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rmarkdown 1.11

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@yihui yihui released this 08 Dec 14:18
  • Fixed #1483, which prevented the triangle to be displayed in Firefox when <details><summary>...</summary></details> was used (#1485, @Bisaloo)

  • Provided rmarkdown.pandoc.args as a knitr package option in knitr::opts_knit (#1468, @noamross).

  • Added the exported function pandoc_exec(), which returns the path of the pandoc binary used by the package (#1465, #1466 @noamross).

  • new_session: true in _site.yml causes render_site() to render each file in a new R session, eliminating some cross-file difficulties, such as function masking (#1326, #1443 @jennybc).

  • Added the LaTeX command \passthrough in the default LaTeX template for the --listings flag of Pandoc (rstudio/bookdown#591).

  • The icons in flexdashboard::valueBox() are not of the full sizes due to the upgrade of FontAwesome in #1340 in the previous version (#1388, rstudio/flexdashboard#189).

  • Added the ability to generate tabset dropdowns, usable by adding the .tabset-dropdown class to a header (e.g., # Heading {.tabset .tabset-dropdown}) (#1405). Thanks @stefanfritsch for contributing the necessary code for this (#1116).

  • The darkly theme (a darker variant of the Bootswatch flatly theme) has been added to html_document and html_notebook (#1409, #889).

  • Fixed a regression that caused scrollbars on code blocks when the syntax highlighting theme is not the default (#654, #1399).

  • Fixed #1407: reactive expressions can break the section headers of Shiny R Markdown documents.

  • Fixed #1431: render() with the intermediates_dir argument when the output format is powerpoint_presentation with a custom reference_doc fails to find the reference document.

  • Fixed the website navbar not being able to display submenus properly (#721, #1426).

  • Added checks for shiny-prerendered documents to find all html dependencies, match all execution packages, and match the major R version (#1420).

  • Added an argument cache = TRUE to the internal function rmarkdown:::find_pandoc(), so that users can invalidate the cached path of Pandoc via rmarkdown:::find_pandoc(cache = FALSE) (thanks, @hammer, #1482).

  • Added an RStudio project template for simple R Markdown websites, so that users can create such websites from RStudio: New Project -> New Directory -> Simple R Markdown Website (thanks, @kevinushey, #1470).

  • Fixed #1471: Pandoc's (version 2.x) syntax highlighting themes don't work well with the Bootstrap style (thanks, @gponce-ars #1471, @cderv #1489).

  • Fixed the warnings in #1224 and #1288 when calling render() with an absolute output_dir or intermediates_dir.

  • Fixed #1300: calling render() with intermediates_dir may fail when the intermediate dir is on a difference device or filesystem.

  • Fixed #1358: calling render() with intermediates_dir will fail if the Rmd document contains bibliography files that are dynamically generated.