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stunnel Module

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This is an stunnel module that provides support for multiple tunnels, each with its own initscript.

What Is stunnel?

stunnel is software that enables you to add an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to an existing TCP service, re-presenting the service on a different TCP port, but wrapped in SSL. stunnel also allows you to create a secure tunnel between two different computers so that a TCP service that is present on one computer appears on the other computer. This allows you to securely split onto two computers, a TCP client and server that are currently working on a single computer, without having to reconfigure either the client or the server.

stunnel is a system service that is automatically re-established if the tunnel software crashes. This makes it more robust than a manually-created SSH tunnel.

How To Generate A Certificate

In order to create a tunnel using stunnel, you must first create a digital certificate. This can be done using the shell openssl command (See Here is an example:

openssl genrsa -out key.pem 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -key key.pem -out cert.pem -days 1095
    Country: AU
    State: South Australia
    Locality: Adelaide
    Organisation: Megacorp Pty Ltd
    Common Name:
    Email Address:
cat key.pem cert.pem >> stunnel.pem

For more information, see or go crazy Googling.

How To Use Puppet To Install A Certificate File

Install the .pem file in the Files directory of your Puppet module. You can then instruct Puppet to install it anywhere you like. Here is an example of how to use Puppet to install it in the /etc/ssl/certs directory:

file { '/etc/ssl/certs/mysql_stunnel.pem':
    ensure => 'file',
    owner  => 'root',
    group  => 'root',
    mode   => 700,
    source  => 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/mysql_stunnel.pem',
    before  => Stunnel::Tun['mysql_stunnel'],

The before attribute ensures that the `.pem' file is present before Puppet attempts to create a tunnel.


Example: Adding an SSL Front End Within A Single Computer

This example shows how to use stunnel to take an unencrypted imap email service on TCP port 143, and present it as an encrypted imap email service on TCP port 993. The encrypted connection employs the digital certificate at /etc/certs/stunnel-imaps.pem. Here is the Puppet configuration to do this:

include stunnel
stunnel::tun { 'imaps':
  accept  => '993',
  connect => 'localhost:143',
  options => 'NO_SSLv2',
  cert    => '/etc/certs/stunnel-imaps.pem',
  client  => false,

Example: Tunnelling A TCP Port Between Computers

This example shows how to create an stunnel tunnel between two different computers. In particular, this example shows the common case of creating a secure connection between a MySQL client on one computer (the "client computer") and a MySQL server on a second computer (the "server computer"). However, you should be able to adapt the example to work for any non-MySQL TCP connection.

In this example, an stunnel service is installed on the client computer and also separately on the server computer. The same .pem certificate file is provided to each of them. The two services communicate with each other to establish the connection from a port on the client computer to a port on the server computer.

In this example, a MySQL client connects to the MySQL server by connecting to TCP port 3306 on the client computer, just as if the MySQL server were running on the client computer. The stunnel client service on the client computer then accepts the connection and connects to TCP port 3307 on the server computer using an encrypted protocol that employs the certificate in the .pem file at each end. On the server computer, an stunnel server service accepts the connection to TCP port 3307 and connects to TCP port 3306 on the server computer where the MySQL database server is waiting to accept the connection. The result is that the client thinks that the server is on its computer, and the server thinks that the client is on its computer.

For the purposes of this example, we assume that the same .pem certificate file has been installed at


on both the client and the server computers. See an earlier section for how to generate a certificate file.

To create the tunnel, we install an stunnel client service on the client computer and an stunnel server service on the server computer. Here is the Puppet configuration to establish the stunnel service on the client computer. This configuration should only be applied to the client computer. Substitute the name, or IP address, of your server computer for

include stunnel
stunnel::tun { 'mysql_stunnel':
  accept  => '3306',               # The stunnel client will listen to this port.
  connect => "", # The stunnel client will connect to this port.
  options => 'NO_SSLv2',
  cert    => '/etc/ssl/certs/mysql_stunnel.pem',
  client  => true,

Here is the Puppet configuration to establish the stunnel service on the server computer. This configuration should only be applied to the server computer.

