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For this exercise I've used node 10.17

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	<title>Verndale Javascript Code Test Instructions</title>
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		<h1>Verndale Javascript code test</h1>

		<p>Create an autocomplete component that allows users to enter a search term to search and select a state from the U.S.</p>
		<p>This is a test of functionality, you do not need to create a pixel perfect design.</p>
		<p>Please do not use ANY autocomplete plugin, we want to see original code that you've written.</p>
        <p>The purpose of this test is to examine your ability to write code and structure a small component.</p>
		<p>A reset css file is already imported in to the project as well as some stubbed out files, so you are ready to start writing your code.</p>
		<p><b>client/</b> is the directory you will be working in.</p>
		<p><b>client/index.html</b> is where your markup should go.</p>

		<h2>Functional Specification</h2>
		<p>See <b>component-wireframe.pdf</b> for wireframes.</p>
			<li>Start searching after 2 or more characters are entered in to the input field</li>
            <li>When searching, you must hit the proivded API endpoint below and return the new results in the list</li>
			<li>Navigate up and down through the results with the arrow keys - as you're navigating, the input value will update with the appropriate label</li>
			<li>Select a result with either hitting "return" or a mouse click when over a result</li>
			<li>Upon selection of a result, result list should go away</li>
			<li>Show a max of 5 items in the result before vertical overflow is visible</li>

		<h2>Browser Support</h2>
		<p>Latest browsers (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, NO IE11!)</p>

		<h2>Required build tools</h2>
			<li><a href="" target="_blank">Node</a> - latest version recommended</li>

		<h2>Required tools/libs/frameworks:</h2>
			<li><a href="" target="_blank">SASS</a></li>

			<li>Open up terminal and navigate to the root of the project</li>
			<li>Run: <b>npm install</b></li>
			<li>After installation is complete, run: <b>npm start</b></li>
			<li>After compilation, open your browser and navigate to <b>localhost:3000</b></li>

		<p>When you make a change to a Javascript or SCSS file in the <b>client</b> folder it will automatically compile, you will have to refresh your browser manually to see the change.</p>

		<p><b>localhost:3000/api/states?term=&lt;search term&gt;</b></p>


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