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Sample Feeds

A website containing sample Atom, RDF, and RSS feeds -

Table of Contents

Adding new feeds

To add new feeds you'll need Node.js version 20+, and to clone this repo locally (it's best to first fork this repo and then clone your fork so you have push access). Run the following in this repo to install dependencies:

npm install

Step 1. Pull in a copy of the feed

To add a new example feed (an academic example, not a real-world feed), then run the following, where <FEED_URL> is the full HTTP or HTTPS URL to an Atom or RSS feed:

node ./scripts/new-example.js <FEED_URL>

To add a new real-world feed, then run the following, where <FEED_URL> is the full HTTP or HTTPS URL to an Atom or RSS feed:

node ./scripts/new-real.js <FEED_URL>

Step 2. Update feed data

You should find that a new pair of files have been created in either content/examples or content/real-world under a directory that's an MD5 hash of the feed URL. Perform the following manual steps to get the feed ready:

  1. Update to have a descriptive title. Also optionally add some Markdown below the second --- to add a sentence describing the feed. See existing feeds for examples of this.

  2. Update to have a correct feedType property. You should be able to determine the type of feed (RSS or Atom) based on the created feed.xml file.

  3. Update feed.xml to anonymise email addresses. RSS feeds often have email addresses as author data, these should be set to or a similar fake email address.

  4. Update feed.xml to make sure that self links point to the new feed URL. Search for rel="self" within the file and replace the URL found there with<YOUR_FEED_MD5_HASH>/feed.xml. Sometimes this will be a <link> element, and sometimes it'll be an <atom:link> element.

Step 3. Commit

Commit your changes on a new branch, push to your fork of this repo, and open a pull request.

Running locally

  1. Install Hugo

  2. Clone this repo locally:

    git clone && cd sample-feeds
  3. Run hugo server

  4. Visit http://localhost:1313/


The contributing guide is available here. All contributors must follow this library's code of conduct.


Licensed under the GPLv3 license.
Copyright © 2022, Rowan Manning.