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schloerke committed Mar 29, 2018
1 parent 5d7649a commit 5eb8181
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Showing 4 changed files with 265 additions and 361 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .Rbuildignore
Expand Up @@ -30,3 +30,4 @@
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
## Test environments
* local OS X install, R 3.4.4
* ubuntu 12.04 (on travis-ci), R 3.4.4
* win-builder (devel and release)

## R CMD check results

0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 note

## Reverse dependencies

* I have run R CMD check on the NUMBER downstream dependencies.

### Failure Summary

* All revdep maintainers were notified on March 29, 2018 for a release date of April 16th.

2 false-positve Package failures:
* geoSpectral
* error in example with both CRAN and new version of leaflet
* jpndistrict
* error in test with both CRAN and new version of leaflet

3 packages that could not be tested:
* lawn
* robis
* segclust2d
222 changes: 115 additions & 107 deletions revdep/
Expand Up @@ -2,125 +2,133 @@

|field |value |
|version |R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30) |
|version |R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15) |
|os |macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 |
|system |x86_64, darwin15.6.0 |
|ui |X11 |
|language |(EN) |
|collate |en_US.UTF-8 |
|tz |NA |
|date |2018-02-09 |
|tz |America/Los_Angeles |
|date |2018-03-29 |

# Dependencies

|package |old |new |Δ |
|leaflet |1.1.0 | |* |
|assertthat |0.2.0 |0.2.0 | |
|base64enc |0.1-3 |0.1-3 | |
|cli |1.0.0 |1.0.0 | |
|colorspace |1.3-2 |1.3-2 | |
|crayon |1.3.4 |1.3.4 | |
|crosstalk |1.0.0 |1.0.0 | |
|dichromat |2.0-0 |2.0-0 | |
|digest |0.6.15 |0.6.15 | |
|ggplot2 |2.2.1 |2.2.1 | |
|gridExtra |2.3 |2.3 | |
|gtable |0.2.0 |0.2.0 | |
|htmltools |0.3.6 |0.3.6 | |
|htmlwidgets |1.0 |1.0 | |
|httpuv |1.3.5 |1.3.5 | |
|jsonlite |1.5 |1.5 | |
|labeling |0.3 |0.3 | |
|lazyeval |0.2.1 |0.2.1 | |
|magrittr |1.5 |1.5 | |
|markdown |0.8 |0.8 | |
|mime |0.5 |0.5 | |
|munsell |0.4.3 |0.4.3 | |
|pillar |1.1.0 |1.1.0 | |
|plyr |1.8.4 |1.8.4 | |
|png |0.1-7 |0.1-7 | |
|R6 |2.2.2 |2.2.2 | |
|raster |2.6-7 |2.6-7 | |
|RColorBrewer |1.1-2 |1.1-2 | |
|Rcpp |0.12.15 |0.12.15 | |
|reshape2 |1.4.3 |1.4.3 | |
|rlang |0.1.6 |0.1.6 | |
|scales |0.5.0 |0.5.0 | |
|shiny |1.0.5 |1.0.5 | |
|sourcetools |0.1.6 |0.1.6 | |
|sp |1.2-7 |1.2-7 | |
|stringi |1.1.6 |1.1.6 | |
|stringr |1.2.0 |1.2.0 | |
|tibble |1.4.2 |1.4.2 | |
|utf8 |1.1.3 |1.1.3 | |
|viridis |0.5.0 |0.5.0 | |
|viridisLite |0.3.0 |0.2.0 |* |
|xtable |1.8-2 |1.8-2 | |
|yaml |2.1.16 |2.1.16 | |
|package |old |new |Δ |
|leaflet |1.1.0 |2.0.0 |* |
|assertthat |0.2.0 |0.2.0 | |
|base64enc |0.1-3 |0.1-3 | |
|cli |1.0.0 |1.0.0 | |
|colorspace |1.3-2 |1.3-2 | |
|crayon |1.3.4 |1.3.4 | |
|crosstalk |1.0.0 |1.0.0 | |
|dichromat |2.0-0 |2.0-0 | |
|digest |0.6.15 |0.6.15 | |
|ggplot2 |2.2.1 |2.2.1 | |
|glue |1.2.0 |1.2.0 | |
|gridExtra |2.3 |2.3 | |
|gtable |0.2.0 |0.2.0 | |
|htmltools |0.3.6 |0.3.6 | |
|htmlwidgets |1.0 |1.0 | |
|httpuv | | | |
|jsonlite |1.5 |1.5 | |
|labeling |0.3 |0.3 | |
|lazyeval |0.2.1 |0.2.1 | |
|magrittr |1.5 |1.5 | |
|markdown |0.8 |0.8 | |
|mime |0.5 |0.5 | |
|munsell |0.4.3 |0.4.3 | |
|pillar |1.2.1 |1.2.1 | |
|plyr |1.8.4 |1.8.4 | |
|png |0.1-7 |0.1-7 | |
|R6 |2.2.2 |2.2.2 | |
|raster |2.6-7 |2.6-7 | |
|RColorBrewer |1.1-2 |1.1-2 | |
|Rcpp |0.12.16 |0.12.16 | |
|reshape2 |1.4.3 |1.4.3 | |
|rlang |0.2.0 |0.2.0 | |
|scales |0.5.0 |0.5.0 | |
|shiny |1.0.5 |1.0.5 | |
|sourcetools |0.1.6 |0.1.6 | |
|sp |1.2-7 |1.2-7 | |
|stringi |1.1.7 |1.1.7 | |
|stringr |1.3.0 |1.3.0 | |
|tibble |1.4.2 |1.4.2 | |
|utf8 |1.1.3 |1.1.3 | |
|viridis |0.5.1 |0.5.1 | |
|viridisLite |0.3.0 |0.3.0 | |
|xtable |1.8-2 |1.8-2 | |
|yaml |2.1.18 |2.1.18 | |

