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Google Kubernetes Engine Continuous Delivery with Spinnaker

This is a guide to deploying spinnaker to GKE to set up a continuous delivery pipeline.


This is a work in progress. Please review all code and configuration for applicability to your solution and submit pull requests back to improve the quality of this pipeline.

To Do:

  • Setup Terraform remote state.
  • Bake in Jenkins configuration as part of the Spinnaker Helm deploy.
  • Create a wrapper script with configuration yaml to automate the setup steps.
  • Create an example application with build and deploy configurations to demonstrate and test the pipeline.
  • Add and improve documentation around using container registries.
  • Add and improve documentation around watching source code repositories for changes.

Pipeline architecture

GKE Spinnaker Pipeline


Command line tools:

  • gcloud
  • terraform
  • kubectl
  • helm

A GCP project with the following APIs enabled:

  • Kubernetes Engine
  • Container Builder
  • Resource Manager

Provision infrastructure

Run the following commands:

  1. export PROJECT=<Your GCP project id, like spinnaker-196519>
  2. cd /path/to/repo/terraform
  3. terraform apply -var project="$PROJECT" zone="<your GCP zone, like us-central1-a>"


Terraform remote state currently isn't set up, so all state is stored locally. This works for development, but should be changed for production purposes.

Setup and save configurations

  1. cd /path/to/repo/terraform
  2. export CA_DATA=$(terraform output kubernetes-certificate-authority-data)
  3. export K8S_SERVER=$(terraform output kubernetes-server)
  4. export K8S_NAME=$(terraform output kubernetes-name)
  5. export BUCKET=$(terraform output spinnaker-config-bucket)
  6. terraform output kubernetes-client-certificate | base64 -D > ../kubernetes/client.pem
  7. terraform output kubernetes-client-key | base64 -D > ../kubernetes/client-key.pem
  8. terraform output spinnaker-private-key | base64 -D > ../helm/spinnaker-sa.json

Setup kubernetes config and create services accounts and bind roles

  1. cd /path/to/repo/kubernetes
  2. sed "s#CA_DATA#$CA_DATA#g; s#K8S_SERVER#$K8S_SERVER#g; s#K8S_NAME#$K8S_NAME#g" config-template.yaml > config.yaml
  3. export KUBECONFIG=:$PWD/config.yaml
  4. kubectl create -f tiller.yaml
  5. kubectl create -f spinnaker.yaml

Use helm to install jenkins and spinnaker on kubernetes


Spinnaker adhears to immutable infrastructure principles. To change the spinnaker configuration change the yaml file and use the helm upgrade command.

  1. cd /path/to/repo/helm
  2. helm init --service-account=tiller
  3. sed "s#SPINNAKER_BUCKET#$BUCKET#g; s#PROJECT_ID#$PROJECT#g" spinnaker-config-template.yaml > spinnaker-config.yaml
  4. Copy the contents of spinnaker-sa.json into the SPINNAKER_SA_JSON entries in spinnaker-config.yaml.
  5. helm install -n cd stable/spinnaker -f spinnaker-config.yaml --timeout 600 --version 0.4.0

Open jenkins and spinnaker locally


Use two separate terminals run these commands. Make sure to export KUBECONFIG=:/path/to/repo/kubernetes/config.yaml so kubectl works.

  1. export JENKINS_POD=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app=cd-jenkins" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
  2. kubectl port-forward --namespace default $JENKINS_POD 8080
  3. Open http://localhost:8080
  4. export DECK_POD=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "component=deck,app=cd-spinnaker" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
  5. kubectl port-forward --namespace default $DECK_POD 9000
  6. Open http://localhost:9000