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roundrop committed Jan 3, 2015
1 parent f19beb8 commit 380da68
Showing 1 changed file with 328 additions and 3 deletions.
331 changes: 328 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,337 @@
# Facebook4J [![Build Status](](
Facebook4J is a Facebook Graph API binding library for the Java language licensed under Apache License 2.0.

## Usage
see: [](

## Version

## Install


## Code Examples

Please see []( for complete documentation.

### Getting Facebook Instance
At first it is necessary to acquire Facebook instance to use Facebook4J.
You can get Facebook instance in FacebookFactory.getInstance().

Facebook facebook = new FacebookFactory().getInstance();

If App ID / App Secret / access token / access permission are listed in then, they are set in Facebook instance given back.
See [Configuration | Facebook4J - A Java library for the Facebook Graph API]( for the detail.
When they are not listed, it is setable later as follows:

facebook.setOAuthAppId(appId, appSecret);
facebook.setOAuthAccessToken(new AccessToken(accessToken, null));

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### OAuth support

#### Getting User Access Token

It is possible to authenticate users using Facebook accounts with your web application.
An example implementation is available at []( .

#### Getting App Access Token
You can get App Access Token via Facebook.getOAuthAppAccessToken() method.


#### Getting Page Access Token
You can get Page Access Token as below:

ResponseList<Account> accounts = facebook.getAccounts();
Account yourPageAccount = accounts.get(0); // if index 0 is your page account.
String pageAccessToken = yourPageAccount.getAccessToken();

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### Publishing a message
You can publish a message via Facebook.postStatusMessage() method.

facebook.postStatusMessage("Hello World from Facebook4J.");

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### Publishing a link
You can publish a link via Facebook.postFeed() method.

PostUpdate post = new PostUpdate(new URL(""))
.picture(new URL(""))
.name("Facebook4J - A Java library for the Facebook Graph API")
.description("Facebook4J is a Java library for the Facebook Graph API.");

Facebook.postLink() method is simple way to post.

facebook.postLink(new URL(""));
facebook.postLink(new URL(""), "A Java library for the Facebook Graph API");

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### Getting News Feed
Facebook.getHome() returns a List of user's latest News Feed.

ResponseList<Post> feed = facebook.getHome();

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### Like
You can like a Post, Photo, ... via\*\*\*\*() methods.


Also, You can unlike a Post, Photo, ... via Facebook.unlike\*\*\*\*() methods.


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### Publising a comment
You can comment a Post, Photo, ... via Facebook.comment\*\*\*\*() methods.

facebook.commentPhoto(photoId, "It's a nice photo!");

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### Searching
You can search for Posts, Users, ... via\*\*\*\*() methods.

#### Search for public Posts

ResponseList<Post> results = facebook.searchPosts("watermelon");

#### Search for Users

ResponseList<User> results = facebook.searchUsers("mark");

#### Search for Events

ResponseList<Event> results = facebook.searchEvents("conference");

#### Search for Groups

ResponseList<Group> results = facebook.searchGroups("programming");

#### Search for Places

// Search by name
ResponseList<Place> results = facebook.searchPlaces("coffee");

// You can narrow your search to a specific location and distance
GeoLocation center = new GeoLocation(37.76, -122.427);
int distance = 1000;
ResponseList<Place> searchPlaces("coffee", center, distance);

#### Search for Checkins

// you or your friend's latest checkins, or checkins where you or your friends have been tagged
ResponseList<Checkin> results = facebook.searchCheckins();

#### Search for Locations

// To search for objects near a geographical location
GeoLocation center = new GeoLocation(37.76, -122.427);
int distance = 1000;
ResponseList<Location> searchLocations(center, distance);

// To search for objects at a particular place
String placeId = "166793820034304";
ResponseList<Location> locations = facebookBestFriend1.searchLocations(placeId);

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### Executing FQL
You can execute FQL via Facebook.executeFQL() method.
Also you can execute multiple FQL in one call via Facebook.executeMultiFQL() method.

