the file name is cleaned of weird chars, then converted to an hash string with SHA1.

    • when two files, with the same name, are uploaded through :

      • Same POST action, then the resulting string (calculated with SHA1) is the same, for not causing a collision, the SHA1 string is regenerated with adding a seed in the file name (current time in millis); in this way, it assures us that the first file will not overwritten .

      • Different POSTs actions, there is no collision between filenames, because they are written into different directories

  • with session support :

    • for an authenticated user the upload subdirectory name will remain the same across multiple POSTs .

    • the user session identifier is used for generating directory name .

    • when two files, with the same name, are uploaded through :

      • the Same POST action, ( as default behaviour, see above )

      • Different POSTs actions, the generated ( SHA1 ) files names will be the same, and the file is overwritten by the new one ( because are uploaded in the same upload directory ).

- the data stream is written to disk in the file, until:

     - is reached end of the file's data .

     - is reached the maximum data threshold for uploads .
  • When the remaining data for the file are exceeding the upload threshold:
  • if removeIncompleteFile is:
    • true ( default ), the file is auto-removed and a 'fileremoved' event is emitted .

    • otherwise, the file is kept partial in the filesystem, no event is emitted .

  • When all the data for a file is totally received:
  • 'filereceived' event is emitted**.

'filereceived' and 'fileremoved' listeners get a json parameter that holds the file infos: sha1name, origname, path, type, size, field, and sha1sum ( sha1sum is not returned for partial files ) .

When the mime type is not recognized by the file extension, the default value for file type will be 'application/octet-stream' .

Parser Implementation & Performance

###A Note about Parsing Data Rate vs Network Throughput

Overall parsing data-rate depends on many factors, it is generally possible to reach a ( parsing ) data rate of 700 MB/s and more with a real Buffer totally loaded in RAM ( searching a basic ~60 bytes string, like Firefox uses; see parser-benchmarks ), but in my opinion, this parsing test only emulates an high Throughput network with only one chunk for all data, therefore not a real case.

Unfortunately, sending data over the cloud is sometime a long-time task, the data is chopped in many chunks, and the chunk size may change because of (underneath) TCP flow control ( typically the chunk size is between ~ 4K and ~ 64K ). Now, the point is that the parser is called for every chunk of data received, the total delay of calling it becomes more perceptible with a lot of chunks.

I try to explain me:

( using a super-fast Boyer-Moore parser )

In the world of Fairies :

  • the data received is not chopped,
  • there is a low repetition of pattern strings in the received data, ( this gets the result of n/m comparisons )
  • network throughput == network bandwidth ( **wow **),

reaches a time complexity (in the best case) of :

 O( ( data chunk length ) / ( pattern length ) ) * O( time to do a single comparison ) 
  or, for simplicity  
 O( n / m ) * O(t) = O( n / m )

t is considered to be a constant value. It doesn't add anything in terms of complexity, but it still is a non zero value.

(for the purists, O stands for Theta, Complexity).

Anyway, I set T = (average time to execute the parser on a single chunk ) then :

T = ( average number of comparisons ) * ( average time to do a single comparison ) ~= ( n / m ) * ( t )

In real world, Murphy Laws assures that the best case doesn't exists: :O

  • data is chopped,
  • in some cases (a very large CSV file) there is a big number of comparisons between chars ( it decreases the data rate ), however for optimism and for simplicity, I'll take the previous calculated time complexity O(n/m) for good, and then also the time T, altough it's not totally correct .
  • network throughput < network bandwidth,
  • the time 't' to do a single comparison, depends on how the comparison is implemented

the average time will becomes something like:

( average time to execute the parser on a single chunk ) * ( average number of data chunks ) * ( average number of parser calls per data chunk * average delay time of a single call )

or for simplify it, a number like:

( T ) * ( k ) * ( c * d ) ~= ( n / m ) * ( t ) * ( k ) * ( c * d )

When k, the number of data chunks, increases, the value ( k ) * ( c * d ) becomes a considerable weigth in terms of time consumption; I think it's obvious that, for the system, call 10^4 times a function , is an heavy job compared to call it only 1 time.

A single GB of data transferred, with a data chunk size of 40K, is typically splitted (on average) in ~ 26000 chunks!

However, in a general case:

  • we can do very little about reducing the time delay (d) of parser calls, and for reducing the number (k) of chunks ( or manually increasing their size ), these thinks don't totally depend on us.
  • we could minimize the number 'c' of parser calls to a single call for every chunk, or c = 1.
  • we could still minimize the time 't' to do a single char comparison , it obviously reduces the overall execution time.

For these reasons:

  • instead of building a complex state-machine, I have written a simple implementation of the QuickSearch algorithm, using only high performance for-cycles.

  • I have tried to don't use long switch( .. ){ .. } statements or a long chain of if(..){..} else {..},

  • for minimizing the time 't' to do a single comparison, I have used two simple char lookup tables, 255 bytes long, implemented with nodeJS Buffers. (one for boundary pattern string to match, one for CRLFCRLF sequence).

The only limit in this implementation is that it doesn't support a boundary length more than 254 bytes, it doesn't seem to be a real problem with all major browsers I have tested, they are all using a boundary totally made of ASCII chars, typically ~60bytes in length. -->

RFC2046 (page19) excerpt:

Boundary delimiters must not appear within the encapsulated material, and must be no longer than 70 characters, not counting the two leading hyphens.


  • HTTP 1.1: RFC2616

    • 19.4 Differences Between HTTP Entities and RFC 2045 Entities.
    • 19.4.1 MIME-Version ( .. HTTP is not a MIME-compliant protocol .. )
    • 19.4.5 No Content-Transfer-Encoding ( .. HTTP does not use the Content-Transfer-Encoding (CTE) field of RFC 2045.. )
  • (MIME) Part Two: Media Types: RFC2046

    • 5.1.1 Common Syntax


for Italian GitHubbers -> LinkedIn Group

Special thanks to dvv for his precious suggestions, and mrxot87 for having tested formaline with Opera .

Future Releases

  • add transaction identifiers
  • add others examples with AJAX, writing about tested client-side uploader .
  • add a readable stream from files while they are uploaded .
  • add some other server-side security checks, and write about it .
  • give choice to changing the parser with a custom one .
  • more performance modifications in quickSearch.js .
  • find and test some weird boundary string types .
  • add some unit tests .
  • Restify ?


(The MIT License)

Copyright (c) 2011 Guglielmo Ferri <>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.