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Roughness Instructions

Rose Pearson edited this page Oct 27, 2023 · 2 revisions

These options control behaviour of the roughness length estimation stage and are all grouped under the roughness key-value.

The roughness sub-section can be used to specify advanced settings for the roughness length estimation stage.

parameters [Optional, dict] - The parameters applied to the roughness length equation of max(parameter['mean'] * mean, parameter['std'] * std).

default_values [Optional, dict] - Default values are: {"land": 0.014, "ocean": 0.004, "waterways": 0.004, "rivers": 0.004, "minimum": 0.00001, "maximum": 0.5, "roads": 0.001}. Currently the road is not supported. In future the plan is to bring in OSM specified roads at specified widths and set to the specified road value. If waterways, minimum or maximum are set to null/NaN then the relevant roughness values are left unchanged.

ignore_powerlines [Optional, bool] - Not yet implemented. Plan is to support filtering high poiunts (say above a specified height) when this option is included - perhaps as a dictionary in future.

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