// Single FQL
String query = "SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me()";
JSONArray jsonArray = facebook.executeFQL(query);
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);

// Multiple FQL
Map<String, String> queries = new HashMap<String, String>();
queries.put("all friends", "SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me()");
queries.put("my name", "SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid=me()");
Map<String, JSONArray> result = facebook.executeMultiFQL(queries);
JSONArray allFriendsJSONArray = result.get("all friends");
for (int i = 0; i < allFriendsJSONArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = allFriendsJSONArray.getJSONObject(i);
JSONArray myNameJSONArray = result.get("my name");

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### Executing Batch Requests
You can execute Batch Requests via Facebook.executeBatch() method.

// Executing "me" and "me/friends?limit=50" endpoints
BatchRequests<BatchRequest> batch = new BatchRequests<BatchRequest>();
batch.add(new BatchRequest(RequestMethod.GET, "me"));
batch.add(new BatchRequest(RequestMethod.GET, "me/friends?limit=50"));
List<BatchResponse> results = facebook.executeBatch(batch);

BatchResponse result1 = results.get(0);
BatchResponse result2 = results.get(1);

// You can get http status code or headers
int statusCode1 = result1.getStatusCode();
String contentType = result1.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");

// You can get body content via as****() method
String jsonString = result1.asString();
JSONObject jsonObject = result1.asJSONObject();
ResponseList<JSONObject> responseList = result2.asResponseList();

// You can map json to java object using DataObjectFactory#create****()
User user = DataObjectFactory.createUser(jsonString);
Friend friend1 = DataObjectFactory.createFriend(responseList.get(0).toString());
Friend friend2 = DataObjectFactory.createFriend(responseList.get(1).toString());

You can attach a binary data to batch request as follows:

BatchRequests<BatchRequest> batch = new BatchRequests<BatchRequest>();
Media file = new Media(new File("...image.png"));
BatchAttachment attachment = new BatchAttachment("file", file);
batch.add(new BatchRequest(RequestMethod.POST, "me/photos")
.body("message=My photo")

- - -

### Executing Raw API (setting the endpoint on your own)
You can execute the API endpoint that you want to run via****() method.

// GET
RawAPIResponse res = facebook.callGetAPI("me");
JSONObject jsonObject = actual.asJSONObject();
String id = jsonObject.getString("id");

Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("message", "hello");
RawAPIResponse res = facebook.callPostAPI("me/feed", params);

RawAPIResponse res = facebook.callDeleteAPI("123456/likes");
if (res.isBoolean()) {

You can execute the API endpoint that is not supported by Facebook4J via****() method.

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### Reading options
You can set various reading options to the method that Reading object includes in arguments.

#### Selecting specific fields
You can choose the fields you want returned via Reading.fields("fieldName1,fieldName2,...") .

// Getting user's email address only
User user = facebook1.getUser(id1.getId(), new Reading().fields("email"));

#### limit/offset

// Getting 1st-10th results
ResponseList<Post> results = facebook.searchPosts("watermelon", new Reading().limit(10));

// Getting 11th-20th results
ResponseList<Post> results = facebook.searchPosts("watermelon", new Reading().limit(10).offset(10));

#### until/since
until/since values can be a unix timestamp or any date accepted by [PHP's strtotime]( format.

ResponseList<Post> results = facebook.searchPosts("watermelon", new Reading().until("yesterday"));

- - -

### Pagination
You can get next/previous page with Paging object in results via Facebook.fetchNext() / Facebook.fetchPrevious() methods.

ResponseList<Option> page1 = facebook.getQuestionOptions(questionId);

// Getting Next page
Paging<Option> paging1 = page1.getPaging();
ResponseList<Option> page2 = facebook.fetchNext(paging1);

// Getting Previous page
Paging<Option> paging2 = page2.getPaging();
page1 = facebook.fetchPrevious(paging2);

## Official Web Site
see: [](

## License
Facebook4J is released under Apache License 2.0.

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