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Overall Repository Quality

No due date 33% complete

In this milestone, we aim to enhance the overall quality and user experience of the DarwinKVM repository. Our focus is on creating a comprehensive and user-friendly docs page that fosters understanding, ease of use, and contribution. Achieving this goal involves several key tasks:

README Enhancement:
Improve the clarity and completeness of the main Welcom…

In this milestone, we aim to enhance the overall quality and user experience of the DarwinKVM repository. Our focus is on creating a comprehensive and user-friendly docs page that fosters understanding, ease of use, and contribution. Achieving this goal involves several key tasks:

README Enhancement:
Improve the clarity and completeness of the main Welcome to DarwinKVM page to provide users with a concise, yet comprehensive understanding of DarwinKVM and its functionalities. This must enhance the welcome page of the documentation to serve as a well-structured entry point, guiding users seamlessly into the correct information available for their respective end goal.

OpenCore Image Creation:
Establish a new, dedicated section to facilitate OpenCore image creation, to simplify the current poor explanation of the OpenCore.img and its purpose. As well as adding back the legacy DiskProvision bash scripts to allow users having issues using the new executable to continue with the guide.

System Configurations:
Introduce a refined "System Configurations" section, replacing the existing "Configs" section, to offer users more clarity and specific guidance, with a vision to support a wide range of Macintosh versions for the future of DKVM. This is a big task, as it will merge LegacyOSXKVM by no longer providing prebuilt EFI's for various Mac OS versions, but instead teach the creation of such images and their requirements.

Fetch Installer:
Revamp the "Fetch Installer" process, replacing the current "Fetching Basesystem" section with an improved approach for a smoother experience regardless of what version you are attempting to install.

GPU Passthrough:
Consolidate all GPU passthrough information into a single, streamlined section with dedicated sub-sections for the following:
Desktop Single GPU Passthrough
Desktop Dual GPU Passthrough
Desktop iGPU Passthrough (not promised, but who knows)
Laptop iGPU Passthrough (not promised, but who knows)
Laptop dGPU Passthrough (not promised, but who knows)

Post Installation:
Create a centralized entry page for recommended post-installation tasks, redirecting users to relevant write-ups with clear explanations of the importance and benefits of each task after fresh installs for their respective version.

This milestone marks a commitment to elevating the overall quality of the DarwinKVM repository, making it more accessible and user-friendly for both newcomers and experienced contributors. Eventually, we'll create an environment that empowers users to explore, contribute, and build upon the foundation of DarwinKVM, to fill the gaps for those who wish to run high performance VM's of whatever version they please.
