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My Effect

The aim is to have django models for all key data to power all website operations


A basic understanding of the following is required:



To clone from, make sure you have access to the project and type:

git clone

To pull from, make sure you have access to the project and type:

git pull origin master
git pull origin develop

Setup git flow by typing:

git flow init

Follow the instructions, and leave all of the branch names as their default (ie. master, develop, release, etc.) Version tagging prefix is v-


Hosting of the application is done on Heroku. Kelly's host would have required too much setup.

The Heroku apps are as follows:

mycleancity-staging - Staging (Test)
mycleancity - Production (Live)

Be sure to add these remotes to your git repo project

To push to Staging, type:

git push staging develop:master # If you wanted to push the develop branch


git push staging master # If you wanted to push the master branch

To push to Production, type:

git push heroku master

Both apps should be transferred in Heroku to the developers Heroku account.

Getting Started

To get started, clone the git repo to your local workstation.

Included in this config file is the database information. You may need to install MySQL at this point, and create a new database.

Next, create a local version of python.

virtualenv -p python2.7 venv

Put the local version of Python in your path. (You will have to do this every time you use the project.)

source venv/bin/activate

To stop using the local version of python:


To install Django Heroku-Toolbelt:

pip install django-toolbelt

To install all python requirements:

pip install --requirement requirements.txt
  • Python-MySQL 1.2.4 failed to install on Debian sid due to an error, "maximum recursion depth exceeded". Using Python-MySQL 1.2.5 appears to work. At some point, installation will require mysql_config from libmysqlclient-dev.

  • The mysql connector refused to download an untrusted package, and ignoring this concern by prefixing the name of the package with "--allow-external" in requirements.txt worked this around.

  • The hg command from the Debian mercurial package failed to showconfig paths.default stored in venv/src/pil/.hg/hgrc. Creating a ~/.hgrc with a trust to root helps,

users = root
  • Installing the PostgreSQL module failed pointing to absence of pg_config, and installing libpq-dev corrected this.

  • Compiling the MySQL module failed and referred to a missing Python.h. Installing libpython2.7-dev fixed this.

  • Running " createsuperuser" showed an error about a missing JPEG handler. Installing respective libraries, re-installing the Python pillow module fixed that,

sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev
pip uninstall pillow
pip install -r requirements.txt

If running locally, you'll need to specify which settings file to use. You can create your own, or use someone elses.

In our project each stage (production and staging) and each person will have their own file. This is necessary as the project scales, and it will prevent us from pushing incorrect configuration values and breaking our production stage (since each of us will have a different db password, differnt setup etc.) It also prevents from breaking each others local configuration. Production and staging are also different, so they need separate settings files. It also prevents us from corrupting production data easily, if we accidentally talked to the wrong S3 bucket, since these need to be specified differently in production/staging settings.

As a result you'll need to indicate which file to use.

This is documented here:

For those of us on linux, you can just push an export in your .bashrc:

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mycleancity._settings

Otherwise, you can just use --setings-file=... when you run command line statements.

  • Creating a database failed to alter a time field. Fix:

    • Update Django to the latest release 1.7.1.
    • Remove "south" from requirements.txt and from
    • Remove */migrations/*.py* except */migrations/
    • Run "python makemigrations", "python migrate".
  • Creating the database failed in serializing a timezone field. Updating django-timezone-field to a newer version resolved this.

To update database tables:

# Locally
python schemamigration users --initial
python schemamigration users --auto
python schemamigration users --help

# On Heroku - Production/Staging
heroku run python migrate userorganization --app mycleancity-staging

To dump fixtures

python dumpdata --indent 2 cleanteams.cleanteamlevel cleanteams.cleanteamleveltask challenges.challengetype challenges.cleangrid challenges.challengequestiontype challenges.answertype challenges.challengequestion challenges.questionanswer notifications.notification > fixtures/initial_data.json

To load fixtures

python loaddata fixtures/initial_data.json

To run the django development server, you will first need to setup the database:

python syncdb

This loads default data into the database as defined by fixtures within the users app.

At this point you are ready to run the development server:

python runserver

Above, the --noreload argument is optional, and prevents django from reloading every time you make a code change. Now the development web server should be running. Try it by connecting via a web browser:

  • The error about a missing Python module in an import statement may result from forgetting to source venv/bin/activate.

To delete your entire local database and start over:

This files will show you how to re-create your database from scratch and re-run all migrations.

This is also useful when setting up the database the first time

-- Will delete all user data!!! Do not run this on production or staging!

Log into mysql first

drop database mycleancity; # Don't need to do this if you're setting up for first time create database mycleancity;

On command line

This will create some basic stuff like the south migration table and some other tables

python syncdb

Apply all migrations that come with the project

python migrate --all

Populate database with basic information like team levels etc.

python loaddata fixtures/initial_data.json


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