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How is Roswell different

Ke Xu edited this page Jun 27, 2018 · 3 revisions

You might have already noticed that there are bunch of "command line interface" libraries for Common Lisp. What's the difference!?

Below is a brief comparison of different libraries. The evaluation thoroughly depends on my (Masataro Asai aka guicho271828) personal taste and not subject to rigorous tests, however I hope it would give you a grasp of the relationship / dominance between these libraries.

See also: State of the Common Lisp Ecosystem, 2015

Feature Roswell CIM cl-launch buildapp
--- Implementation Management
Launching a script with different lisp impls
Managing (install, switch) lisp impls
Managing (install, switch) lisp impls+versions
--- Supported Impl
abcl ✔2
alisp (allegro) ✔1
gcl (obsoleted, not ANSI anyway) ✔1 (ANSI mode)
scienner (who cares?) ✔1
xcl (seems dead: last update 2010 Oct) ✔2
--- Scripting
Script templates
Managing several script templates
Managing scripts
Bundling/installing a script to/from a quicklisp library
Shell integration (e.g. bash completion)
--- Dumping
Dump feature
Managing dumped images
--- CI integration
Local installation (no sudo)
Helper scripts ⚠ (via cl-travis)
--- Quality
Documentation ✔ organized manpage ✔ organized man page ⚠ Overlength manual @ --help / cliki web page
Code Quality clean? "sh circus" (シェル芸) (keens) "Hard to Hack" (fare) clean?
--- Others
Windows support
Easy Upgrade ✔ cim get
Practical Use Case (reputation) good mainly on CI? fair? good
Implemented in C+lisp sh+lisp sh+lisp lisp

Re: Shelly, the author (Fukamachi) declared (to be precise, "I think I heard him saying") it as deprecated and "dead" by himself.

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