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Multiple two way tables returns error #4

aravindhebbali opened this issue Aug 28, 2017 · 1 comment

Multiple two way tables returns error #4

aravindhebbali opened this issue Aug 28, 2017 · 1 comment


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tway_tables() returns the following error:

> ecom <- readr::read_csv('', 
+   col_types = list(col_integer(), 
+   col_factor(levels = c('bing', 'direct', 'google', 'social', 'yahoo')), 
+   col_factor(levels = c('tablet', 'laptop', 'mobile')), 
+   col_factor(levels = c('true', 'false')), col_integer(), col_double(), 
+   col_double(), col_character(), col_factor(levels = c('true', 'false')), 
+   col_double(), col_double())            
+ )
> tway_tables(ecom)
    Cell Contents
 |     Frequency |
 |       Percent |
 |       Row Pct |
 |       Col Pct |

 Total Observations:  1000 

Error in sort.list(y) : 'x' must be atomic for 'sort.list'
Have you called 'sort' on a list?
Called from: sort.list(y)

Session Info

> sessionInfo()
R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_India.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_India.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_India.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                  
[5] LC_TIME=English_India.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] descriptr_0.1.1 readr_1.1.1     dplyr_0.7.2     bindrcpp_0.2   

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.11         learnr_0.9           compiler_3.4.1      
 [4] git2r_0.15.0         bindr_0.1            tools_3.4.1         
 [7] digest_0.6.10        jsonlite_1.5         evaluate_0.10       
[10] memoise_1.0.0.9001   tibble_1.3.4         pkgconfig_2.0.1     
[13] rlang_0.1.2          rstudioapi_0.6       shiny_1.0.4         
[16] curl_2.2             yaml_2.1.14          withr_1.0.2         
[19] stringr_1.2.0        httr_1.3.1           knitr_1.17          
[22] hms_0.2              htmlwidgets_0.9      devtools_1.13.3     
[25] tidyselect_0.1.1     rprojroot_1.2-10     glue_1.1.1          
[28] R6_2.2.2             rmarkdown_1.6        tidyr_0.7.0         
[31] purrr_0.2.3          skimr_0.9000         magrittr_1.5        
[34] backports_1.0.4      htmltools_0.3.6      colformat_0.0.0.9000
[37] rsconnect_0.8.5      assertthat_0.2.0     mime_0.5            
[40] xtable_1.8-0         httpuv_1.3.5         stringi_1.1.2       
[43] crayon_1.3.2.9000    markdown_0.8
@aravindhebbali aravindhebbali self-assigned this Aug 28, 2017
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Member Author

> tway_tables(ecom)
    Cell Contents
 |     Frequency |
 |       Percent |
 |       Row Pct |
 |       Col Pct |

 Total Observations:  1000 

                            referrer vs device                              
|              |                          device                           |
|     referrer |       tablet |       laptop |       mobile |    Row Total |
|         bing |           69 |           59 |           66 |          194 |
|              |        0.069 |        0.059 |        0.066 |              |
|              |         0.36 |          0.3 |         0.34 |         0.19 |
|              |         0.21 |         0.18 |         0.19 |              |
|       direct |           57 |           70 |           64 |          191 |
|              |        0.057 |         0.07 |        0.064 |              |
|              |          0.3 |         0.37 |         0.34 |         0.19 |
|              |         0.17 |         0.22 |         0.19 |              |
|       google |           67 |           63 |           78 |          208 |
|              |        0.067 |        0.063 |        0.078 |              |
|              |         0.32 |          0.3 |         0.38 |         0.21 |
|              |          0.2 |         0.19 |         0.23 |              |
|       social |           73 |           70 |           57 |          200 |
|              |        0.073 |         0.07 |        0.057 |              |
|              |         0.36 |         0.35 |         0.28 |          0.2 |
|              |         0.22 |         0.22 |         0.17 |              |
|        yahoo |           65 |           63 |           79 |          207 |
|              |        0.065 |        0.063 |        0.079 |              |
|              |         0.31 |          0.3 |         0.38 |         0.21 |
|              |          0.2 |         0.19 |         0.23 |              |
| Column Total |          331 |          325 |          344 |         1000 |
|              |        0.331 |        0.325 |        0.344 |              |

