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Java bindings to Figshare API

This project uses Spring-REST to provide a Java client to the Figshare API.

It is not complete, but supports basic Article operations and File upload.

Installing into a Maven repository

From 0.3.0 onwards, this project can be added as a dependency in your project using JitPack.


or Gradle:

compile 'com.github.rspace-os:figshare-client-java:0.6.0'

Builds and their metadata are available at

Or, you can run:

./mvnw clean install -DskipTests=true

to install into a local Maven repository.


To compile and run unit tests, check out and run the following command. This will install the Gradle build tool if you don't already have it.

./mvnw clean test

To build a jar without tests:

./mvnw clean package -DskipTests=true

Integration tests

Integration tests make real calls to the Figshare API. To run integration tests, you'll need a previously created Figshare account and a private access token that you can obtain from your Figshare account settings page. Add this as a command-line option, replacing 'XXXXX' with your token:

./mvnw clean test -DfigshareToken=XXXXX

Using the library

The library can be used either with a personal token or by using the OAuth2 mechanism to acquire an access token.

You can use this library in a Spring application, or independently.

If a personal token is used, this will take precedence over any OAuth2 access token

Use case 1 - personal token:

In a Spring application

Simply supply a personal token as a system property and autowire the Figshare API into your application:

   private Figshare figshare;

To set up Figshare bean, if using Java configuration, use the configuration as is from SpringTestConfig. E.g.

    @Autowired Environment env;
    FigshareTemplate FigshareTemplate (){
        FigshareTemplate ft =  new FigshareTemplate();
        return ft;

In a non-Spring application

You'll have to set up the FigshareTemplate manually:

    String token = "myToken";
    FigshareTemplate ft =  new FigshareTemplate();
    return ft;


Here is some code which creates a new article, uploads a file, and returns a link to the article on the Figshare website.

    // get a file from somewhere.
    File anyFile = new File("Somefile.xls");

    // Objects to post are generally created using Builder pattern:
    ArticlePostBuilder articleBuilder = ArticlePost.builder();
            .description("Some description")
            .author(new Author("Fred Bloggs", null))
            .author(new Author(null, ""));

    // you can also iterate over Categories to find the ID matching your category

    // tag required for publishing to work, if needed.
    articleBuilder.tags(Arrays.asList(new String []{"from_java"}));
    ArticlePost toPost =;

    // now let's submit it:
    Location article = figshare.createArticle(toPost);
    PrivateArticleLink privateLink = figshare.createPrivateArticleLink(article.getId());
    Location fileId = figshare.uploadFile(article.getId(), anyFile);
    String feedbackMsg = String.format("Deposit succeeded - private article link is %s.", privateLink.getWeblink());