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Movie: Combine new_from... and parse... methods
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They had been separated when Movie and ControlledMovie needed different
new_from... methods, but that's no longer the case.  Combining them gets
rid of a bunch of compiler warnings about un-initialized vars.
  • Loading branch information
rschroll committed Aug 10, 2012
1 parent 6052940 commit 0ffcbf7
Showing 1 changed file with 46 additions and 62 deletions.
108 changes: 46 additions & 62 deletions src/classes/action/movie.vala
Expand Up @@ -33,97 +33,81 @@ namespace pdfpc {

public override ActionMapping? new_from_link_mapping(Poppler.LinkMapping mapping,
PresentationController controller, Poppler.Document document) {
if (mapping.action.type != Poppler.ActionType.LAUNCH)
return null;

var file = ((Poppler.ActionLaunch*)mapping.action).file_name;
var splitfile = file.split("?", 2);
file = splitfile[0];
var querystring = "";
if (splitfile.length == 2)
querystring = splitfile[1];
var queryarray = querystring.split("&");
var autostart = "autostart" in queryarray;
var loop = "loop" in queryarray;

stdout.printf(@"File name: $file\n");
var uriRE = new Regex("^[a-z]*://");
string uri;
bool autostart, loop;
var type = Type.from_instance(this);
if (Movie.parse_link_mapping(mapping, controller, out uri, out autostart, out loop)) {
var new_obj = as ActionMapping;
this.init_other(new_obj, mapping.area, controller, document, uri, autostart, loop);
return new_obj;
if (uriRE.match(file)) {
uri = file;
} else if (GLib.Path.is_absolute(file)) {
uri = "file://" + file;
} else {
var dirname = GLib.Path.get_dirname(controller.get_pdf_url());
uri = GLib.Path.build_filename(dirname, file);
return null;
bool uncertain;
var ctype = GLib.ContentType.guess(uri, null, out uncertain);
if (!("video" in ctype))
return null;

var type = Type.from_instance(this);
var new_obj = as ActionMapping;
this.init_other(new_obj, mapping.area, controller, document, uri, autostart, loop);
return new_obj;

public static bool parse_link_mapping(Poppler.LinkMapping mapping, PresentationController controller, out string uri, out bool autostart, out bool loop) {
if (mapping.action.type == Poppler.ActionType.LAUNCH) {
var file = ((Poppler.ActionLaunch*)mapping.action).file_name;
var splitfile = file.split("?", 2);
file = splitfile[0];
var querystring = "";
if (splitfile.length == 2)
querystring = splitfile[1];
var queryarray = querystring.split("&");
autostart = "autostart" in queryarray;
loop = "loop" in queryarray;

stdout.printf(@"File name: $file\n");
var uriRE = new Regex("^[a-z]*://");
if (uriRE.match(file)) {
uri = file;
} else if (GLib.Path.is_absolute(file)) {
uri = "file://" + file;
} else {
var dirname = GLib.Path.get_dirname(controller.get_pdf_url());
uri = GLib.Path.build_filename(dirname, file);
bool uncertain;
var ctype = GLib.ContentType.guess(uri, null, out uncertain);
if ("video" in ctype)
return true;
return false;

public override ActionMapping? new_from_annot_mapping(Poppler.AnnotMapping mapping,
PresentationController controller, Poppler.Document document) {
string uri;
bool autostart, loop, temp;
var type = Type.from_instance(this);
if (Movie.parse_annot_mapping(mapping, controller, out uri, out autostart, out loop, out temp)) {
var new_obj = as ActionMapping;
this.init_other(new_obj, mapping.area, controller, document, uri, autostart, loop, temp);
return new_obj;
return null;

public static bool parse_annot_mapping(Poppler.AnnotMapping mapping, PresentationController controller, out string uri, out bool autostart, out bool loop, out bool temp) {
var annot = mapping.annot;
if (annot.get_annot_type() == Poppler.AnnotType.FILE_ATTACHMENT) {
string uri;
switch (annot.get_annot_type()) {
case Poppler.AnnotType.FILE_ATTACHMENT:
var attach = ((Poppler.AnnotFileAttachment)annot).get_attachment();
if (!("video" in attach.description))
return false;
return null;

string tmp_fn;
int fh;
try {
fh = FileUtils.open_tmp(null, out tmp_fn);
} catch (FileError e) {
warning("Could not create temp file: %s", e.message);
return false;
return null;
try {;
} catch (Error e) {
warning("Could not save temp file: %s", e.message);
return false;
return null;
stdout.printf(@"Temp file $tmp_fn\n");
uri = "file://" + tmp_fn;
autostart = false;
loop = false;
temp = true;
return true;
return null;
/*if (mapping.annot.get_annot_type() == Poppler.AnnotType.SCREEN) {
stdout.printf("Parsing annot mapping -- Screen\n");
return false;

var type = Type.from_instance(this);
var new_obj = as ActionMapping;
this.init_other(new_obj, mapping.area, controller, document, uri, false, false, true);
return new_obj;

protected void establish_pipeline(string uri) {
var bin = new Bin("bin");
var tee = ElementFactory.make("tee", "tee");
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