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Study Buddy


The tool recommends degrees from different universities across Germany to students in pursuit of a bachelor’s or master’s degree. It takes your interest in account along with your preference of language of instruction, degree type, and rating score. All you need to do is type in a word or two and the tool recommends programs that best matches what you like. You can view details of the programs, including a description. Additionally, you can get more insights about the recommendation through interactive visuals.

This project was submited as a final project for Learning Analytics course under Social Computing department at Duisburg-Essen University.


  • Recommends University degrees tailored to your interest
  • Filtering Options
  • Interactive visuals of the results

Dataset Description

  • Multivariate dataset
  • It consists of 18 attributes in csv format
  • There are 2264 study majors -The source of dataset is HERE

Implementation Technologies

The project is based on following technologies:

  • Front-End

    • Website
      • HTML
      • CSS
      • Jinja
  • Back-End

    • Web Server
      • Python
      • Flask

App Structure

The app follows the following structure:

  • scraping (folder)
    • (To scrap the website for study programs)
  • data (folder)
    • raw_data.csv
    • processed_data.csv
    • secondary_links.csv
    • stopwords.pkl
    • tfidf_mat.pkl
    • vectorizer.pkl
  • web (folder)
    • templates (folder)
      • base.html
      • home.html
      • results.html
    • web_app.ipnyb (Web app)
    • bar1.html
    • sc1_plot.html
  • model (folder)
    • data_preparation.ipnyb (data cleaning and formatting)
    • recommender.ipnyb (machine learning models)
    • results.pkl (Results retrieved)
  • assets (folder)
    • images (static files)

Machine Learning Pipeline

  • Machine Learning Pipeline
    • Web Scraping
      • BeautifulSoup
      • Selenium
    • Machine learning and data analysis
      • HanTa
      • Scikit learn
      • NLTK
    • Data Processing
      • Pandas
      • Pickle
      • TextHero
    • Data Visualisation
      • DataTables
      • matplotlib
      • mpld3
      • Altair


All Visualisation is built using:

Interactive Table DataTables and Jinja packages

  • Shows the top recommended majors (starting with the best match) and their attributes as well as the cosine similarity value
  • Able to browse, sort and filter the results according to your liking image

Further Visualizations:

Scatter Plot mpld3 package

  • Shows recommended majors by overall rating and similarity
  • Hover over entries or pan within the plot


Horizontal Bar Chart Altair package

  • shows top recommended programs in an ordered manner and the corresponding cosine similarity value
  • using color hue as a legend to distinguish between subcategories that the programs belong to
  • Filter displayed majors by language they are taught in via a dropdown-menu image

Project Deployment

First you need to install below requirements:

Then you need to install below requirements on our system:

  • altair == 4.2.0
  • beautifulsoup4
  • datapane == 0.13.2
  • flask == 1.1.2
  • gensim==3.8.3
  • itsdangerous==2.0.1
  • Jinja2==3.0.1
  • MarkupSafe==2.0.1
  • matplotlib == 3.3.4
  • mpld3 == 0.5.7
  • numpy == 1.20.1
  • pandas == 1.2.4
  • pickle
  • scikit-learn == 0.24.1
  • werkzeug == 1.0.1
  • HanTa
  • nltk == 3.6.1
  • scipy == 1.6.2
  • texthero == 1.1.0
  • selenium == 4.1.0

Run Server

In the end you can simply run the web_app.ipynb file and then the server will run on you localhost. Afterwards just open Browser and access http://localhost:5000/ and enjoy the Web Application.



No description, website, or topics provided.






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