# Revdeps

## Couldn't check (1)
## Couldn't check (4)

|package |version |error |warning |note |
|[teachingApps]( |1.0.2 |__+1__ | |-1 |
|package |version |error |warning |note |
|lawn |? | | | |
|leaflet.esri |? | | | |
|robis |? | | | |
|[segclust2d]( |0.1.0 |1 | | |

## All (52)
## All (56)

|package |version |error |warning |note |
|[amt]( | | |3 |1 |
|[antaresViz]( |0.12.0 | |1 | |
|blscrapeR |3.1.1 | | | |
|cancensus |0.1.7 | | | |
|cycleRtools |1.1.1 | | | |
|eAnalytics |0.1.3 | | | |
|futureheatwaves |1.0.3 | | | |
|geojsonio |0.5.0 | | | |
|geoSpectral |0.17.4 | | | |
|inlmisc |0.3.5 | | | |
|[jpmesh]( |1.0.1 | | |3 |
|[jpndistrict]( |0.3.0 | |1 |1 |
|[lawn]( |0.4.2 | | |1 |
|[leaflet.esri]( |0.2 | | |1 |
|[leaflet.extras]( |0.2 | | |1 |
|leaflet.minicharts |0.5.2 | | | |
|[leafletCN]( |0.2.1 | | |3 |
|[lingtypology]( |1.0.11 | | |1 |
|[macleish]( |0.3.2 | |1 | |
|manipulateWidget |0.8.0 | | | |
|[mapedit]( |0.3.2 | | |1 |
|[mapr]( |0.3.4 | | |1 |
|[mapsapi]( |0.3.0 | | |1 |
|mapview |2.3.0 | | | |
|[metScanR]( |1.1.1 | | |3 |
|neotoma |1.7.0 | | | |
|[nyctaxi]( |0.0.1 | |1 | |
|openadds |0.2.0 | | | |
|owmr |0.7.2 | | | |
|[parlitools]( |0.2.1 | | |1 |
|[PWFSLSmoke]( |1.0.10 | |1 | |
|QRAGadget |0.1.0 | | | |
|rdefra |0.3.4 | | | |
|[rdwd]( |0.9.0 | |1 | |
|RgoogleMaps |1.4.1 | | | |
|Rnightlights |0.1.5 | | | |
|rnoaa |0.7.0 | | | |
|robis |1.0.0 | | | |
|RSurvey |0.9.2 | | | |
|[SpatialEpiApp]( |0.3 | | |2 |
|[statesRcontiguous]( |0.1.0 | |1 |2 |
|[stationaRy]( |0.4.1 | | |1 |
|[synthACS]( |1.0.1 | |1 | |
|[teachingApps]( |1.0.2 |__+1__ | |-1 |
|tigris |0.6.2 | | | |
|[tilegramsR]( |0.2.0 | |2 |2 |
|[tmap]( |1.11 | | |1 |
|[trackeR]( |1.0.0 | |1 |1 |
|[wallace]( |1.0.3 | | |1 |
|wellknown |0.1.0 | | | |
