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Cycles between a given list at a given interval. Simply define an onactivate hook.

All the options are optional except onactivate.

    c = new Cycler(list, {
      interval: 3000,
      initial: 0, /* first slide's index */
      onactivate: function(current, index, prev, prevIndex) { ... }, /* Required */
      onstart: function() { ... },
      onpause: function() { ... }

Slideshow example

The most common usecase of Cycler is to make your own carousel/slideshow implementation. Here's how you might make one:

    <div class='slideshow'>
      <nav class='controls'>
        <button class='prev'>Prev</button>
        <button class='next'>Next</button>
      <div class='images'>
        <img src='...' />
        <img src='...' />
        <img src='...' />
    var $parent = $(".slideshow");
    var $images = $parent.find("img");

    var c = new Cycler($images, {
      interval: 5000,
      onactivate: function(current) {

    // Custom controls example
    $parent.find("").on("click", function() {; });
    $parent.find("button.prev").on("click", function() { c.previous(); });

    // Pause on hover example
    $parent.on("hover", function() { c.pause(); }, function() { c.start(); });


You can switch by slides using next(), previous() and goTo(). When these are invoked, the interval timer is reset (that is, it will take 3000ms again to switch to the next slide).

If these are called when the slideshow is paused, it should remain paused.

Doing this will trigger the onactivate callback.;

The onactivate hook

This is where the magic happens. It's called everytime a new slide is activated.

The callback takes 4 arguments: the current list item (current) + its index in the list (index), and the previous item (prev) + its index (prevIndex).

    var list = [ 'Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry' ];

    new Cycler(list, {
      onactivate: function(current, index, prev, prevIndex) {
        console.log("Switching from", prev, "to", current);
        console.log("(from", prevIndex, "to", index, ")");

    // Result:
    // Switching from null to "Apple" (from null to 0)
    // Switching from "Apple" to "Banana" (from 0 to 1)
    // Switching from "Banana" to "Cherry" (from 1 to 2)
    // Switching from "Cherry" to "Apple" (from 2 to 0)


You can pause and unpause the slideshow with pause() and start(). Note that calling start() will reset the interval timer.

These will call the onpause and onstart callbacks respectively.


You can pass true as an argument (eg, c.pause(true)) to these to supress triggering the callbacks.


    c.current    /* Numeric index of current item */
    c.list       /* The list being cycled */


All the methods are chainable, too, so you can do:;