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It ain't much, but it's honest work

Basic (with a bit of advanced) programming concepts and syntaxes for a noob to get started with programming in Java. Code is well commented for understanding.

Pre-requisite: Some familiarity with computer programming in any language.

The concepts are divided as:

  1. Basic(General Structure, print and backslash character constants, command line arguments, operators)
  2. Conditionals and Iteratives(Loops and other control flow statements including the conditional operator)
  3. Data Types(Numeric(including literals), char, boolean, final, typecasting, arrays, var, type wrappers, autoboxing)
  4. Classes
    • Methods and attributes, constructors, access specifiers, varargs, inner and static classes, inheritance(including features and properties), references, abstract classes.
    • String
    • StringBuffer
  5. Console Input(Scanner, BufferedReader, Scanner vs BufferedReader)
  6. Exception Handling(try-catch & finally, throws, multi-catch, nested try statements, checked and unchecked exceptions, self defined exceptions)
  7. Interfaces(implementation, nested interfaces, inheriting interfaces, priority, partial implementation, default, private and static methods)
  8. Multithtreading(Concurrency and creating threads, interthread communication, synchronization, deadlock, and some functions for threads)
  9. Packages(Demonstrates the visibility of the members of a class and the classes itself with respect to inherited or non-inherited classes, and same or different packages)
  10. Enumerations(Uses, comparision with classes and some methods)
  11. OOPS_lab(Assignments done during my Java course)

Some references which helped me along the way:


  • Some features/concepts discussed here are JDK version dependant. These features are indicated alongwith the version of JDK from which they are supported as (JDKx) ,x being the JDK version.
  • Since I have some background with C/C++ programming, I may involuntarily compare some concepts discussed here with that of in C/C++.
  • Please ignore the typos in the commented sections without making any faces.