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Purescript wrapper for mdast-util-from-markdown. mdast-util-from-markdown allows you to parse markdown into a markdown abstract syntaxt tree.


Due to mdast being esm only, you will have to install the mdast-util-from-markdown-face node module from this repo.

# clone this repo
git clone

Add the repo to your packages.dhall

let upstream = ...
    with mdast-util-from-markdown = ../purescript-mdast-util-from-markdown/spago.dhall as Location // You might need to adapt this path

Install mdast-util-from-markdown with spago:

spago install mdast-util-from-markdown

Add the mdast-util-from-markdown-facade to your package.json

"mdast-util-from-markdown-facade": "file:../purescript-mdast-util-from-markdown/mdast-util-from-markdown-facade",