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This repository contains a collection of Python code for time series analysis. The code includes functions for:

Importing time series data.
Cleaning and preprocessing time series data
Visualizing time series data
Analyzing the statistical properties of time series data
Building forecasting models for time series data

The code is organized into the following modules:

Importing: This module contains functions for importing time series data from a variety of sources, such as CSV files, Excel spreadsheets.
Cleaning: This module contains functions for cleaning and preprocessing time series data, such as removing outliers, imputing missing values, and transforming the data to a desired format.
Visualization: This module contains functions for visualizing time series data, such as plotting the data, creating time series plots, and generating autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation plots.
Statistics: This module contains functions for analyzing the statistical properties of time series data, such as calculating the mean, standard deviation, and autocorrelation function of the data.
Forecasting: This module contains functions for building forecasting models for time series data, such as FbProphet Model and Neural Network models.
The code is accompanied by a number of Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to use the code. The notebooks cover a variety of topics, such as importing time series data, cleaning and preprocessing time series data, visualizing time series data, analyzing the statistical properties of time series data, and building forecasting models for time series data.

I hope that this repository will be a useful resource for anyone who is interested in learning about time series analysis.

Getting Started

To get started with the code in this repository, you will need to have the following installed:

Python 3.6 or higher
A Jupyter Notebook environment
Once you have installed the necessary software, you can clone the repository to your computer using the following command:

git clone

This will create a directory called time-series-analysis in your current directory.

Running the Code

To run the code in this repository, you will need to open a Jupyter Notebook and navigate to the directory containing the code. Once you are in the directory, you can run the code by clicking the "Run" button in the toolbar.


I welcome contributions to this repository. If you would like to contribute new code or documentation, please create a pull request.


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