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Releases: ropensci/medrxivr

CRAN Release: Hotfix

14 Dec 07:23
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Major changes:

  • Fixed error which occurred when downloading the whole bioRxiv database. This was caused by any record above 100000 being presented in scientific notation (e.g. 1e+05), which meant the API returned an invalid response.
  • Change tests to fix runtime regardless of future growth of the repositories

medrxivr 0.0.3

30 Sep 09:20
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Version created for submission to JOSS and CRAN, and onboarded to rOpenSci following peer-review.

Major changes:

  • mx_snapshot() now takes a commit argument, allowing you to specify exactly which snapshot of the database you would like to use. Details on the commit keys needed are here. In addition, the process of taking the snapshot is now managed by GitHub actions, meaning it should be a lot more robust/regular/
  • Importing the snapshot to R is now significantly faster, as vroom::vroom() is used in place of read.csv()
  • All functions that return a data frame now return ungrouped tibbles.
  • The to/from date arguments for both mx_search() and mx_api_content() have been standardized to snake case and now expect the same "YYYY-MM-DD" character format.
  • A progress indicator has been added to mx_api_content() provide useful information when downloading from the API.
  • Some refactoring of code has taken place to reduce duplication of code chunks and to make future maintenance easier.

Minor changes:

  • mx_crosscheck() no longer uses web-scraping when providing the number of
  • Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes, and some additional sections added to the vignettes. This includes removing references to older versions of the functions names (e.g. mx_raw()).
  • Additional test have been written, and the overall test coverage has been increased. Some lines (handling exceptional rare errors that can't be mocked) have been marked as #nocov.
  • \dontrun had been replaced with \donttest in all examples across the package.
  • All examples for mx_download() and mx_export() now use tempfile() and tempdir(), so as not to modify the users home filespace when running the examples.

Submission to JOSS

08 Sep 11:43
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Small update to trigger builds

Initial (Proper) Release

27 May 14:19
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This release is so that Zenodo can mint a DOI for the JOSS submission as part of the rOpenSci peer review process.