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Code for our paper Simon’s Algorithm and Symmetric Crypto: Generalizations and Automatized Applications

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This repository contains the source code of the automatic search described in our paper Simon's Algorithm and Symmetric Crypto: Generalizations and Automatized Applications. We can divide the code basically in four parts. First there is the code for the actual search, as described in Section 5 of our paper. Second, there are files that contain the setups of our search that we used to find some previously known attacks. We cover these only partly in the paper. The main purpose of this is to show that our approach does indeed work. We also set up a foundation of input nodes and rules that we can reuse when we search for new attacks. Next, there are setups of the searches that lead to the new attacks, most importantly the ones on MISTY and Feistel which we describe in Section 3.2. Last, there are setups of searches that were unsuccessful. Below we list the constructions we examined.

file attack
even_mansour.sage known
feistel_known.sage known
feistel_novel.sage new
fx.sage known
hctr.sage known
iterated_even_mansour.sage known
LRWQ.sage unsuccessful
macs.sage known
misty.sage new
pEDM.sage new (GMS)
sokac.sage new (GMS)
sponge.sage unsuccessful
sum_of_even_mansour.sage known


even_mansour.sage is a good way to start since the attack on Even-Mansour is simple. The setup for each search is encapsulated in a function, so to execute the search, you only need to load and run it.

sage: load("even_mansour.sage")
sage: even_mansour_search()
Keys:  [7, 12]
Circuit with periods (7,): 545
Searched through circuit tree of size 1012
-> 40 inner nodes ((3.95%))
-> 972 leaves ((96.05%))
Number of circuits tested with rules:  213  ((21.05%))
-> inner nodes: 25 ((62.5%) of inner nodes,  (11.74%) of tests)
-> leaves: 188 ((19.34%)% of leaves,  (88.26%)% of tests)
Number of circuits tested for periodicity:  17 ((1.75%)% of leaves)
-> 16 without, 0 with trivial and  1 with interesting period

If you want to have a closer look, a more interactive usage is sensible. If you execute the code inside the even_mansour_search function, you can load and plot the found circuit.

sage: CI.C.from_int(545);
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 13 graphics primitives

The blue node represents the input. Orange nodes represents gates where the number is the index of the gate in the list of the circuit. In this case, 0 is XOR, 1 is encryption and 2 is the public permutation (see setup of Even-Mansour search below). The edges are labeled with 1 for the left predecessor, 2 for the right predecessor and 3 if both are the same. Notice that the notation in the paper differs slightly and reverses all edges. The above circuit corresponds to the function f(x) = E(x) XOR P(x).

Sometimes the generated graphs are laid out poorly but you can print the internals of the circuit, i.e., the associated gate function and the left and right predecessor of each node.

sage: CI.C.gates; CI.C.lefts; CI.C.rights
[None, 1, 2, 0]
[None, 0, 0, 1]
[None, 0, 0, 2]

Set up a Search

Let's have a closer look at the setup of the search on Even-Mansour.


def even_mansour_search():
    # sample keys and random permutation
    N = 4
    key = random.sample(range(1, 2^N), 2)
    print("Keys: ", key)
    P = random_permutation(2^N)

    # prepare gates
    P_ = lambda x,y: P(x)
    E = lambda x, y: P(x ^^ key[0]) ^^ key[1]
    XOR = lambda x,y: x^^y
    GATES = [XOR, E, P_]

    # prepare input nodes
    X = [x for x in range(2^N)]
    C_init = [X]

    RULES = [rule_is_normal,
             gen_rule_number_of_oracles([([1], 1)]),

    # search for periodic circuit
    CI = CircuitIterator(C_init, GATES, 3, RULES)

We first load the backend of the attack. Then, encapsulated in a function, we first sample the building blocks of Even-Mansour, i.e., two random keys and a random permutation. Next we define the gates, i.e., the building blocks of our circuit. A gate is simply a function that takes two inputs and has one output. For P and E we only have one input, so we simply ignore the second. Notice that our implementation requires that the first gate is always XOR. Next, we define the initial circuit, i.e., the input nodes of the circuits. Here, we only have one input. For other searches, we might add additional input such as constants. Last, we define some rules. The purpose of rules are to exclude as many useless circuits as possible. rules.sage contains a number of predefined rules you can use. With gates, initial circuit and rules being defined, we can start the search. Here, we have to specify the size of circuit, i.e., the number of gates that will be added (3 in this case).


Our implementation can not only be utilized to search for attacks based on Simon's algorithm, but also to search for attacks based on Grover-Meets-Simon. The idea is simply to add an additional input node u and search for circuits for which for a specific u* we obtain a periodic function. Let's again have a look at a simple example, namely the FX construction.


def fx_gms_search():
    N = 5
    ED = [random_permutation(2^N, inverseToo=True) for _ in range(2^N)]
    E, D = [ED[i][0] for i in range(2^N)], [ED[i][1] for i in range(2^N)]
    RND = random_permutation(2^N)

    key = [ZZ.random_element(2^N), ZZ.random_element(2^N), ZZ.random_element(2^N)]
    assert key[1] != 0, "key is zero"
    assert key[2] != 0, "key is zero"

    FX = lambda x,y: E[key[0]](x ^^ key[1]) ^^ key[2]
    ENC = lambda x, y: E[y](x)
    DEC = lambda x, y: D[y](x)
    XOR = lambda x,y: x^^y
    FX_rnd = lambda x,y: RND(x)

    U = [u for u in range(2^N) for _ in range(2^N)]
    X = [x for _ in range(2^N) for x in range(2^N)]

    C_init = [U, X]

    GATES = [XOR, FX, ENC]
    GATES_random = [XOR, FX_rnd, ENC]

    RULES = [rule_is_normal, rule_xors,
             gen_rule_number_of_oracles(MIN=[([1], 1)])]

    CI = CircuitIterator(C_init, GATES, 3, RULES, GATES_random)
    #CI.search_periodic_circuit_gms(N, N, u_=key[0], compare_random=True)
    CI.search_periodic_circuit_gms(N, N, compare_random=True)

The setup is similar to the one for Even-Mansour, but there are two differences. On the one hand, we add the additional input node u and use the corresponding _gms version of our search algorithm. If we have an idea what the value of u* should be, we can specify it and only test for that value to speed up the computation. On the other hand, we specify random versions of our gates. Thereby, our algorithm can check whether the random version of a function still is periodic. If so, the period is trivial and the function is ignored.


Code for our paper Simon’s Algorithm and Symmetric Crypto: Generalizations and Automatized Applications






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