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.. currentmodule:: grid2op.Action



The "Action" module lets you define some actions on the underlying power _grid. These actions are either made by an agent, or by the environment.

For now, the actions can act on:

  • the "injections" and allows you to change:
    • the generators active power production setpoint
    • the generators voltage magnitude setpoint
    • the loads active power consumption
    • the loads reactive power consumption
  • the status of the powerlines (connected/disconnected)
  • the configuration at substations eg setting different objects to different buses for example

The BaseAction class is abstract. You can implement it the way you want. If you decide to extend it, make sure that the :class:`grid2op.Backend` class will be able to understand it. If you don't, your extension will not affect the underlying powergrid. Indeed a :class:`grid2op.Backend` will call the :func:`BaseAction.__call__` method and should understands its return type.

The :class:`BaseAction` and all its derivatives also offer some usefull inspection utilities:

From :class:`BaseAction` inherit in particular the :class:`PlayableAction`, the base class of all action that players are allowed to play.

Finally, :class:`BaseAction` class define some strict behavior to follow if reimplementing them. The correctness of each instances of BaseAction is assessed both when calling :func:`BaseAction.update` or with a call to :func:`BaseAction._check_for_ambiguity` performed for example by the Backend when it must implement its effect on the powergrid through a call to :func:`BaseAction.__call__`

Illegal vs Ambiguous

Manipulating a powergrid is more complex than asking "pacman" to move "left" / "down" / "right" or "up". Computing a correct action can be a tedious process.

An action can be incorrect because of two main factors:

  • ambiguous: this will be the case when an action is performed on 17 objects whereas the given substations counts only 16 of them, this will be the case when you ask to reconnect powerline 999 while there are only 20 powerlines on the grid etc. This is raised when the action cannot be understood as a correct action. Grid2op does not know how to interpret your action. If we take the "PacMan" game an ambiguous action would translate in moving "up" and "down" at the same time.
  • illegal: (see :class:`grid2op.Rules.BaseRules` and :class:`grid2op.Parameters.Parameters` for more information). An action can be legal or illegal depending on the rules of the game. For example, we could forbid to reconnect powerline 7 between time steps 123 and 159 (this would corresponds to a "maintenance" of the powerline, you can imagine people painting the tower for example). But that does not mean reconnecting powerline 7 is forbidden at other times steps. In this case we say the action is "illegal". Still my overall favorite game, in PacMan this would be the equivalent to moving left while there are a wall on the left.

Ambiguous or Illegal, the action will be replaced by a "do nothing" without any other incidents on the game.

Note on powerline status

As of grid2op version 1.2.0, we attempted to clean and rationalize the API concerning the change of powerline status (see explanatory notebook getting_started/3_Action_GridManipulation for more detailed explanation.

The powerline status (connected / disconnected) can now be affected in two different ways:

  • by setting / changing its status directly (using the "set_line_status" or "change_line_status" keyword).
  • [NEW] by modifying the bus on any of the end (origin or extremity) of a powerline

In that later case, the behavior is:

  • if the bus of a powerline end (origin or extremity) is "set" to -1 and not modified at the other and if the powerline was connected, it will disconnect this powerline
  • if the bus of a powerline end (origin or extremity) is "set" to 1 or 2 at one end and not modified at the other and if the powerline was connected, it will reconnect the powerline
  • if the bus of a powerline end (origin or extremity) is "set" to -1 at one end and set to 1 or 2 at its other end the action is ambiguous.

The way to compute the impact of the action has also been adjusted to reflect these changes.

In the table below we try to summarize all the possible actions and their impact on the powerline. This table is made considering that "LINE_ID" is an id of a powerline and "SUB_OR" is the id of the origin of the substation. If a status is 0 it means the powerlines is disconnected, if the status is 1 it means it is connected.

action original status final status substations affected line status affected
{"set_line_status": [(LINE_ID, -1)]} 1 0 None LINE_ID
{"set_line_status": [(LINE_ID, +1)]} 1 1 None LINE_ID
{"set_line_status": [(LINE_ID, -1)]} 0 0 None LINE_ID
{"set_line_status": [(LINE_ID, +1)]} 0 1 None LINE_ID
{"change_line_status": [LINE_ID]} 1 0 None LINE_ID
{"change_line_status": [LINE_ID]} 0 1 None LINE_ID
{"set_bus": {"lines_or_id": [(LINE_ID, -1)]}} 1 0 None INE_ID
{"set_bus": {"lines_or_id": [(LINE_ID, -1)]}} 0 0 SUB_OR None
{"set_bus": {"lines_or_id": [(LINE_ID, 2)]}} 1 1 SUB_OR None
{"set_bus": {"lines_or_id": [(LINE_ID, 2)]}} 0 1 None LINE_ID
{"change_bus": {"lines_or_id": [LINE_ID]}} 1 1 SUB_OR None
{"change_bus": {"lines_or_id": [LINE_ID]}} 0 0 SUB_OR None

This has other impacts. In grid2op there is a convention that if an object is disconnected, then it is assigned to bus "-1". For a powerline this entails that a status changed affects the bus of

As we explained in the previous paragraph, some action on one end of a powerline can reconnect a powerline or disconnect it. This means they modify the bus of both the extremity of the powerline.

Here is a table summarizing how the buses are impacted. We denoted by "PREVIOUS_OR" the last bus at which the origin end of the powerline was connected and "PREVIOUS_EX" the last bus at which the extremity end of the powerline was connected. Note that for clarity when something is not modified by the action we decided to write on the table "not modified" (this entails that after this action, if the powerline is connected then "new origin bus" is "PREVIOUS_OR" and "new extremity bus" is "PREVIOUS_EX"). We remind the reader that "-1" encode for a disconnected object.

action original status final status new origin bus new extremity bus
{"set_line_status": [(LINE_ID, -1)]} 1 0 -1 -1
{"set_line_status": [(LINE_ID, +1)]} 1 1 Not modified Not modified
{"set_line_status": [(LINE_ID, -1)]} 0 0 Not modified Not modified
{"set_line_status": [(LINE_ID, +1)]} 0 1 PREVIOUS_OR PREVIOUS_EX
{"change_line_status": [LINE_ID]} 1 0 -1 -1
{"change_line_status": [LINE_ID]} 0 1 PREVIOUS_OR PREVIOUS_EX
{"set_bus": {"lines_or_id": [(LINE_ID, -1)]}} 1 0 -1 -1
{"set_bus": {"lines_or_id": [(LINE_ID, -1)]}} 0 0 Not modified Not modified
{"set_bus": {"lines_or_id": [(LINE_ID, 2)]}} 1 1 2 Not modified
{"set_bus": {"lines_or_id": [(LINE_ID, 2)]}} 0 1 2 PREVIOUS_EX
{"change_bus": {"lines_or_id": [LINE_ID]}} 1 1 * Not modified
{"change_bus": {"lines_or_id": [LINE_ID]}} 0 0 Not modified Not modified

* means that this bus is affected: if it was on bus 1 it moves on bus 2 and vice versa.

Easier actions manipulation

The action class presented here can be quite complex to apprehend, especially for a machine learning algorithm.

It is possible to use the :class:`grid2op.Converter` class for such purpose. You can have a look at the dedicated documentation.

Detailed Documentation by class

.. automodule:: grid2op.Action