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various utility functions for DOMMaLi

dommali-utils extends the dommali library by several utility methods which implement various event handling functions, e.g., for element dragging or non-native drag-and-drop.

The idea behind dommali-utils is to give a programmer exactly that amount of control (s)he needs - and offer ready-made implementations for anything else. E.g., a typical usage may look as follows (see JS Bin for a live demo):

   const $ = dommali
   $(() => {
       onlyFrom:'.Titlebar', neverFrom:'.CloseButton',
       rightLimit:30, bottomLimit:30

This snippet makes all <div/>s with the CSS class Dialog draggable from their titlebar. They may be dragged around within their whole parent but only so far that a small part of the titlebar always remains visible (and therefore accessible).

Please note, that this module is currently under active development - do not expect a stable release before end of January 2023


Dragging Recognizer

recognizeDragging and recognizeDraggingFor install event handlers which listen for PointerEvents, recognize dragging gestures and trigger matching dragging-started, dragging-continued, dragging-finished and dragging-aborted events. These may then be listened for in order to implement the actual element dragging (see corresponding examples in the Programming Manual).

Dragging recognizers support the following DraggingOptions - all of them are optional:

  • onlyFrom:string
    if given, only PointerEvents originating from an inner element matching the CSS selector onlyFrom will be considered, all others will be ignored. onlyFrom may be combined with neverFrom
  • neverFrom:string
    if given, PointerEvents originating from an inner element matching the CSS selector neverFrom will be ignored. neverFrom may be combined with onlyFrom
  • initialDirection:DraggingDirection
    may be set to x, y or both. When set to x or y, dragging will only be started if the pointer has moved in the given direction at the moment dragging will be recognized (as given by minOffsetX and minOffsetY) - otherwise dragging will be ignored
  • minOffsetX:number
    if set to 0, dragging immediately starts with the initial pointerdown event. When set to a value > 0, dragging-started will be delayed until the pointer has moved at least minOffsetX or minOffsetY pixels from the point reported by pointerdown (whatever comes first)
  • minOffsetY:number
    if set to 0, dragging immediately starts with the initial pointerdown event. When set to a value > 0, dragging-started will be delayed until the pointer has moved at least minOffsetX or minOffsetY pixels from the point reported by pointerdown (whatever comes first)
  • Easing:number|boolean
    if set to a value between 0 and 1 (exclusively), dragged elements are given some "moment of inertia". This means that dragged elements with a velocity > 0 at the moment of a pointerup event will continue to move in their last direction (and trigger dragging-continued events) until (simulated) "friction" stops them. The extra events will be triggered every 100ms, and from one event to the next the dragged object's velocity (measured in pixels per second) will be multiplied with the given Easing factor until it falls below 10px/s. dragging-finished will only be triggered after the dragged elements have stopped moving
  • stopPropagation:boolean
    if set to true, further propagation of intercepted PointerEvents will be stopped - otherwise they may "bubble" as usual
  • stopImmediatePropagation:boolean
    if set to true, further handling and propagation of intercepted PointerEvents will be stopped
  • Extras:any
    is an optional, user-defined value which is passed unmodified along any dragging-xxx event and may be used to differentiate between kinds of dragging within the same event handler

Element-specific Recognizer

The following methods may be applied to dommali objects which shall become "draggable" in their own specific way.

At most one specific recognizer may be installed per dommali object.

  • recognizesDragging ():boolean
    returns true if a specific dragging recognizer is currently installed in this dommali object - of false otherwise
  • recognizeDragging (Options?:DraggingOptions):DOMMaLi
    installs a specific dragging recognizer with the (optionally) given Options in this dommali object (see above for a description of available DraggingOptions). If there is already a specific recognizer installed in this object, it is implicitly uninstalled before installing the new one (using ignoreDragging)
  • ignoreDragging ():DOMMaLi
    uninstalls the currently installed specific dragging recognizer from this dommali object - it is ok to call ignoreDragging even if such a recognizer is actually missing

Delegated Recognizer

The following methods use delegated event handlers for dragging recognition. They detect dragging gestures for any element matching a given Selector and trigger corresponding events at the dommali objects the methods have been applied to. Delegated event handlers reduce the implementation effort if multiple elements should be treated in a similar way.

Multiple delegated recognizers with different selectors may be installed in the same dommali object - but at most one per selector.

  • recognizesDraggingFor (Selector:string):boolean
    returns true if a delegated dragging recognizer for elements matching the given Selector is currently installed in this dommali object - of false otherwise
  • recognizeDraggingFor (Selector:string, Options?:DraggingOptions):DOMMaLi
    installs a delegated dragging recognizer with the (optionally) given Options for elements matching the given Selector in this dommali object (see above for a description of available DraggingOptions). If there is already a recognizer with the same Selector installed in this object, it is implicitly uninstalled before installing the new one (using ignoreDraggingFor(Selector))
  • ignoreDraggingFor (Selector:string):DOMMaLi
    uninstalls the currently installed delegated dragging recognizer for elements matching the given Selector from this dommali object - it is ok to call ignoreDraggingFor even if such a recognizer is actually missing

Simple Dragging

Based on the "Dragging Recognizers" described above, provideSimpleDragging and provideSimpleDraggingFor offer directly usable implementations for elements which may be dragged around within their parents.

