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Eisenhower Matrix to-do App

1. Identify your user(s)
   Busy professionals, managers, and knowledge workers
2. What is the problem you’re solving?
   Being effective in a world full of distractions, conflicting priorities, and overflowing inboxes. Getting the most important things in the day done.
3. What is the solution?
   A task management software based on the Eisenhower Matrix that allows users to prioritize their most important and urgent tasks first, and complete the rest of their tasks as needed
4. What is the MVP scope? (core features you must get working)
   A to-do list with CRUD functionality. In order of criticality:
   Add new tasks to to-do list
   Delete tasks from to-do list
5. What are the tough technical challenges involved with solving this problem?
   Setting up:
   A working server, including routing and controller logic that queries database and returns data to frontend
   Working database
   Working frontend (HTML, Webpack, styling/CSS + SASS)
   In addition:
   Ensuring entire app works together

6. What are the stretch goals?
   Arrange on front-end matrix in correct box
   Visually pleasing front-end
   Ability to update tasks without having to add and delete
   Add pomodoro functionality


Solo Project - Better task management with the Eisenhower Matrix






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