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ssdownloader has implemented the zendesk and sendsafely rest APIs to provide support for search for sendsafely links in tickets and downloading all files found.

Other features include:

  • support for downloading zendesk attachments
  • ability to download sendsafely links with no zendesk information
  • storage of api credentials
  • download of all content into well known directory structures
  • support for verbose logging
  • multithreaded with support for adjusting the number of threads for you performance needs


Apache 2.0 License


First there are binaries here so you can always get those if any of the following methods do not work for you.

On mac I suggest homebrew:

brew tap rsvihladremio/tools
brew install ssdownloader
ssdownloader init
ssdownloader ticket 9999 
ssdownloader main-a3caa66-darwin-amd64

and then you should see something like the following

2022/06/23 10:35:35 making dir /Users/foo/.sendsafely
2022/06/23 10:35:35 making dir /Users/foo/.sendsafely/tickets/9999
2022/06/23 10:35:35 downloading fqfqsdfqds-fdfsd-fdqfd-fqdfq-fdqfdsffqdfq -
2022/06/23 10:35:35 downloading cbabd5ba-fdqf-fdqdf-qfd-fqdfsdfqs -
2022/06/23 10:35:35 downloading server.log

On Linux or WSL do the following:

curl -sSfL | sh 

then you can run

ssdownloader init
ssdownloader ticket 9999 
ssdownloader main-a3caa66-darwin-amd64

and then you should see something like the following

2022/06/23 10:35:35 making dir /Users/foo/.sendsafely
2022/06/23 10:35:35 making dir /Users/foo/.sendsafely/tickets/9999
2022/06/23 10:35:35 downloading fqfqsdfqds-fdfsd-fdqfd-fqdfq-fdqfdsffqdfq -
2022/06/23 10:35:35 downloading cbabd5ba-fdqf-fdqdf-qfd-fqdfsdfqs -
2022/06/23 10:35:35 downloading server.log

On Windows do the following:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser # Optional: Needed to run a remote script the first time
irm  | iex 

then you can run

.\ssdownloader.exe init
.\ssdownloader.exe ticket 9999 
.\ssdownloader.exe main-a3caa66-darwin-amd64

and you should see something like the following output

2022/06/23 10:35:35 making dir /Users/foo/.sendsafely
2022/06/23 10:35:35 making dir /Users/foo/.sendsafely/tickets/9999
2022/06/23 10:35:35 downloading fqfqsdfqds-fdfsd-fdqfd-fqdfq-fdqfdsffqdfq -
2022/06/23 10:35:35 downloading cbabd5ba-fdqf-fdqdf-qfd-fqdfsdfqs -
2022/06/23 10:35:35 downloading server.log


On Linux, Mac, and WSL there are some shell scripts modeled off the GitHub ones

to get started run


after a pull it is a good idea to run




before checkin run


to cut a release do the following

#dont forget to update with the release notes
git tag v0.1.1
./script/release v0.1.1
gh repo view -w
# review the draft and when done set it to publish


Similarly on Windows there are powershell scripts of the same design

to get started run


after a pull it is a good idea to run




before checkin run


to cut a release do the following

#dont forget to update with the release notes
git tag v0.1.1
.\script\release.ps1 v0.1.1
gh repo view -w
# review the draft and when done set it to publish


why go ?

Ease of deployment, easy to learn development and fast enough. Some people will say why not Python? why not Java? why not Rust? In one way or another they will lack, I love all of them and use them regularly for other tasks, but this is neither performance sensitive, nor server based (so deployment ease matters a lot) and those that need to maintain it need a language they can spin up easily.