                    referrer vs bouncers                     
|              |                  bouncers                  |
|     referrer |         true |        false |    Row Total |
|         bing |           90 |          104 |          194 |
|              |         0.09 |        0.104 |              |
|              |         0.46 |         0.54 |         0.19 |
|              |         0.18 |         0.21 |              |
|       direct |           93 |           98 |          191 |
|              |        0.093 |        0.098 |              |
|              |         0.49 |         0.51 |         0.19 |
|              |         0.19 |         0.19 |              |
|       google |          107 |          101 |          208 |
|              |        0.107 |        0.101 |              |
|              |         0.51 |         0.49 |         0.21 |
|              |         0.22 |          0.2 |              |
|       social |          107 |           93 |          200 |
|              |        0.107 |        0.093 |              |
|              |         0.54 |         0.46 |          0.2 |
|              |         0.22 |         0.18 |              |
|        yahoo |           97 |          110 |          207 |
|              |        0.097 |         0.11 |              |
|              |         0.47 |         0.53 |         0.21 |
|              |          0.2 |         0.22 |              |
| Column Total |          494 |          506 |         1000 |
|              |        0.494 |        0.506 |              |

                    referrer vs purchase                     
|              |                  purchase                  |
|     referrer |         true |        false |    Row Total |
|         bing |           17 |          177 |          194 |
|              |        0.017 |        0.177 |              |
|              |         0.09 |         0.91 |         0.19 |
|              |         0.17 |          0.2 |              |
|       direct |           25 |          166 |          191 |
|              |        0.025 |        0.166 |              |
|              |         0.13 |         0.87 |         0.19 |
|              |         0.24 |         0.19 |              |
|       google |           19 |          189 |          208 |
|              |        0.019 |        0.189 |              |
|              |         0.09 |         0.91 |         0.21 |
|              |         0.18 |         0.21 |              |
|       social |           20 |          180 |          200 |
|              |         0.02 |         0.18 |              |
|              |          0.1 |          0.9 |          0.2 |
|              |         0.19 |          0.2 |              |
|        yahoo |           22 |          185 |          207 |
|              |        0.022 |        0.185 |              |
|              |         0.11 |         0.89 |         0.21 |
|              |         0.21 |         0.21 |              |
| Column Total |          103 |          897 |         1000 |
|              |        0.103 |        0.897 |              |

                     device vs bouncers                      
|              |                  bouncers                  |
|       device |         true |        false |    Row Total |
|       tablet |          158 |          173 |          331 |
|              |        0.158 |        0.173 |              |
|              |         0.48 |         0.52 |         0.33 |
|              |         0.32 |         0.34 |              |
|       laptop |          176 |          149 |          325 |
|              |        0.176 |        0.149 |              |
|              |         0.54 |         0.46 |         0.32 |
|              |         0.36 |         0.29 |              |
|       mobile |          160 |          184 |          344 |
|              |         0.16 |        0.184 |              |
|              |         0.47 |         0.53 |         0.34 |
|              |         0.32 |         0.36 |              |
| Column Total |          494 |          506 |         1000 |
|              |        0.494 |        0.506 |              |

                     device vs purchase                      
|              |                  purchase                  |
|       device |         true |        false |    Row Total |
|       tablet |           36 |          295 |          331 |
|              |        0.036 |        0.295 |              |
|              |         0.11 |         0.89 |         0.33 |
|              |         0.35 |         0.33 |              |
|       laptop |           31 |          294 |          325 |
|              |        0.031 |        0.294 |              |
|              |          0.1 |          0.9 |         0.32 |
|              |          0.3 |         0.33 |              |
|       mobile |           36 |          308 |          344 |
|              |        0.036 |        0.308 |              |
|              |          0.1 |          0.9 |         0.34 |
|              |         0.35 |         0.34 |              |
| Column Total |          103 |          897 |         1000 |
|              |        0.103 |        0.897 |              |

                    bouncers vs purchase                     
|              |                  purchase                  |
|     bouncers |         true |        false |    Row Total |
|         true |            0 |          494 |          494 |
|              |            0 |        0.494 |              |
|              |            0 |            1 |         0.49 |
|              |            0 |         0.55 |              |
|        false |          103 |          403 |          506 |
|              |        0.103 |        0.403 |              |
|              |          0.2 |          0.8 |         0.51 |
|              |            1 |         0.45 |              |
| Column Total |          103 |          897 |         1000 |
|              |        0.103 |        0.897 |              |

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