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RIF Scheduler services

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RIF Scheduler services are used by service providers willing to offer scheduling services. Run this service to:

  • Collect the transactions that need execution
  • Execute the transactions in proper time and collect reward

Run for development

Install dependencies:

npm i

Run unit tests

  1. Start ganache

    npx ganache-cli
  2. Run tests

    npm test

    or watch mode with

    npm run test:watch
  3. Run coverage report:

    npm run coverage

Run linter

npm run lint


npm run lint:fix


npm run build

For production:

npm run build:prod

Run the service

  1. Run build script

  2. Create a .env file in the root directory and put the following variables:

    # directory and name of the cache database
    # number of confirmations you want to require
    # RPC server url with ws or wss protocol
    # RPC server url with http or https protocol
    # 12 words mnemonic phrase of the wallet you want to use to pay the executions
    MNEMONIC_PHRASE=confirm fragile hobby...
    # Address of the one shot scheduler smart contract
    # Block number that indicates from where starting the recovering, usually it will be block number where was deployed the one shot scheduler smart contract
    # Number of blocks that represent a chunk, needed to paginate the recovering process
    # [Optional] Cron expression that specifies the frequency of the Scheduler execution. Default: each 5 minutes.
  3. Run

    npm run start

See here how to run it with Docker

About Confirmations and window time

As a service provider you must to take into account that the execution window is related to the confirmations required, because you must wait until the confirmations are reached to execute the transaction in order to avoid the execution of unconfirmed transactions.

We recommend at least 12 confirmations with a window of 3-5 minutes. This is directly related to the recurrence of the transaction executions, that runs each 5 minutes (Configurable by SCHEDULER_CRON_EXPRESSION environment variable).

You can configure the required confirmations with their own environment variable (REQUIRED_CONFIRMATIONS) and the window time is set by the addPlan method of the RIFScheduler smart contract.


If you like to run the demo, you'll need the following environment variables in addition to what you already have in your .env file.

# Address of the token smart contract
# Address of the counter smart contract

The TOKEN_ADDRESS is the address of the ERC677 smart contract needed to approve the gas that will be consumed by the transactions executions and the COUNTER_ADDRESS is the address of the Counter smart contract that have a method called inc() useful to illustrate the execution of some smart contract.


  1. Start ganache

    npx ganache-cli
  2. Run demo

    npm run demo

Deployment with docker

  1. Create a file with the same variables specified in the Setup section.

  2. From the root of the project execute the following commands:

    docker-compose build
    docker-compose up -d
  3. [Optional] Monitoring with Datadog:

    Execute the following command (don't forget to replace YOUR_DD_API_KEY with your api key from Datadog):

    docker run -d --name datadog-agent \
              -e DD_API_KEY=YOUR_DD_API_KEY \
              -e DD_LOGS_ENABLED=true \
              -e DD_CONTAINER_EXCLUDE_LOGS="name:datadog-agent" \
              -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
              -v /proc/:/host/proc/:ro \
              -v /opt/datadog-agent/run:/opt/datadog-agent/run:rw \
              -v /sys/fs/cgroup/:/host/sys/fs/cgroup:ro datadog/agent:latest

Known Issues

This section outlines acknowledged issues, including workarounds if known.

  • [ #3 ]

    If the service is stopped using the stop method of Core component it couldn't be restarted:

    This issue is related to Web3 and WebSockets, until now the only solutions is to kill the process and start it again.

    Alternatively you could use a tool such as PM2