include stunnel
stunnel::tun { 'mysql_stunnel':
  accept  => '3307', # The stunnel server will listen to this port.
  connect => '3306', # The stunnel server will connect to this port.
                     # Note: I tried 'localhost:3306', but the 'localhost' stopped it from working.
  options => 'NO_SSLv2',
  cert    => '/etc/ssl/certs/mysql_stunnel.pem',
  client  => false,

In this two-computer example, the client attribute distinguishes an stunnel client installation from an stunnel server installation. This is critical because stunnel clients and servers do asymmetric things. The stunnel client on the client computer accepts MySQL connections on TCP port 3306 and creates an encrypted connection to TCP port 3307 on the server computer. The stunnel server on the server computer accepts the encrypted TCP connection on TCP port 3307 and has an encrypted conversation. It connects to local TCP port 3306 and transmits the decrypted data.

A significant advantage of using stunnel in this way is that neither the MySQL client on the client computer, nor the MySQL server on the server computer need to be configured any differently to make it work. This means that if you have a MySQL client process and a MySQL server process working on a single computer, you can use stunnel to split them over two computers without compromising security.

Multiple Clients

In the two-computer example above, the solution is presented as an stunnel client/server pair as if they are bound together. In fact, stunnel clients and servers operate independently as clients and servers. This means that you can have several different client computers, each configured with an stunnel client as shown above, and each connecting to the same server computer running an stunnel server.

Multiple Tunnels

So long as you provide a distinct resource name (mysql_stunnel in the above examples) and use distinct TCP ports for each tunnel, you can use this Puppet package to create as many tunnels as you like, with a single computer implementing clients and servers for several different tunnels. Just declare a different stunnel::tun resource for each stunnel client or server.

Service Notification

This stunnel Puppet package restarts the stunnel service if a configuration change has been made.

stunnel Generated Configuration Files

The package installs a configuration file at:


where mysql_stunnel is the name of your stunnel::tun resource as above.

This Puppet package also generates an init service configuration script at:


where stunnel-mysql_stunnel is the name of your stunnel::tun resource with stunnel- prepended to it.

stunnel Status

Once you've established your stunnel, you can inspect its state using the following shell commands:

/etc/init.d/stunnel-mysql_stunnel status
/etc/init.d/stunnel-mysql_stunnel start
/etc/init.d/stunnel-mysql_stunnel restart
/etc/init.d/stunnel-mysql_stunnel stop

where stunnel-mysql_stunnel is the name of your stunnel::tun resource with stunnel- prepended to it.

Installation Errors

If you get the error:

Error: Could not install module 'arusso-stunnel' (latest: v1.0.0)
    Installation would overwrite /etc/puppet/modules/stunnel
    Currently, 'puppetlabs-stunnel' (v0.0.1) is installed to that directory
    Use `puppet module install --target-dir <DIR>` to install modules elsewhere
    Use `puppet module install --force` to install this module anyway

then uninstall the Puppet stunnel model and install the arusso one as follows:

puppet module uninstall stunnel
puppet module install arusso-stunnel


stunnel is picky about the certs. You can find more information about it here in the CERTIFICATES section.

If you don't want to mess with rebuilding your cert each time the certs you base it off of get updated, you can use the stunnel::cert class to your benefit:

stunnel::cert { 'imaps':
  components => [ '/etc/pki/tls/private/private.key',
                  '/etc/pki/tls/certs/public.crt' ],

This will generate a cert /etc/stunnel/certs/imaps.pem that is the concatenation of the $components array provided, with a single line in between each certificate to make stunnel happiest.

Since by default, the cert parameter looks for certs that match the service name in the /etc/stunnel/certs/ directory, we can omit the cert parameter if we use the stunnel::cert class. Here's a full example:

include stunnel
stunnel::tun { 'imaps':
  accept   => '993',
  connect  => '143',
  options  => 'NO_SSLv2',

stunnel::cert { 'imaps':
  components => [ '/etc/pki/tls/certs/public-cert.crt',
                  '/etc/pki/tls/private/private.key' ],



See LICENSE file


Copyright © 2013 The Regents of the University of California


Yann Vigara

  • Debian/Ubuntu support

Ross Williams

  • Documentation.


Aaron Russo


Please log tickets and issues at the Projects site


Puppet stunnel Module







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