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Releases: roridev/snipeyourself

First Public Release

01 Mar 22:52
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I took a break from clicking circles. Life stuff that's why it took so long to make this thing publicly available. I'm sorry.

This looks and works drastically different from the forum post.

The program now asks for everything on the first run and spits out files into ./scores/rank.json.
Ranks on each file : S/S+ -> s.json a -> a.json >b -> b_minus.json.

The scoring system is a refined version from the old algorithm but star rating independent. It only looks at how close your old top play was from reaching the threshold. Formula for which is available under Utils/RebaseV1.cs

LOWER IS BETTER. a lower rebase rating means that you're closer from rewriting that top play. Since they're sorted by rebase on the file simply playing them from TOP TO BOTTOM should work well enough, if you're having ~le mind blocke just go to the next one nerd.

Threshold is set to ceil(Average Acc) since you should have ~30% of plays lower then the average acc and rewriting them will push your avg acc a 33% up which should be enough to up your acc a whole percent (or no, it depends on how consistent you are).

Funny thing is that this is an actually decent trainer since your low acc top plays would generally be on the skills you suck.

Example : me

Avg Acc : 98.66%
Threshold : 98%
Number of plays below 98%: 26

What the program asks and how to get it

Client ID and Client Secret :

I Use APIv2 cause that one doesn't rely on using the old website and doing some black magic that sometimes work, other times don't.
v2 is on the new site and can be accessed by anyone so here is the tutorial on how to get these if you don't already know.

  1. Settings Page
  2. Search for OAuth
  3. Click onNew OAuth Application.
  4. Set the name to whatever you want
  5. Set the callback to http://localhost
  6. Click on the name of your new OAuth application. You should see this
  7. Click on Show Client Secret.
  8. You now have both the Client ID and Client Secret

User Id :

  1. Go to your profile and look at the url. Its the last numbers there.
    Ex :