|[windfarmGA]( |1.1.1 | | |1 |
|worldmet |0.8.0 | | | |
|package |version |error |warning |note |
|[amt]( | | | |1 |
|blscrapeR |3.1.2 | | | |
|cancensus |0.1.7 | | | |
|[CDECRetrieve]( |0.1.0 | | |1 |
|cycleRtools |1.1.1 | | | |
|eAnalytics |0.1.3 | | | |
|futureheatwaves |1.0.3 | | | |
|genogeographer |0.1.8 | | | |
|geojsonio |0.5.0 | | | |
|[geoSpectral]( |0.17.4 |1 | | |
|inlmisc |0.3.5 | | | |
|[jpmesh]( |1.1.0 | | |1 |
|[jpndistrict]( |0.3.0 |1 | |1 |
|lawn |? | | | |
|leaflet.esri |? | | | |
|[leaflet.extras]( |0.2 | | |1 |
|leaflet.minicharts |0.5.2 | | | |
|[leafletCN]( |0.2.1 | | |3 |
|[lingtypology]( |1.0.12 | | |1 |
|macleish |0.3.2 | | | |
|manipulateWidget |0.9.0 | | | |
|[mapedit]( |0.4.1 | | |1 |
|[mapr]( |0.4.0 | | |1 |
|[mapsapi]( |0.3.5 | | |1 |
|mapview |2.3.0 | | | |
|[metScanR]( |1.2.0 | | |1 |
|neotoma |1.7.0 | | | |
|nyctaxi |0.0.1 | | | |
|openadds |0.2.0 | | | |
|owmr |0.7.2 | | | |
|[parlitools]( |0.2.1 | | |1 |
|ppcSpatial |0.2.0 | | | |
|PWFSLSmoke |1.0.16 | | | |
|QRAGadget |0.1.0 | | | |
|rdefra |0.3.4 | | | |
|[rdwd]( |0.9.0 | |1 | |
|RgoogleMaps |1.4.1 | | | |
|Rnightlights |0.1.5 | | | |
|rnoaa |0.7.0 | | | |
|robis |? | | | |
|[rpostgisLT]( |0.6.0 | | |1 |
|RSurvey |0.9.2 | | | |
|[segclust2d]( |0.1.0 |1 | | |
|[SpatialEpiApp]( |0.3 | | |2 |
|[statesRcontiguous]( |0.1.0 | | |2 |
|[stationaRy]( |0.4.1 | | |1 |
|synthACS |1.0.1 | | | |
|[teachingApps]( |1.0.2 | | |1 |
|tigris |0.6.2 | | | |
|[tilegramsR]( |0.2.0 | | |2 |
|[tmap]( |1.11-1 | | |1 |
|[trackeR]( |1.0.0 | | |1 |
|[wallace]( |1.0.4 | | |1 |
|wellknown |0.1.0 | | | |
|[windfarmGA]( |1.2.1 | | |1 |
|worldmet |0.8.4 | | | |

0 comments on commit 5eb8181

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