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Categorical Sentiment Analysis & Recommendation System for Social Networks


The project implements a model to cluster Tweets/Facebook posts into various categories such as Movies, Restaurants etc. Then a real time analysis of what the most talked about items in each category by location is performed, for example: top trending movies in the Greenwich Village area, etc. We will understand the semantic/sentiment behind the post to give a score weighting to each item in the category possibly by using some kind of sentiment analysis, number of likes, retweets etc. This will also be a word cloud associated for the items in the list to give the user more granular information.

We stored queried categorized tweets as the training data, with labels of keywords on the first column, texts and other metadata. With this training set, we can cluster these tweets into categories using Spark with n-gram and KMeans algorithms by MLlib. After training, we uploaded the model to HDFS, so that it can be loaded to cluster further tweets in real time. Sentiment analysis will also be adopted meanwhile to clustering new tweets. We used the methods, e.g. RNN, provided by the Stanford CoreNLP to understand whether a user/tweet expresses positive or negative attitude. Scores from 0 to 4 indicate as “very negative”, “negative”, “neutral”, “positive”, and “very positive” respectively.

The project is written in Scala on Spark, with big data techniques such as Spark SQL, Apache Pig, the MLlib distributed machine learning library, and Stanford CoreNLP.

Running the Program

  • To train the clustering model, and upload the model, Yelp and movies data to HDFS:

On Dumbo: use the script to execute the program.

  • To do sentiment analysis and cluster realtime tweets with the model stored in HDFS:

On Dumbo: use the script to execute the program.

  • To automatically fetch more tweets for training the model:

Use the script to execute the program.

  • To process data:

Run individual pig scripts within the folder (/data-processing)for processing each datasource:

example : pig /data-processing/yelp-process.pig


Apache Spark

Apache Maven



Stanford CoreNLP


Being consistent with the GitHub rtb-nyu/trendalytics repository, the codes inside the following directories are:

  •  src Main Scala source codes. Please refer to src/main/scala/com/trendalytics/ for more details.

  • outputResults Output log files illustrating the successfulness of analytics.

  • trendalytics_data Four data sources.

  • data-processing PigLatin or Python scripts for processing Yelp and Facebook data.

Data Sources

We have got top-rank movies from TMDb API, restaurants from Yelp API.

We fetch realtime tweets via Twitter developers API, and Facebook posts via Facebook developers API.


We would like to thank Facebook, Twitter, Yelp and TMDb for allowing access to their APIs.

We would like to thank Professor Suzanne McIntosh for providing us constant support and guidance.


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