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Oracles Presale Contract

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Full Test Report Presale contract that records investor's balances and sends ether to presale owner. It allows to set minimum Contrubution amount, start Date, end Date.

To use:

  1. Flat contracts/PresaleOracles.sol by using solidity-flattener
solidity_flattener --solc-paths=zeppelin-solidity=$(pwd)/node_modules/zeppelin-solidity/ contracts/PresaleOracles.sol --out flat/PresaleOracles_flat.sol
  1. Deploy flat file

  2. Call initialize with following params:

    -startTime in unix format

    -endTime in unix format

    -cap in wei format

    -minimumContribution in wei format

    -vault (eth address where funds will be collected)


startTime: `Friday, November 10, 2017 5:26:14 AM `
endTime: `Sunday, January 10, 2021 3:12:54 PM `
cap: `100 eth `
minimum: `0.1 eth `
vault: `0x0039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef3`
  1. Whitelist investors by calling whitelistInvestors with an array ['0x0039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef3']
  2. Let whitelisted investors send money to contract's address OR to send to buy method (0xa6f2ae3a)

How to whitelist a lot of addresses in batch

  1. cd scripts
  2. npm install
  3. open .env file and modify settings:
  1. run parity with unlocked account from which the deployment will happen. It has to match with your .env UNLOCKED_ADDRESS:
parity --jsonrpc-port 8549 --chain kovan --unlock 0x0039F22efB07A647557C7C5d17854CFD6D489eF3 --password $HOME/FILE_PATH_TO_YOUR_PASSWORD_FILE
  1. Copy list of addresses into scripts/ARRAY_OF_ADDRESSES.json
  2. run node whitelist.js

The script will show you how many total transactions will be generated


If you see this error:

- Unhandled rejection Error: Transaction was not mined within 50 blocks, please make sure your transaction was properly send. Be aware that it might still be mined!

it's totally ok because the transaction is still in the queue and hasn't been mined yet.

Test result and gas usage

  Contract: Presale
    ✓ constructor should set owner
    ✓ can not buy if not initialized (21411 gas)
      ✓ rejects if not sent by owner (25424 gas)
      ✓ sets values (131614 gas)
      ✓ cannot initialize twice (157350 gas)
      ✓ startTime cannot be 0 (25168 gas)
      ✓ endTime cannot be 0 (25232 gas)
      ✓ endTime cannot be less than startTime (25424 gas)
      ✓ cap cannot be 0 (24976 gas)
      ✓ vault cannot be 0x0 (24144 gas)
      ✓ minimumContribution cannot be 0 (24976 gas)
      ✓ cannot buy if not whitelisted (21411 gas)
      ✓ cannot buy if not value is 0 (63333 gas)
      ✓ cannot buy if not value is less than minimum (63333 gas)
      ✓ can not buy if time is not within startTime&endTime (111666 gas)
      ✓ can not buy more than cap (63333 gas)
      ✓ happy path (244544 gas)
    whitelisting capabilities
        ✓ cannot by called by non-owner (23450 gas)
        ✓ whitelists an investor (64399 gas)
        ✓ cannot by called by non-owner (23666 gas)
        ✓ whitelists investors (119844 gas)
        ✓ cannot by called by non-owner (23582 gas)
        ✓ blacklist an investors (139579 gas)

│                                  Gas                                   ·  Block limit: 17592186044415 gas  │
│  Methods                                ·          1 gwei/gas          ·          307.55 usd/eth           │
│  Contract        ·  Method              ·  Min    ·  Max     ·  Avg    ·  # calls       ·  usd (avg)       │
│  PresaleOracles  ·  blacklistInvestor   ·  19735  ·   23582  ·  21659  ·             2  ·            0.01  │
│  PresaleOracles  ·  buy                 ·      -  ·       -  ·      -  ·             0  ·               -  │
│  PresaleOracles  ·  claimTokens         ·      -  ·       -  ·      -  ·             0  ·               -  │
│  PresaleOracles  ·  initialize          ·  24144  ·  131614  ·  46431  ·            10  ·            0.01  │
│  PresaleOracles  ·  Presale             ·      -  ·       -  ·      -  ·             0  ·               -  │
│  PresaleOracles  ·  transferOwnership   ·      -  ·       -  ·      -  ·             0  ·               -  │
│  PresaleOracles  ·  whitelistInvestor   ·  23450  ·   64399  ·  50749  ·             3  ·            0.02  │
│  PresaleOracles  ·  whitelistInvestors  ·  23666  ·  119844  ·  87785  ·             3  ·            0.03  │

  23 passing (3m)

Testnet deployment

Latest Contract deployments

With Claimable:

Previous deployments with old source code:

Contract Deployment:

Called Initialize by Owner with params: "1510291574","1610291574","40000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000","0x0039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef3" (40000 eth cap, 1 eth minimum)

Called fallback with 0.5 ether: (expected error)

Called buy(0xa6f2ae3a) with 1 ether: Verified forwarded funds as internal transaction.

Called fallback with 0.1 ether to add to already contributer 1 eth from the same address:

Cap tests: Deployed contract: "1510291574","1610291574","500000000000000000","100000000000000000","0x0039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef3" (cap 0.5 eth, min 0.1 eth)

Send 1 eth over cap(expected error):

Send 0.5 to match cap:

Send additional 0.00001 to over cap(expected error):

Time tests: Send after sale ends(expected error): "1507667268","1507753668","500000000000000000","100000000000000000","0x0039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef3"

Send 0.1 ether to get rejected:


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