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Installation Guide

Elaine Ho edited this page Apr 3, 2023 · 5 revisions

Software requirements (external prerequisites)

  • CUDA 11.3.1
  • Motioncor2
  • ctffind
  • IMOD
  • AreTomo
  • miniconda

Obtaining Ot2Rec

Ot2Rec can be obtained by cloning this repository

git clone

Installing Ot2Rec

  1. You will need miniconda. If you have not yet installed miniconda yet, you can obtain it by following the instructions here.

  2. (Optional, but recommended) Update miniconda

    conda update conda
  3. Once miniconda is set up, create a virtual environment for Ot2Rec and activate the environment

    conda create --name o2r
    conda activate o2r
  4. Go to the Ot2Rec folder and install Ot2Rec

    cd /path/to/Ot2Rec/
    pip install -e .

Note that you will need to have a separate installation of the different plugins you'd like to use, e.g., IMOD or AreTomo.

(RFI Users: use module load ... to load the plugins, e.g., module load imod.