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Rudresh Panchal edited this page Nov 4, 2018 · 2 revisions


An end-to-end agricultural management solution for both farmers as well as agricultural authorities.

Challenges Addressed:

  • Logistics and Production Management

We have provided an offline solution to encourage P2P resource-sharing, doubling up as a source of passive income. Farmers may now list their tractors and other resources up for sharing in order to reduce costs and promote collaboration.

We provide an SMS-based system, making no assumptions about technical know-how for the farmer. This allows us to provide a very realistic implementation for the system.

  • Crop Recommendation:

Land use details and crop recommendations form the core feature for farmers seeking more information about agricultural and crop-specific practices.

We leverage historical data over predictive analytics and heuristics-based algorithms, in order to provide solid evidence backing our recommendations.

Offers future scope to plan to implement a model that can incorporate richer feature vectors given the availability of high-density data.

  • Weather Alerts:

Our monitoring pipeline helps track agricultural stress and issue broadcast notifications to affected stakeholders in order to prepare them for such weather conditions.

Further, we allow for the validation of this data using their firsthand experience in order to improve future predictions.

Agricultural Stress broadcast notifications and validation is made possible using our offline notification system.

Technical Details:

  • Runs on Django 1.10.
  • Utilised the, MOSDAC, and VEDAS datasets for open-source, time-series data.
  • Integrated the Twilio and Message91 SMS APIs.
  • Built with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and Twitter's Bootstrap Framework.


Pipeline for connecting Farmers for P2P Resource-sharing

Future scope for this could involve handling payments and pricing on our platform.

Crop Recommendations:

Recommendations are made based on historical data, providing an advantage over heuristics-based approaches.

Monitoring Pipeline:

This provides advance status monitoring for most parameters within a given region thus providing a means to avoid disasters and agricultural catastrophes.

Meet the Team:

Krisha is a rising junior who has worked on the integration of templates and views into the project. She is best known for her past internship at CodeBreak. Fortunately, she avoided that job title at HackDAIICT :) Krisha also contributed in great part to the dietary fulfillment of the team by providing much-needed sugary biscuits in the wee hours of the night.

Avais is a final-year student, also from CS, working on the backend and microservices along with the offline functionality of the webapp. A former Google Summer of Code participant, he likes to spend his time playing around with Python and Tensorflow.

Rudresh is the "coder" that stayed up all of the last night working on streamlining core workflows, building APIs and end points, and working on the backend of the webapp. He is also in the final year of his studies and claims that he will 'pass out' soon (pun unintended).

Vishal is the dark horse, the frontend engineer behind most of the amazeballs data visualisations we have incorporated. He has also worked tirelessly to make the most of all the free meals on offer, making up for the food spared when the rest of his team members weren't hungry enough.

Swapneel is also a soon-to-be alumnus at DJ Sanghvi College of Engineering. He's spent time working on the recommendations workflow along with the templates for the webapp. The original proponent of HackDAIICT in the college along with Rudresh and Avais, he's contributed towards approximately one-third of the participation in the event. Please feel free to contribute to his career via PayPal.