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Hotel-Data-Converter is a tool which help coverts hotel data from one format to another.

Table of Content

Supported Formats

Currently this tool supports:

  1. Converting CSV data format to JSON format.
  2. Converting CSV data format to XML format.


These are the validation rules the tool applies to each data format its about to convert

CSV Data Formats

  • The columns/fields must be up to six
  • The column positions matters to get appropriate results:
    • First column: Name
    • Third column: Stars
    • Sixth column: Uri
  • Name: The name is considered valid if it only contains UTF-8 characters
  • Stars: The stars are integers ranging from 0 to 5.
  • Uri: A valid uri must be a full (or absolute) URL. The URL protocols (http or https), paths, and parameters (?key1=value1&key2=value2) are optional, domain names ( are required. some examples of valid url formats:


The converted data formats are outputed in the share/results folder. The output files are named according to the timestamp in seconds e.g timestamp-name-of-file-converted.extension. The timestamp is derived from the current time when the tool is ran. For example converting a CSV data to JSON and XML at timestamp 1582824983 will output the following in the share/results folder:

  • 1582824983-<name-of-file-converted>-invalid.csv: this contains csv records that do not pass the csv validation.
  • 1582824983-<name-of-file-converted>.json
  • 1582824983-<name-of-file-converted>.xml

Technologies & Tools

  • Mac OSX - Operating System
  • Go - Run time environment
  • Docker - Build tool

Command Line Flags

This flag is only necessary if you're using the go commands to run or build the program.

  • file - the name of the file that's intended to be converted. Ensure the file is in the share/files folder.
    • required?: true
    • default: none.
  • sort - to sort the hotel data by stars. if omitted no sort is applied to the result.
    • allowed values: ascend or descend
    • required?: false
    • default: none.

Setup and Execution

Operating System: Mac OSX

With Go Binaries file

  • Ensure you have Go setup on your local machine

  • Change directory to the root of the project

    • On your command-line: run cd path/to/hotel-data-converter
  • On your command-line: run go build -o bin/main cmd/app/main.go cmd/app/app.go

  • Create the share/files folder at the root of the project if it doesn't exist

  • Move the file you want to convert to the share/files folder located at the root of the project.

  • On your command-line: run bin/main -file=<name-of-file-to-convert>

    • if you want a sorted result: run bin/main -file=<name-of-file-to-convert> -sort=<allowed-values>
  • Check the share/results folder for the converted files.

With Docker

If you intend to use docker:

  • Ensure you have Docker setup on your local machine.
  • Ensure you have Docker Compose setup on your local machine.
  • Change directory to the root of the project
    • On your command-line: run cd path/to/hotel-data-converter
  • Create the share/files folder at the root of the project if it doesn't exist
  • On your command-line: run docker-compose build.
  • Move the file you want to convert to the share/files folder located at the root of the project.
  • Create a .env file - reference the .env.sample file.
    • add the name of the file to .env i.e FILE = <name-of-file-to-convert>
  • On your command-line: run docker-compose up.
  • Check the share/results folder for the converted files.


  • Change directory to the root of the project
    • On your command-line: run cd path/to/hotel-data-converter
    • For unit test
      • On your command-line: run go test ./tests


  • Version 1.0.0


To support more formats conversion, this tool can be extend. Simply go through the folder structure and architecture to see where extensions can be added.




  • MIT


  • The hotel data structure should be in this format:
    • Name
    • Address
    • Stars
    • Contact
    • Phone
    • URI
  • Currently you can only sort the hotel data by Stars.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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