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iBeacon Utilits

Set of classes to handle configuration and monitoring of iBeacons

  • BeaconConfigurator
  • BeaconConfigurator Delegate
  • BeaconMonitor
  • BeaconMonitor Delegate

Beacon Configurator

Warning: It works only with RBL BLEMini device (http://blemini/) but you can simply adapt it to any device by changing the service UUID in BeaconConfigurator.m

#import "BeaconConfigurator.h"
// Initialize the configurator
BeaconConfigurator* configurator = [[BeaconConfigurator alloc] initWithDelegate:self];

// Start scanning for beacons
[configurator scan];


// Configure Beacon
// Check BeaconConfiguratorDelegate.h to see how to obtain the beacon identifiers
[configurator configureBeacon:beaconIdentifier identifier withMajor:major andMinor:minor;]


//Stop scanning for beacons 
[configurator stopScan];

Beacon Configurator Delegate

The method didDiscoverdBeacons:(NSArray*)discoveredBeacons gets called on the delegate each time the configurator discover new beacons. The discoveredBeacons array contains the identifiers of the discovered beacons. It's a good place to configure the discovered beacons with configureBeacon:identifier:withMajor:andMinor

Check BeaconConfiguratorDelegate.h to see other self-explanatory delegate's callbacks

Beacon Monitor

To obtain the shared instance, just call [BeaconMonitor sharedInstance].

#import "BeaconMonitor.h"
// Obtain the monitor
BeaconMonitor* monitor = [BeaconMonitor sharedInstance];

// Add a new region to monitor
[monitor addRegionWithIdentifier:@"kitchen" major:major minor:minor];

//Start monitoring
[monitor startMonitoring];
//Access nearest regions
NSLog(@"%@",monitor.nearestRegions) // > ["kitchen","bedroom","bathroom"]

Check BeaconMonitor.h to see other self-explanatory methods

Beacon Monitor Delegate

The method nearestRegionsDidChange:(NSArray*)regionsIdentifier gets called on the delegate each time the nearestRegions changes. Check BeaconMonitorDelegate.h to see other self-explanatory delegate's callbacks


Basic framework that eases iBeacons common tasks.






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