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rpeszek edited this page May 20, 2019 · 3 revisions

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Source idr program: /src/Part2/Sec6_2_1_adder.idr
Source lhs program: /src/Part2/Sec6_2_1_adder.lhs

Section 6.2.1. adder example vs Haskell

Type safe method with variable number of input params in Idris and Haskell.

Idris code example

module Part2.Sec6_2_1_adder

Think of this type as type level function 
second case maps AdderType to a function type
AdderType : (numargs : Nat) -> Type
AdderType Z = Int
AdderType (S k) = (nextArg : Int) -> AdderType k

||| adder numargs acc nums...
||| adder 0 : Int -> Int
||| adder 1 : Int -> Int -> Int
||| adder 2 : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
||| adder 2 : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
adder : (numargs : Nat) -> (acc : Int) -> AdderType numargs
adder Z acc = acc
adder (S k) acc = \nextArg => adder k (nextArg + acc)

Idris repl:


Compared to Haskell

   , KindSignatures
   , DataKinds
   , TypeOperators 
   , TypeFamilies
   , StandaloneDeriving
   , UndecidableInstances
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-unused-imports #-}

module Part2.Sec6_2_1_adder where
import Data.Kind (Type)
import GHC.TypeLits

GADT solution
This code is quite verbose and not very close to Idris. Type Family solution gets much closer.

data AdderGadt (n:: Nat) where
   ZAdder :: Int -> AdderGadt 0
   SAdder :: (Int -> AdderGadt (n - 1)) -> AdderGadt n

instance Show (AdderGadt n) where
   show (ZAdder i) = show i
   show (SAdder f) = "Unresolved"

createAdder :: SNat n -> Int -> AdderGadt n
createAdder SZ acc = ZAdder acc
createAdder (SS sn) acc = SAdder (\nextArg -> createAdder sn (nextArg + acc)) 

resolveAdder ::  AdderGadt n -> Vect n Int -> Int 
resolveAdder (ZAdder i) _ = i
resolveAdder (SAdder f) (x ::: xs) = resolveAdder (f x) xs
-- this condition should not be needed but
-- GHC reports Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive 
resolveAdder (SAdder _) VNil = error "This should be impossible"

{- Realigned SNat and Vect -}

data SNat (n :: Nat) where
 SZ :: SNat 0
 SS :: SNat (n - 1) -> SNat n

data Vect (n::Nat) a where
  VNil :: Vect 0 a
  (:::) :: a -> Vect (n - 1) a -> Vect n a
infixr 5 :::

sTwo = SS (SS SZ)
test = resolveAdder (createAdder sTwo 0) (3 ::: 2 ::: VNil) 

this seems type safe and works. The error message on type mismatch is interesting:

*Part2.Sec6_2_1_adder>  resolveAdder (createAdder sTwo 0) (3 ::: 2 ::: 1 ::: VNil) 
<interactive>:110:15: error:
    Variable not in scope:
      createAdder :: SNat 2 -> Integer -> AdderGadt 3

I am still using GHC.TypeLits. I had realigned Vec and SNat to be based on the predecessor n - 1 instead of a successor 1 + n or n + 1 to avoid errors like the following (for 1 + n)

 Could not deduce: n2 ~ n1
  from the context: n ~ (1 + n1)

These errors could be fixable by writing theorems about GHC.TypeLits.Nat (see the Conclusions section below), but using `n - 1' approach seems simpler.

Type family solution (first attempt)
This code is almost exactly the same as Idris code:

type family AdderType (n :: Nat) :: Type where
  AdderType 0 = Int
  AdderType n = Int -> AdderType (n - 1)

However attempting to compile this:

adder :: SNat n -> Int -> AdderType n
adder SZ acc = acc
adder (SS k) acc = \nextArg -> adder k (nextArg + acc)

result is compilation error (ghc 8.2.2)

• Couldn't match expected type ‘AdderType n’
                  with actual type ‘Int -> AdderType (n - 1)’
• The lambda expression ‘\ nextArg -> adder k (nextArg + acc)’
      has one argument,
      but its type ‘AdderType n’ has none

Type family solution (working)
The problem seems to be again with compiler not knowing enough about TypeLits, this works just fine:

data Nat' = Z' | S' Nat' 

data SNat' (n :: Nat') where
  SZ' :: SNat' Z'
  SS' :: SNat' n -> SNat' (S' n)

type family AdderType' (n :: Nat') :: Type where
  AdderType' Z' = Int
  AdderType' (S' n) = Int -> AdderType' n

adder' :: SNat' n -> Int -> AdderType' n
adder' SZ' acc = acc
adder' (SS' k) acc = \nextArg -> adder' k (nextArg + acc)

sTwo' = SS' (SS' SZ')
test' = adder' sTwo' 0 3 2

ghci output:

*Part2.Sec6_2_1_adder> test'
*Part2.Sec6_2_1_adder> adder sTwo' 0 3 2 1

<interactive>:132:1: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘Int’ with ‘Integer -> t’
      Expected type: Int -> Int -> Integer -> t
        Actual type: AdderType' ('S' ('S' 'Z'))
    • The function ‘adder’ is applied to five arguments,
      but its type ‘SNat' ('S' ('S' 'Z'))
                    -> Int -> AdderType' ('S' ('S' 'Z'))’
      has only two
      In the expression: adder sTwo' 0 3 2 1
      In an equation for ‘it’: it = adder sTwo' 0 3 2 1


I am finding that using GHC.TypeLits Nat is a bit of a struggle. I often get errors like Couldn't match type ‘n’ with ‘(n + 1) - 1’.
Most of these issues could be resolved by writing theorems about GHC.TypeLits Nat, theorems similar to 'plus commutes' from (the future) Sec 8.2. But writing these for TypeLits is awkward (see WorkingWithTypeLits.hs in my LC2019 presentation).
To move forward I have created 'Data.CodedByHand.hs'.

I like Idris more and more!