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Origin Repo is ...

The copyright of the original code belongs to the repository of the link above. In the event of copyright or license problems in the future, this repository may be deleted without notice.


roslaunch eposx_hardware example_1.launch # motor 1
roslaunch eposx_hardware example_2.launch # motor 2
roslaunch eposx_hardware example_3.launch # motor 3
roslaunch eposx_hardware example_4.launch # motor 4
roslaunch eposx_hardware example_5.launch # motor 5
roslaunch eposx_hardware example_6.launch # motor 6

position control

  • default controller is effort controller
  • You can change ros controller by using below command (motor 1)
    rosservice call /motor_1/controller_manager/sitch_controller "start_controllers:
    - 'position_controller'
    - 'effort_controller'
    strictness: 0" '
  • You can send position command by using below command (motor 1)
    rostopic pub /motor_1/position_controller/command std_msgs/Floate64 "data: 0.0"
  • when value is 417, motor will turn 1 revolute.


The contents below are about the original codes eposx_hardware and epos_hardware packages.

eposx_hardware is ...

  • ROS interface for Maxon EPOS motor drivers
  • forked from RIVeR-Lab/epos_hardware, with a lot of enhancements and refactors
  • difference from the original package
    • supports all EPOS drivers (EPOS/EPOS2/EPOS4)
    • supports all phisycal interface to EPOS (USB/RS232/CANOpen)
    • supports online switching of EPOS control modes
    • supports reading status of EPOS's power supply
    • supports joint limit interface
    • uses the latest offical command library from Maxon in backend (as of Jun. 2018)
    • refactored codes including an useful C++ wrapper of backend C library

Node: epos_hardware_node


rosrun eposx_hardware epos_hardware_node [motor_name...]


  • all parameters below are motor-specific and must be in the namespace ~motor_name

device (string, default: "EPOS4")

  • type of device like "EPOS", "EPOS2", or "EPOS4"

protocol_stack (string, default: "MAXON SERIAL V2")

  • type of protocol stack like "MAXON SERIAL V2", or "MAXON RS232"

interface (string, default: "USB")

  • type of physical interface like "USB", "RS232", or "CANOpen"

port (string, default: "")

  • path to physical port like "/dev/ttyUSB0"
  • if empty string, all possible port will be scanned

node_id (int, default: 0)

  • EPOS's node id
  • if 0, all possible node indices will be tried

serial_number (string, default: "")

  • EPOS's serial number in hex without "0x"
  • if empty string, port and/or node_id will be used to search the device

baudrate (int, default: 0)

  • baudrate of communication via physical interface
  • if 0, keep current baudrate
  • ignored if another device belonging to the interface is already initialized

timeout (int, default: 0)

  • timeout of communication via physical interface in ms
  • if 0, keep current timeout
  • ignored if another device belonging to the interface is already initialized

clear_faults (bool, default: false)

  • clear faults recorded in the device on startup

rw_ros_units (bool, default: false)

  • use ROS standard units (rad, rad/s, Nm) in hardware interfaces or EPOS standard units (quad count of encoder pulse(qc), rpm, mNm)

detailed_diagnostic (bool, default: false)

  • additionally read actual operation mode, device status, and fault info

remaining parameters wiil be described soon

Commandline tool: list_nodes

will be described soon

Commandline tool: get_state

will be described soon



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