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+++ date = "2022-09-18T13:05:00-05:00" title = "August 2022 Business Meeting Minutes" categories = [ "Minutes" ] toc = "true" authors = [ "K0RQ" ] +++

  • Meeting called to order by President Jake K0RQ at 19:01, August 16, 2022
  • 20 members in attendence

These minutes have been converted to a mobile friendly format with some light editing for clarity and consistency. The Secretary's original minutes document (2022-08 Minutes.docx) may be found in the "Committee and Officers Reports | Secretary Reports" folder on the RRRA Groupware System.

Consent Agenda

Secretary's Report

  • Motion to approve by Kent KA0LDG
  • Seconded by Seth KC0ODE
  • Motion carried unanimously

Treasurer's Report

Lori amended the published report, noting the dedicated funds of $340 for the repeater was listed twice.

  • Motion to approve the Treasurer's Report as modified by Mark KC0SHM
  • Seconded by Eric KE0PJR
  • Motion carried unanimously

Librarian's Report

Lori KC0GQE had nothing to report.

Regular Agenda

Standing Committee Reports


Seth KC0ODE reported an Auxcom class is in the process of being put together. Seth will reach out to the Grand Forks and Bismarck clubs as well. The simplex net on July 24th went well, participants were able to identify needed changes for antennas, radio programing, etc.


Kirk W0HNV reported the new repeaters still haven't shipped yet. Ship date TBD.


Kirk W0HNV reported there were four people signed up for the Tech class, however three of them have conflicts on Wednesdays. Jay WS0Y has put the classes online and has gotten good response to them. If there is not enough interest for in-person classes Kirk will switch to full virtual classes.


Anton KC0PFS reported

  • Hamfest volunteers will be entered into a drawing for a yet to be determined prize. Volunteers will get one entry per volunteer slot filled
  • Kent KA0LDG has come up with a good amount of door prizes
  • Theo KE0VXA has tentatively agreed to do concessions
  • There will be VE Testing at the hamfest as well
  • Next meeting is August 23rd at 7pm on Zoom
  • There will not be a Wouff-Hong Cermony Friday night due to lack of interest

Steve K0STK noted there are still 27 volunteer positions open, the main one being the ticket table.


Pete WC0G was not present.


Steve K0STK reported some of the web stats from the last month, the most interesting of note is that half of the website viewers are via a mobile device. The Hugo generator was also updated. Steve's full report is available on the cloud website. Any questions about the website or listserver please contact

Old Business

New Meeting Format

Tabled pending the outcome of the bylaw change.

Bylaw Change

Seth KC0ODE deferred to Mark KC0SHM who presented the working changes. The changes are available on the club groupware site for review. Barring any substantial changes to the presented draft this will be considered the first reading.

Board Vacancy

Due to Jake K0RQ being elected as President at the June meeting, a vacancy at Secretary was created. Eric KE0PJR stepped forward at the July meeting but was not a club member at that time. Eric has since brought his membership current. President Jake K0RQ called for a vote, and Eric's nomination was approved unanimously. Thanks to Mark KC0SHM for organizing both special elections.

New Business

Christmas Party

Lori KC0GQE has scheduled the [Christmas Party]({{< relref "/calendar/2022/" >}}) for December 7th at Pizza Ranch in Dilworth starting at 5pm. A donation will be taken for the Dorothy Day House.

Club Donation

The club received a donation of $181.25 with no specific purpose. It was decided to place the donation into the general fund.

Technical Committee

Seth KC0ODE requested a Technical Committee be assembled by the President, as to comply with the pending bylaw changes and to address a technical question that has come from ARES. President Jake K0RQ assigned the members of the informal Repeater Committee to be part of the Technical Committee. The new committee members are Kirk W0HNV (chair), Jake K0RQ, Seth KC0ODE, Mark KC0SHM, and Andy KD0IOE.

Trailer Repairs

Seth KC0ODE moved for $300 for the Technical Committee to purchase three NMO mount dual-band antennas for the trailer. Kent KA0LDG suggested the dedicated funds of $154.93 be used for this purchase and the rest ($147.07) come from the general fund. Seth amended his motion. Mark KC0SHM seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Good of the Order


  • Motion to adjourn by Kirk W0HNV
  • Seconded by Seth KC0ODE
  • Meeting adjourned at 19:50