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💪 Project

This is a project to develop a portfolio in Gatsby

💻 To use

# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd portifolio
# Install dependencies and run the app
npm install && npm start
# if your utilize yarn
yarn && yarn start


Edit config.js to put up your details

module.exports = {
  siteTitle: 'Portifolio Scholant', // <title>
  firstName: 'Rafael',
  lastName: 'Scholant',
  // social
  socialLinks: [
      icon: 'fa-github',
      name: 'Github',
      url: '',

Changing Theme Colour

To change theme colour, change $primary variable in src/assets/sass/_variables.scss.

Deploying using Github page

package.json has a default script that uses gh-pages module to publish on Github pages. Simply running npm run deploy would publish the site on github pages.

Additionally, it also has path-prefix value set for gatsby config in config.js. Change pathPrefix to relevant path if your gatsby site is hosted on subpath of a domain, If you are hosting it as root site, i.e, , remove the pathPrefix configuration.

📑 License

This project is under license from MIT. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Done with ❤️ and ☕ for Rafael Scholant 👋