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Configuring DR‐Scripts with a new Lich installation

Mahtra edited this page May 5, 2024 · 1 revision
  1. If you're using wrayth/wizard, your FE should launch when you click Play, and several automated steps will happen the first time to install DR scripts.

  2. The install process is very wordy. It will go through some steps to install DR Scripts, after which it will download maps. This step takes a few minutes, and here is a log of what this step looks like in case there is doubt.

    • After the maps are downloaded, and the alias service starts (this is the very last line of the install process, see log above) you should update lich(installers are snapshots in time, this process makes your installation up to date) by running ;lich5-update --update a log of which can be found here.
    • When this step finishes it will urge you to exit the game, and launch lich anew. When you've logged out, and back in, follow on...
  3. THIS IS IMPORTANT - Make sure monsterbold is set. run SET MONSTERBOLD

  4. When the above is all done... These are optional, but most players find these useful.

  • ;jinx install script lnet --repo=elanthia-online Will install the lnet script, which allows you to use ;chat in game
    • ;autostart add lnet Will add lnet to that character's autostart list
    • ;autostart add --global lnet Will add lnet to all character's autostart lists
    • ;lnet will start the script as a one-off
    • Log of installing lnet, and using it.
  • ;setupaliases this will set up common commands that you can use, such as typing map to bring up narost, and cc to check your circle requirements
  • We have some sample config files in Samples. They're named by class, and some folks have kindly shared the yamls they use. Use named yamls with care. The Samples are very good... They are intended to be reference material, not copy/paste and things will run perfectly.
  1. You might want to add some scripts you download to run automatically when you log in:
    • ;e autostart('script-name') will start it for all of your characters
    • ;e autostart('script-name', false) will start it for only this character
    • ;e echo(list_autostarts) will show you the files being autostarted on a given character
    • ;e stop_autostart('script-name') will remove an autostarted file from the list
    • ;e autostart(['textsubs', 'roomnumbers']) to add many scripts at once. This one is highly recommended for every person to run.
    • Detailed autostart documentation
  2. Type ;links to see links to other helpful resources, including this guide.
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