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nforce is node.js a REST API wrapper for,, and


  • Simple api
  • Connection object to manage multiple connections in a single app
  • Helper oauth methods
  • Express middleware


$ npm install nforce


Require nforce in your app and create a connection to an org.

var nforce = require('nforce');

var org = nforce.createConnection({
  redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/oauth/_callback',
  apiVersion: 'v24.0',  // optional, defaults to v24.0
  environment: 'production'  // optional, sandbox or production, production default

Now we just need to authenticate and get our OAuth credentials. Here is one way...

var oauth;

org.authenticate({ username: '', password: 'mypassword'}, function(err, resp){
  if(!err) oauth = resp;

Now we can go nuts. nforce has an sObject factory method that creates records for you. Let's use that and insert a record...

var acc = nforce.createSObject('Account');
acc.Name = 'Spiffy Cleaners';
acc.Phone = '800-555-2345';
acc.SLA__c = 'Gold';

org.insert(acc, oauth, function(err, resp){
  if(!err) console.log('It worked!');

Querying and updating records is super easy. nforce wraps API-queried records in a special object. The object caches field updates that you make to the record and allows you to pass the record directly into the update method without having to scrub out the unchanged fields. In the example below, only the Name and Industry fields will be sent in the update call despite the fact that the query returned other fields such as BillingCity and CreatedDate.

var query = 'SELECT Id, Name, CreatedDate, BillingCity FROM Account WHERE Name = \'Spiffy Cleaners\' LIMIT 1';

org.query(query, oauth, function(err, resp){
  if(!err && resp.records) {
    var acc = resp.records[0];
    acc.Name = 'Really Spiffy Cleaners';
    acc.Industry = 'Cleaners';
    org.update(acc, oauth, function(err, resp){
      if(!err) console.log('It worked!');


nforce supports two OAuth 2.0 flows, username/password and authorization code.

Username/Password flow

To request an access token and other oauth information using the username and password flow, use the authenticate() method and pass in your username and password in the options

var oauth;

org.authenticate({ username: '', password: 'mypassword'}, function(err, resp){
  if(!err) {
    console.log('Access Token: ' + resp.access_token);
    oauth = resp;
  } else {
    console.log('Error: ' + err.message);

Authorization Code Flow

To perform an authorization code flow, first redirect users to the Authorization URI. nforce provides a helper function to build this url for you.


Once you get a callback at the Redirect URI that you specify, you need to request your access token and other important oauth information by calling authenticate() and passing in the "code" that you received.

var oauth;

org.authenticate({ code: 'SOMEOAUTHAUTHORIZATIONCODE' }, function(err, resp){
  if(!err) {
    console.log('Access Token: ' + resp.access_token);
    oauth = resp;
  } else {
    console.log('Error: ' + err.message);

OAuth Object

At the end of a successful authorization, you a returned an OAuth object for the user. Cache this object as it will be used for subsequent requests. This object contains your access token, endpoint, id, and other information.

Express Middleware

nforce has built-in support for express using the express/connect middleware system. The middleware handles the oauth callbacks for you. To use the middleware you must have sessions enabled in your express configuration.

  app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
  app.set('view engine', 'jade');
  app.use(express.session({ secret: 'nforce testing baby' }));
  app.use(org.expressOAuth({onSuccess: '/home', onError: '/oauth/error'}));  // <--- nforce middleware
  app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

Query Streaming API

The Salesforce query call in the REST API returns a 2000 record chunk at one time.

// dataset of 50k records. Stream these to a writable stream.
var query = 'SELECT Name, CreatedDate FROM Account ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC';
org.query(query, req.session.oauth, callback(err, resp) {
  if(!err) console.log(resp.records.length) // this will be 2000 max

For large queries, you must make subsequent calls to the API to get the rest of the records.

The nforce query method returns a node.js stream. By calling the pipe method on this object, your query call will automatically start streaming ALL of the records in 2000 record batches.

// dataset of 50k records. Stream these to a writable stream.
var query = 'SELECT Name, CreatedDate FROM Account ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC';
org.query(query, req.session.oauth).pipe(res);

nforce API


Callbacks will always pass an optional error object, and a response object. The response object closely resemble the typical responses from the Salesforce REST API.

callback(err, resp);


The createConnection method creates an nforce connection object. You need to supply some arguments including oauth information and some optional arguments for version and environment.

  • clientId: Required. This is the OAuth client id
  • clientSecret: Required. This is the OAuth client secret
  • redirectUri: Required. This is the redirect URI for OAuth callbacks
  • apiVersion: Optional. This is a number or string representing a valid REST API version. Default is v24.0.
  • environment: Optional. Values can be 'production' or 'sandbox'. Default is production.

createSObject(type, [fieldValues])

This creates an sObject record that you can use to insert, update, upsert, and delete. type should be the API name of the sObject that you are updating. fieldValues should be a hash of field names and values that you want to initialize your sObject with. You can also just assign fields and values by setting properties after you create the sObject.

sObject Methods


This method shows the cached values that have been updated that will be passed in an update or upsert method

setExternalId(field, value)

For upsert methods, you need to specify the External Id field and the value that you are trying to match on.


Returns the sObjects Id (if set)

Connection Methods

The following list of methods are available for an nforce connection object:


This is a helper method to build the authentication uri for a authorization code OAuth 2.0 flow.

authenticate(opts, callback)

This method requests the OAuth access token and instance information from Salesforce. This method either requires that you pass in the authorization code (authorization code flow) or username and password (username/password flow).

  • code: (String) An OAuth authorization code

-- OR --

  • username: (String) Your salesforce/ username
  • password: (String) Your salesforce/ password
  • securityToken: (String) Your Salesforce security token. This will be appended to your password if this property is set.

expressOAuth(onSuccess, onError)

The express middleware. onSuccess and onError should be uri routes for redirection after OAuth callbacks.


Gets the salesforce versions. Note: Does not require authentication.

getResources(oauth, callback)

Gets the available resources

getSObjects(oauth, callback)

Get all sObjects for an org

getMetadata(type, oauth, callback)

Get metadata for a single sObject. type is a required String for the sObject type

getDescribe(type, oauth, callback)

Get describe information for a single sObject. type is a required String for the sObject type

insert(sobject, oauth, callback)

Insert a record. sobject: (Object) A Salesforce sObject

update(sobject, oauth, callback)

Update a record. sobject: (Object) A Salesforce sObject

upsert(sobject, oauth, callback)

Update a record. sobject: (Object) A Salesforce sObject. NOTE: you must use the setExternalId() method to set the external Id field and the value to match on.

delete(sobject, oauth, callback)

Delete a record. sobject: (Object) A Salesforce sObject

getRecord(sobject, oauth, callback)

Get a single record. sobject: (Object) A Salesforce sObject

query(query, oauth, callback)

Execute a SOQL query for records. query should be a SOQL string.

search(search, oauth, callback)

Execute a SOSL search for records. search should be a SOSL string.

getUrl(url, oauth, callback)

Get a REST API resource by its url. url should be a REST API resource.


  • Query paging and streaming
  • Streaming API support
  • Blob data support
  • User password management
  • Continue with caching capabilities for describe/metadata calls
  • Chatter support


  • v0.0.5: Bug fixes
  • v0.0.4: Initialization of SObject now has field setting option
  • v0.0.3: API overhaul. Implemented Record class with field update caching
  • v0.0.2: Testing framework implemented. Bug fixes.
  • v0.0.1: Initial release. OAuth, CRUD, describes