These implementations may be customized using the following simpleDraggingOptions which extend the DraggingOptions already mentioned above - again, all settings are optional:

  • leftLimit:number
    if specified, leftLimit keeps the left edge of a dragged element the given number of pixels away from the left edge of its parent (in the same way as the CSS property left positions a DOM element within its offset parent)
  • topLimit:number
    if specified, topLimit keeps the top edge of a dragged element the given number of pixels away from the top edge of its parent (in the same way as the CSS property top positions a DOM element within its offset parent)
  • rightLimit:number
    if specified, rightLimit keeps the left edge of a dragged element the given number of pixels away from the right edge of its parent (in the same way as the CSS property right positions a DOM element within its offset parent)
  • bottomLimit:number
    if specified, bottomLimit keeps the top edge of a dragged element the given number of pixels away from the bottom edge of its parent (in the same way as the CSS property bottom positions a DOM element within its offset parent)

If provideSimpleDragging or provideSimpleDraggingFor are applied without previously installing a corresponding dragging recognizer, such a recognizer is implicitly installed using the given options.

Element-specific Dragging

  • provideSimpleDragging (Options?:simpleDraggingOptions):void

Delegated Dragging

  • provideSimpleDraggingFor (Selector:string, Options?:simpleDraggingOptions):void

Programming Manual

Continuous Dragging

The first example (see JSBin for a live demo) illustrates how to install a dragging recognizer in a <div/> called #Arena (in order to make all inner elements with CSS class Circle draggable) and then to listen for dragging-xxx events in order to implement the actual dragging. The example does not offer much functionality but may be used as a starting point for more complex implementations (as shown in the next example).

Please note the use of function and fat-arrow literals depending on the intended use of the current this object.

$('#Arena').recognizeDraggingFor('.Circle', { minOffsetX:4, minOffsetY:4 })
$('#Arena').on('dragging-started', '.Circle', async function (
  Event, Extras, curX,curY, StartX,StartY
) {
  let $Draggable = $(
  let $Container = $Draggable.parent()

  let initialPosition = $Draggable.positionInParent()
  let OffsetX = initialPosition.left-StartX
  let OffsetY = -StartY

  await this.repeatUntil('dragging-finished','dragging-aborted',async () => {
    $Draggable.css({ left:(curX+OffsetX)+'px', top:(curY+OffsetY)+'px' })

    Event = await this.waitFor('dragging-continued','dragging-finished','dragging-aborted')
    if (Event.type !== 'dragging-aborted') {
      [Extras,curX,curY] = $.extraParametersOfEvent(Event)

  if (Event.type === 'dragging-aborted') {
    $Draggable.css({ left:initialPosition.left+'px','px' })

Rastered Dragging

The second example (see JSBin for a live demo) illustrates how to add a custom feature to the plain dragging shown above. In this case, the top left position of draggable elements is simply restricted to the intersection points of a 20x20 grid:

 $('#Arena').recognizeDraggingFor('.Square', { minOffsetX:4, minOffsetY:4 })
 $('#Arena').on('dragging-started', '.Square', async function (
   Event, Extras, curX,curY, StartX,StartY
 ) {
   let $Draggable = $(
   let $Container = $Draggable.parent()

   let initialPosition = $Draggable.positionInParent()
   let OffsetX = initialPosition.left-StartX
   let OffsetY = -StartY

   await this.repeatUntil('dragging-finished','dragging-aborted',async () => {
     let x = 20*Math.round((curX+OffsetX)/20)
     let y = 20*Math.round((curY+OffsetY)/20)
     $Draggable.css({ left:x+'px', top:y+'px' })

     Event = await this.waitFor('dragging-continued','dragging-finished','dragging-aborted')
     if (Event.type !== 'dragging-aborted') {
       [Extras,curX,curY] = $.extraParametersOfEvent(Event)

   if (Event.type === 'dragging-aborted') {
     $Draggable.css({ left:initialPosition.left+'px','px' })

Continuous Slider

(see JSBin for a live demo)

  const $ = dommali
  $(() => {
    $(document.body).recognizeDraggingFor('.Slider', { alwaysFrom:'.Slider-Knob' })
    $(document.body).on('dragging-started', '.Slider', async function (
      Event, Extras, curX,curY, StartX,StartY
    ) {
      let $Draggable = $('.Slider-Knob')
      let $Container = $(

      let initialPosition = $Draggable.positionInParent()
      let OffsetX = initialPosition.left-StartX

      await this.repeatUntil('dragging-finished','dragging-aborted',async () => {
        let x = Math.max(0,Math.min(curX+OffsetX,$Container.width()-20))
        $Draggable.css('left', x+'px')

        Event = await this.waitFor('dragging-continued','dragging-finished','dragging-aborted')
        if (Event.type !== 'dragging-aborted') {
          [Extras,curX,curY] = $.extraParametersOfEvent(Event)

      if (Event.type === 'dragging-aborted') {

Window Dragging

The following example (see JSBin for a live demo) illustrates how to make all elements with the CSS class Dialog draggable within their parent (which should usually be the whole document body, but is restricted to a given <div/> in the live demo in order to show the rightLimit and bottomLimit options):

const $ = dommali
$(() => {
    onlyFrom:'.Titlebar', neverFrom:'.CloseButton',
    rightLimit:30, bottomLimit:30

Build Instructions

You may easily build this package yourself.

Just install NPM according to the instructions for your platform and follow these steps:

  1. either clone this repository using git or download a ZIP archive with its contents to your disk and unpack it there
  2. open a shell and navigate to the root directory of this repository
  3. run npm install in order to install the complete build environment
  4. execute npm run build to create a new build

You may also look into the author's build-configuration-study for a general description of his build environment.


MIT License