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Complexity: EXTREME
Complexity: EXTREME
This issue involves resolving complex features and/or understanding the project trajectory
Complexity: HIGH
Complexity: HIGH
This issue may require in-depth knowledge of module features and require significant testing
Complexity: LOW
Complexity: LOW
This issue is trivial and is expected to take less than an hour to complete.
Complexity: MED
Complexity: MED
This issue may take some time to complete, but involves no novel concepts to the module
Complexity: SECURITY
Complexity: SECURITY
This issue involves resolving issues which have security implications on the module or project
This issue or pull request already exists
good first issue
good first issue
This issue is expected to be easy to complete for a new-comer to the relevant module
Module: API
Module: API
This issue pertains to the apps/api module
Module: CLI
Module: CLI
This issue pertains to the apps/cli module
Module: Discord
Module: Discord
This issue pertains to the apps/discord module
Module: Graphics
Module: Graphics
This issue pertains to the apps/graphics module
Module: Meta
Module: Meta
This issue pertains to the monorepo itself
Module: Prisma
Module: Prisma
This issue pertains to the packages/prisma module
Module: UI
Module: UI
This issue pertains to the apps/ui module
Module: Video Control
Module: Video Control
This issue pertains to the apps/video-control module
Priority: CRITICAL
Priority: CRITICAL
This issue is completely disabling the site, is a major security issue, or requires attention ASAP.
Priority: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
This issue is halting multiple issues, significantly hindering users, or is a minor security issue.
Priority: LOW
Priority: LOW
This issue isn't critical, security-related, or significantly beneficial to users.
Priority: MED
Priority: MED
This issue isn't critical or security-related but is holding back other issues or efficiency.
Type: Bug
Type: Bug
Something isn't working
Type: Feature
Type: Feature
New feature or request
Type: Question
Type: Question
A request for assistance in debugging your installation
This will not be worked on