Till Bovermann & Dario Sanfilippo for the rottingsounds project
BitDSP is a set of faust library functions aimed to help explore and research artistic possibilities of bit-based algorithms. BitDSP offers three data formats to handle 1-bit data streams:
BitDSP currently includes implementations of bit-based functions ranging from simple bit operations over classic delta-sigma modulations to more experimental approaches like cellular automata, recursive Boolean networks, and linear feedback shift registers.
A detailed overview of the functionality is in the paper "Creative use of bit-stream DSP in faust" presented at IFC 2020.
A straight-forward implementation in which each 1-bit sample is represented as an integer value that is either 0, 1.
This representation allows to implement bit-based operators utilising standard operators.
For real-time applications, sample rates are, however, limited to the maximum sample-rate supported by the audio interface.
Another limiting factor is that each 1-bit value is represented by (typically) 32 bits, hence computational and memory allocation is far bigger than necessary.
(parallel processing of parallel bit-streams)
The bit-stream is represented by an N-dimensional signal bus of N consecutive samples of the bit-stream in N parallel streams.
This results in an oversampling relative to the sample-rate by a factor of N.
This approach requires unfolding of feedback paths over the N signal buses, which means that standard implementation of the libraries utilising feedback operators cannot be integrated. Instead, specific versions need to be written.
The bit-stream is encoded in a faust-native integer signal as a sequence of bits that need to be processed in parallel. For now, an integer in faust typically translates into a 32bit signed integer. Implementations are therefore equivalent to the bitBus bversion with N=32
The resulting upsampling factor is therefore N=32
Straight-forward operators for the int32 representation are e.g. bitAnd
, bitOr
and bitNot
which is strangely not implemented natively in faust.
Other operators are e.g. left-shift or right-shift for which we also had to rely on external functions because right-shift operators are unfortunately confusingly defined for signed integers in C-like languages.
Examples are available in the examples folder. Each example dsp file has examples on how to compile the dsp file into a running application.
There is also a dedicated SuperCollider examples folder.
This research has been funded through RottingSounds (project AR 445-G24) by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
Subsequent is a list of currently implemented functions (last updated on 2020-12-01).
All implementations are located in bitDSP.lib. There you can also find detailed descriptions of their functionality.
To use them in your code, add
bit = library("bitDSP.lib");
to your .dsp
Basic Boolean oscillator with four cross-coupled nodes, mainly for chaotic oscillations including limit cycles and strange attractors.
Basic Boolean oscillator with two cross-coupled nodes, mainly for chaotic oscillations including limit cycles and strange attractors.
Basic Boolean oscillator with two cross-coupled nodes, mainly for chaotic oscillations including limit cycles and strange attractors.
Comb-integrator circuit lowpass filter based on Eric Lyon's article.
First derivative using linear interpolation delay lines, hence allowing fractional differentiation periods.
First-order digital delta-sigma modulator.
Second-order digital delta-sigma modulator.
Adder for binary values. It adds two operands as well as a carrier input. It outputs the sum as well as the carrier output.
Adder for delta-sigma-modulated streams.
Under a specified likelihood (noise
, chance
) and depending on type
, either
type == -1
-- set a bit's value to lowtype == 0
-- flip bittype == 1
-- set a bit's value to high
All implementations are located in bitDSP_bitBus.lib. There you can also find detailed descriptions of their functionality.
To use them in your code, add
bitBus = library("bitDSP_bitBus");
to your .dsp
One-dimension, two-state, elementary cellular automata with circular lattice. The function is defined by the length of the lattice, a rule, and an initial condition. Additionally, the function has a "rate" parameter that determines the interval between iterations. The rule and the initial condition are positive INTs that are converted into binary numbers and accordingly zero-padded or limited to reach a binary string of appropriate length.
Add N
zeros at the beginning of a list.
All implementations are located in bitDSP_int32.lib. There you can also find detailed descriptions of their functionality.
To use them in your code, add
bit32 = library("bitDSP_int32");
to your .dsp
bitwise Not
Note: relies on foreign functions (c-based platforms only).
Unsigned left shift operator.
Note: relies on foreign functions (c-based platforms only).
Unsigned right shift operator.
Note: relies on foreign functions (c-based platforms only).
Invert selected bits of an integer.
Note: relies on foreign functions (c-based platforms only).
Bit-wise AND of selected bits of two integers. Remaining bits are kept from first parameter.
Bit-wise OR of selected bits of two integers. Remaining bits are kept from first parameter.
Bit-wise XOR of selected bits of two integers. Remaining bits are kept from first parameter.
Apply result only to selected bits.
Create bit mask with indices at list values == 1
Note: relies on foreign functions (c-based platforms only)
Single-bit delay on an integer bitstream. maximum of 32bit delays possible.
Note: relies on foreign functions (c-based platforms only).
Single-bit delay on integer bitstream.
Minimum resp. Maximum value of integer datatype.
Compute parity of a 32bit integer (assuming it to be unsigned)
integer division.
Note: relies on foreign functions (c-based platforms only).
Compute LFSR on a 32bit resp. N
-bit integer bitset (assuming it to be unsigned).
Resets on changed input state.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear-feedback_shift_register for details on LFSRs.
Note: relies on foreign functions (c-based platforms only).
Select bits of an integer to be interpreted as PCM values.
Range is [0, 1, .. (2^size)[
resp. [0.f .. 1]
Note: relies on foreign functions (c-based platforms only).
Delta-sigma converter for a float-encoded multibit-stream. It turns the incoming signal into a binary stream packed into chuncks of a 32.
All implementations are located in bitDSP_conversion.lib. There you can also find detailed descriptions of their functionality.
To use them in your code, add
bitConv = library("bitDSP_conversion");
to your .dsp
Converts a decimal integer (N) into a Faust list containing the binary digits, that is, the binary digits in parallel.
turn a stream of parallel binary values into an integer representation by left-shifting (<<
) the values of the input busses.
Turn a 1bit signal into a stream of parallel binary values
turn an integer signal into a stream of parallel binary values
left-shifting (<<
) the values of the input busses.
this interprets the input integer as a set of (32) binary values.
alternative implementation to dec2bitBus