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RIF Scheduler SDK

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With the RIF Scheduler SDK you can schedule transactions in the RSK network.


  • Query and purchase plans
  • Schedule transactions
  • Schedule recurrent transactions
  • Cancel a scheduling
  • Query transactions scheduled and statuses

This is the official SDK for @rsksmart/rif-scheduler-contracts smart contract. Use it to interact with the RIFScheduler smart contract in a more simple way.

Getting Started

@rsksmart/rif-scheduler-sdk is built on top of ethers.


npm i @rsksmart/rif-scheduler-sdk ethers

Use 0x0372F6F8C7b2353b546F842Da0C44749664d1203 for RSK Testnet

You can run your own instance following this guide


First, you will need an ethers provider or signer instance.

In order to create an instance of RifScheduler you will need an ethers provider or signer.

Using a provider will only allow read-only operations, such as getPlan. Using a signer will allow all operations, such as purchasePlan, schedule, etc.

For example, to connect the SDK to Metamask

import { RIFScheduler } from "@rsksmart/rif-scheduler-sdk";
import { providers } from "ethers";

const provider = new providers.Web3Provider(web3.currentProvider);

// Creates instance with provider, you can execute read-only operations
const rifScheduler = new RifScheduler({
    contractAddress: serviceProviderContractAddress,
    providerOrSigner: provider

const signer = provider.getSigner();

// Creates instance with signer, you can execute any kind of operation
const rifScheduler = new RifScheduler({
    contractAddress: serviceProviderContractAddress,
    providerOrSigner: signer

What you can do with this sdk?

How to contribute

If you want to contribute, here are the steps you need to run this project locally.

Run for development

Install dependencies:

npm i
npm run build

Build to generate types:

npm run build

Run unit tests

npm test

Coverage report with:

npm run test:coverage

Run linter

npm run lint


npm run lint:fix

Build for production

npm run build

Branching model

  • main has latest release. Merge into main will deploy to npm. Do merge commits.
  • develop has latest approved PR. PRs need to pass ci and scan. Do squash & merge.
  • Use branches pointing to develop to add new PRs.
  • Do external PRs against latest commit in develop.